Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

Im hoping so. Maybe next weekend. Hubby has a chronic muscle disease and hasnt felt well in quite some time. So that combined with the sh!tty weather means we have done nowt for 4 weekends in a row! And Im just going a bit stir-crazy. Im also quite sure that TOTM is on its way as I feel crampy and a bit bloated and having my signature pain in my left ovary. So hopefully this will all pass soon!

Time for my bar! I mananged to make it through the day without just giving in! Hooray! lololol :8855:
Im hoping so. Maybe next weekend. Hubby has a chronic muscle disease and hasnt felt well in quite some time. So that combined with the sh!tty weather means we have done nowt for 4 weekends in a row! And Im just going a bit stir-crazy. Im also quite sure that TOTM is on its way as I feel crampy and a bit bloated and having my signature pain in my left ovary. So hopefully this will all pass soon!

Time for my bar! I mananged to make it through the day without just giving in! Hooray! lololol :8855:

Oh dear, I hope it's something that can be treated? This awful English weather certainly won't help - I was frozen to the bone today!

You're SO GOOD! When my TOTM was due, I had a bit extra each day - I had to, I was climbing the walls!! The hunger was much worse than it was when I first started this diet - am hoping it's not like that every month lol!!

:happy096: on sticking with it! :) xxx
spring will be here before we know it, everything seems better in the spring time :D

Hope so Lou, it's late this year. Does that mean a fabulous Summer, because we certainly got a proper Winter for a change!! :D xxx
Hubby's illness, Polymyositis (Polymyositis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) is treatable but we've had some problem with the continuity of care lately in that he hasnt seen his normal doc at the hospital the last 4 times he's been. And he's had a flare up of the illness since october which has pretty much gone untreated. But he has spoken to the head nurse there and she has sorted him an appointment for thursday and theyre prob going to change his meds. anyway....

feeling better this evening. arranged to meet up with some friends next monday! yay! lol
Glad he's getting sorted. Our NHS leaves a lot to be desired sometimes (though not all the time, they saved my life!!).
I really hope he gets things sorted soon. It can't be nice living like that - hope he gets the proper meds soon :)

And Yay! A day out - and now you're in to this diet and understand it, you can be confident in your choices when you go out, whoop!!

Goodnight lovely :) xxx
Morning! Its Day 20!

Not much to say this morning. Woke up to snow which is beyond depressing! LOL

Ive had nearly 2 pints of water, a coffee and my choc shake. I may have an extra egg today if I feel like I need it. No sign of TOTM yet. Annoying! I have an appointment with my doctor this evening at 5:30 - I decided to discuss with her what I am doing and also the possibility of some skin removal once I get to goal. My body already looks like a saggy melted candle and will only get worse. Its gross and quite soul destroying. Aside from that, its making me rashy, already. So I will see what she says.

63 days until our hols!

Have a great day, everyone!
Morning Lovely! :)

Whoop, week 3 nearly up!!

Got snow here too - fed up, it's Mum's BD and should have been out by now! Totally cocked plans up!
Looks like I'll be going with Mum on my own to get her pressie, as Max is now asleep, and when he wakes he'll want his bottle then food, so that will take us till 2pm, so hubby can look a after him whilst I nip out with Mum.

Awww honey, I feel for you. I hope your GP can help you. I'm sure he/she will be able to if they can see how much it's bothering you.

Hope you have a good day, and this snow goes!

Hi Hun! Yep the snow is a pain, although its nearly gone here it keeps coming down and then disappearing! Hope the GP can help you. My skin leaves a lot to be desired after all my weight yo yo-ing. :-(

im going to have a read of your diary all the way through :) Hope you have a good day and woo for nearly being at the end of week 3! X
Well, I cant be bothered to walk up to the doctors in this weird weather. I took the rubbish out a bit ago and its icy, already. So, yeah. I rescheduled. Sadly, the soonest i can get in to see the doctor that I actually like is a fortnight away. But thats ok. I have plenty of weight to lose so no big deal. There just better not be any snow on the 25th of march!!!! lol

I have been thinking and I think my metabolism has stalled. lol. So Im going to try S&S's recommendation of 5 packs a day for people over 17stone. Well, sorta. Im going to have 4 packs plus my 2 eggs a day. Plus my veggies. Im currently doing 3 packs plus my 2 eggs and veggies. Im also going to start doing light exercise. I started that today. Just did 1 mile (about 12 mins) of my Walk Away the Pounds dvd (its an American thing lol) I got through it fine, surprisingly. Ive kinda been afraid to exercise in case I collapse on so few calories etc. But i was fine! lol. YAY! So Im going to do a bit every day and try 4 packs plus veg and 2 boiled eggs. We shall see what week 4 WI says. In the meantime, week 3 WI is Wednesday. bring it on!

I had to tie a rubber band around my wedding and engagement rings last night as a sort of make-shift ring guard to stop them falling off. :D !!!!!! AND THIS IS ONLY WEEK 3. lol

I may have to tweak it a bit to suit my body, but this diet DEFINITELY works! :D

Hope everyone is having a good day/week! Also hope we see the back of Winter very very soon! x
Oh my gosh, well done on the loose rings!! Eek! That's brilliant. Do you sneak peeks at the scales before official weigh in? Is that why you think you may have stalled? I think boosting your intake is a good idea, especially if its still mostly on plan with low carb etc. look forward to seeing how you do. :)
Thanks!! :)

I do weigh before WI. I had been weighing every day but I dont do that anymore. I weigh every couple of days usually. so far this week Im down 2lbs which is great but my size...Id like to see if i can boost it a bit so im not on this diet FOREVER. lol.
I know what you mean. I am naughty and usually sneak peeks most days. My scales were being naughty this morning and saying I had stayed the same. Dreaded week 2!! Although ( may be tmi!) I am a little constipated so need to buy something to help with that!!
Just had my cottage pie and veggies. Yum! Although the cottage pie isnt my fave, I still enjoy it! Tomorrow, chilli and cauliflower. My most fave meal! lol

I will have my bar at 7 tonight as usual. Been a good day, despite the hunger. I wish I knew what was happening with TOTM!!

Tomorrow I will do my workout in the morning and I will have a shake at 9, a boiled egg at 11, a shake at 1, another egg at 3, my dinner and veg at 5 and my bar at 7. How is everyone doing?
Hey Bee, hope ur ok honey?? Great news about the rings.... iv had curry and salt for my tea tonight lol xx
Hiya ladies!
I think that's a very good idea Bee! Very good indeed :)

And WHOOP re your rings! Even losing weight off your fingers, yay!!

Ive had a look at quorn chicken pieces and there are VERY FEW carbs in at all. I think it was like 1 gram of carbs in 100g. And the way some people were talking I thought it was something to be wary of. Its not. LOL. Glad I looked. However, sadly, it isnt listed in the tracker when I just tried to add it. I guess I will have to just kinda use the tracker but make sure i keep a seperate total of things that arent listed...such as quorn chicken pieces. lol.