Im still hereeeeee i promise!!
Ive not been on any kind of diet but Im still here
So. We kinda talked about it....I talked with my sister and with hubby. And hubby seems to think that, of course, its a concern. But --the long and short of it is that I am due TOTM any day within the next week or so. Need I say more? Anyway. Yeah. So we are planning to go ahead with the interview in London on the 19th as planned. And see how that goes. If we actually get it, then we will worry about the next bit..which is - my sister getting a bigger house. She currently rents a tiny little house and it wouldnt really be very good for 5 adults (she has a chick room mate already) and 2 kids. Just wouldnt work, long term. So shes going for a bigger house and provided she gets that, we are gonna keep saving and plan to leave maybe November I would, in theory like to be back home before halloween but not sure how feasible that is. Anyway. One step at a time and all that.
So that said...I HAVE GOT TO GET MYSELF UNDER CONTROL. Ive just been an eat-monster for DAYS now.
No more. Im going to make a pancake TONIGHT before bed so its ready and in the fridge when I get up. NO EXCUSES. Im going to have 4 or 5 pancakes tomorrow just to ease back into it. Trust me - even THAT is a fraction of what ive been having :break_diet:

But, enough feeling bad about it. Back on the horse as of tomorrow morning. No more fkn around. Im running out of time to get this done. PACKS ARE NOT AFFORDABLE (or readily available, really) IN THE USA.
So...thats that.
Oh and we are doing father's day tomorrow instead of next sunday because....next weekend will be so busy with cleaning and organizing and everything. Plus. I JUST want the piccies upppp! hahaa.