Forgot to weigh until after my coffee this morning. Really sad cuz I have no idea where I am, weightwise. Ive been so all over the place lately.
Sister is being a bit of a pain. Originally she offered us a spare room (the garage has been converted) in her home but said to give her a couple of months notice, if at all poss, as to when we will be arriving because she has a bunch of crap in that needs sorting and clearing out. Fair enough. Then a couple of months ago she said she was thinking of moving into a bigger house she would just move and get a house with enough rooms for us all. So i suggested we get a "family" home and all share (plus she already has a single female roommate) and she said no because she wants to remain "independent" and wants to make sure she can afford the rent on her own. Im her sister and would never ditch her and leave her stuck but ok, fair enough. So she's been saying that she will start saving "every penny" starting when she gets back from her friends wedding (in another state) in a couple of weekends. So thats basically coming up to august. We arrive sept 28th. and Im very confused as to the actual logistics of how this is meant to work?! shes going to save up and then move...but surely she has to give at least a month's notice. so she would have to do that..when? I just dont see how time is going to allow for what she says she wants to do. also...ive offered to help out with moving costs but she wont give me a number....yet, by the tone of her message (I had messaged her, nicely telling her that if she wants us to find somewhere else to stay...because i couldnt see how it was all going to come together in time and i didnt want US to be the source of more stress for her...) I can tell that she seems to expect that we are going to help, financially (fair enough...i said we could help) ...but doesnt feel inclined to actually talk numbers with me and dates. I would like to know how much and by what date. and how its all going to work. and i think she doesnt know...really. Just keeps saying "i said we will make it work." well. yeah. but if im forking out loads of $$...i need more definite plans....but she got a bit shirty with me and said that i need to pick a plan and stick to it. im just a little miffed at that..but...whatever. i get what she's saying...sure. ok. but if she doesnt tell me what the option of staying with her actually entails (and if its even going to happen, in time!) then..icant really make an informed decision, can i?
so im going to ring around to bunches of apartments today and see if anyone will rent to us. if not...then i might ring an extended stay place (although the tend to be grotty) and check their availibility and what happens if we rent a month and then need to stay a further month...can we just stay in that same the price the same..etc.
once i know what our options are in that respect..i will know a bit better how best to reply to sister. although tbh...if shes gonna be shirty and moody about things...and not forthcoming...i not entirely sure i want to live with her anyway. but we may not have a choice. So yeah. Busy day in Beelishyland today.
Really. I just want to go to bed and come in a few weeks.