......gettin' it done.
228.4 today. Which is fine. And better than expected, tbh. Overall, a 1lb gain for the week. But that will be rectified by staying on plan. Anyway. I have to do this. I put my jeans on yesterday to nip to the shop for some milk and they were really tight. And my belt (was unnecessary!!) would only go to the first hole. I cannot have this. So I have started off today as my final restart. A PROPER restart. I can. I will.
I got up and made the girls their toast and got my cheese string (i bought some to tide me over until my shopping comes with the babybels for the rest of the week!) and a coffee and water. Ive had my little bit of cheese and im quite happy, funnily enough. lol. Im not hungry and i dont really even fancy anything else. The major test will come tonight. The hardest time of the day for me, without a doubt, is from about 3 onward. So I will either need an early night or a hell of a lot of willpower and determination to get me through.....
but Im typing this, I remember that I ordered sf jelly to have in the evening. So that should help tremendously.
Either way...It HAS to be done.
I really must be at goal (or within 10lbs!) by my birthday. That is all there is to it.
So here we go...again.
Food today:
1 x cheese string
1x babybel cheddar
1x spag bol
1x pancake
3 eggs
150g quorn with 30g mushrooms
sf jelly
which is excellent - and there is LOADS there. seriously. loads. so i have absolutely no excuse and no reason not to stick to plan now.
so today my friend M wanted to go to the local market. we are thinking about going halfers on a stall to get shot of a bunch of crap that we have lying about. it will help us by hopefully making a bit of extra cash and also by getting rid of stuff so i dont have to try to bin it etc. So we are going around 11:30 - after my shopping has been and gets put away...and lunch gets made for the girls. I sorta cant be bothered...but sorta glad to have an hour or so out without my girls. Love them more than life itself..but sometimes we mothers just need a bit of peace lol. I do feel awful though because she woke up asking what we were going to do today. Where were we going to go....what adventure will we have today. She's gotten used to going going going lately. And so she expected that we would have plans for something fun today. And we totally dont. LOL. Im going to have to think of something while im out with M. I feel guilty going when my little one woke up bored. HAHA. Hubby tried to tell her that we arent going anywhere today but not to forget that we are going to Edinburgh again on Wednesday. She said she knew that but still wanted to do something today. lol Cant blame her, really. Oh and speaking of...I told hubby that we need to plan to go to Nandos so I can stay on plan. I looked at the train tickets and didnt realise we had booked such an early train. 7:25am!! So Im was planning to pack some pancakes. But we get the 6:30 train back and its meant to be 20+ degrees so Im kinda...not really loving that idea. I dont wanna lug them around in the heat all day. I most certainly dont want to get sick. The atkins bars seemed to make me very windy and ill....and so hungry. So Id rather not go that route either. So Im not entirely sure what to do...or what route to take but I will definitely stay on plan the absolutely best that I can. (Also, really need to get some proper bars for days out!!)
Im off to get hubby's breakfast..I can hear him banging and clattering around in the kitchen. lol. Have a nice Sunday all xx
228.4 today. Which is fine. And better than expected, tbh. Overall, a 1lb gain for the week. But that will be rectified by staying on plan. Anyway. I have to do this. I put my jeans on yesterday to nip to the shop for some milk and they were really tight. And my belt (was unnecessary!!) would only go to the first hole. I cannot have this. So I have started off today as my final restart. A PROPER restart. I can. I will.
I got up and made the girls their toast and got my cheese string (i bought some to tide me over until my shopping comes with the babybels for the rest of the week!) and a coffee and water. Ive had my little bit of cheese and im quite happy, funnily enough. lol. Im not hungry and i dont really even fancy anything else. The major test will come tonight. The hardest time of the day for me, without a doubt, is from about 3 onward. So I will either need an early night or a hell of a lot of willpower and determination to get me through.....
but Im typing this, I remember that I ordered sf jelly to have in the evening. So that should help tremendously.
I really must be at goal (or within 10lbs!) by my birthday. That is all there is to it.
So here we go...again.
Food today:
1 x cheese string
1x babybel cheddar
1x spag bol
1x pancake
3 eggs
150g quorn with 30g mushrooms
sf jelly
which is excellent - and there is LOADS there. seriously. loads. so i have absolutely no excuse and no reason not to stick to plan now.
so today my friend M wanted to go to the local market. we are thinking about going halfers on a stall to get shot of a bunch of crap that we have lying about. it will help us by hopefully making a bit of extra cash and also by getting rid of stuff so i dont have to try to bin it etc. So we are going around 11:30 - after my shopping has been and gets put away...and lunch gets made for the girls. I sorta cant be bothered...but sorta glad to have an hour or so out without my girls. Love them more than life itself..but sometimes we mothers just need a bit of peace lol. I do feel awful though because she woke up asking what we were going to do today. Where were we going to go....what adventure will we have today. She's gotten used to going going going lately. And so she expected that we would have plans for something fun today. And we totally dont. LOL. Im going to have to think of something while im out with M. I feel guilty going when my little one woke up bored. HAHA. Hubby tried to tell her that we arent going anywhere today but not to forget that we are going to Edinburgh again on Wednesday. She said she knew that but still wanted to do something today. lol Cant blame her, really. Oh and speaking of...I told hubby that we need to plan to go to Nandos so I can stay on plan. I looked at the train tickets and didnt realise we had booked such an early train. 7:25am!! So Im was planning to pack some pancakes. But we get the 6:30 train back and its meant to be 20+ degrees so Im kinda...not really loving that idea. I dont wanna lug them around in the heat all day. I most certainly dont want to get sick. The atkins bars seemed to make me very windy and ill....and so hungry. So Id rather not go that route either. So Im not entirely sure what to do...or what route to take but I will definitely stay on plan the absolutely best that I can. (Also, really need to get some proper bars for days out!!)
Im off to get hubby's breakfast..I can hear him banging and clattering around in the kitchen. lol. Have a nice Sunday all xx