just a super quick update.
im 224.4 so its coming off but slowly. i think thats to do with TOTM. it started lightly 2 days ago...then stopped...then started again lightly yesterday afternoon but the the night had stopped again. so no clue whats going on with me hormonally. im sure the weird uppy-downy diet and the stress of late is messing with my body. its fine. whatever. lol. i cant worry about it.
still on plan...anyway. and just plodding along.
over the last week or so...we had our trip to edinburgh which was pretty good. it was a long day with a v v early start..and tabby got tired pretty early and crabby etc. it was also chilly (had to go to primark for hoodies) and extremely windy. Not terribly pleasant. but we made the most of it.
the day before last tuesday...i took the birth certificate (which arrived on monday) and hubby's passport to the DX office. it was really hard to get to so friend M ended up taking me. (i cant remember what ive written about and what i havent and no time to really read back lol so excuse me if repeating myself). So we got that sent off. the following day was edinburgh. the day after, thursday...i had completely expected to track the delivery to embassy and see that it had been delivered. it hadnt.
it still hasnt. and friday was 4th of july so a public holiday in the USA. after much back and forth on the phone with them (MUCH)...and being told allsorts (including one lass who flat out told me that the last person i had talked to was "new and has apparently just completely made up what he told me"....!!!!) i was finally told on friday afternoon that it is, in fact, at their waterloo depot and set for delivery monday. fingers crossed. im still not convinced. but we'll see. if i have to replace this stuff because they really HAVE lost it (!!) its going to be very time consuming and incredibly expensive. and will delay things even further.
on top of that, we've had a mini-problem with tabby doing little dribbley/mini wees in her knickers. she's fully potty trained but she's been lazy or something lately and there was on day i had to get her fresh knickers no fewer than 6 times. so trying to navigate this as well. and then yesterday morning, very early our time, i got a message on fb from my friend who works for and loves it. she sent me a link and told me to apply as theyre hiring like mad right now but they always get so many applicants that they take the link down pretty soon after posting it up. so i got straight to it. applied...which was just a covering letter and resume/cv and a couple of quirky questions (theyre a bit "different" and not like most employers. they like to have a buit more fun) so got that done. and within a few hours...i had an email back with a "mizzion" (mission). Basically 4 parts to the next phase (their hiring process takes ages apparently...which works well for me as we still havent actually got the visa yet). This phase consists of the following:
A grammar & typing test online
A further application to fill in, online
A scheduling questionnaire to fill in, online
A virtual interview, online.
I got it all done last night...except the virtual interview. its apparently its a video interview online but its not with a live person. so like..not via a skype type thing...but on a website that does these. i have no idea what the format will be. or anything. and im incredibly nervous. but. i can but try. so im going to do this today or tomorrow, at some point. i have 7 days (from yesterday) to get it all done but i need to do it while mal is here so he can take the girls out for a bit so i have quiet in the house.
also, i contacted a friend of mine who has LOADS of animal lover/activist friends about hopefully getting Lyra (our cat) placed in a new home. i dont want to have to put him down. its despicable, really. theres nothing at all wrong with him. he's 10, yes. but hes in great health. so. yeah.
so anyway. all of this.
just wanted to get an update written. sorry ive been awol but im definitely not hiding. just completely overwhelmed with other stuff!