Before and during - so far so good.


Fantastic job. Hope I can be as successful. You are inspirational.

PS love the graphics showing items of equivalent weight
Lol I love the comparisons too!! Youve done amazingly well
wait what ??? my pics on shayloss.. no way, *goes to look*

omg :D , beaming to ear to ear ;)

from day one, i have been watching his videos.. his inspiration and motivation have kept me going.. he's amazing. one day i'll run a marathon or two like him.

i'm giddy :D
wait what ??? my pics on shayloss.. no way, *goes to look*

omg :D , beaming to ear to ear ;)

from day one, i have been watching his videos.. his inspiration and motivation have kept me going.. he's amazing. one day i'll run a marathon or two like him.

i'm giddy :D

You should be, he really is a massive inspiration and an all round nice guy. A few more months and I'll join you for that marathon ;)
thanks, shay is amazing, love all his videos (plus the rest of his families stuff) i think watching him go thru it to, roughly at the same time, seeing him struggle but carry on proved to me we can all do it.

it's going to be a while before that marathon lol .. i've done a 1/2 marathon on a tread mill, and i'm going to try and do that again (maybe further) on my next week off from work, in end of july. one of my goals is to have run one (on treadmill) by my next birthday in april.. but in a years time i might be fir enough to do a real one, fingers crossed. would love my first to be the liverpool marathon 2013.. it might happen ;)

congratulations on your amazing weight loss too :D
Thanks :D x

Well, today was my official 3 months weigh in..

and ..

I am now 16 stone 13lbs, so thats a loss of 8 stone 10 lbs in 18 months :eek: , i am super happy.

just posting a few pics, one is of my old tshirt (5xl) and new tshirt (xl) which is getting baggy in places so might be going large in the near future, woohooo

the other is my old jeans (52inch waist) and my new pair (38 inch waist) quite a bit to go till they are baggy, but no 'muffin top'

and something i made when i was bored to show how many bags of sugar i have lost ( made it a few weeks ago, didn't expect another loss, so it's a few lbs short) but i am now at a 55.3 kg loss, so add another bag of sugar and about a teacup of sugar to the pic ;)

So, thats a 34.2% loss of my original weight.. i've lost over a third of me.. how mental is that ??

My sister has said, she thinks i only need to lose another stone, but i'm saying between one and two, probably no more then that, i don't want to go too far or be silly about it.

I am still going the gym, and have just had my one year anniversary (5th of july), heres to another year..

I wanted to say thanks, to everyone here that has posted a comment, your kind words are a huge boost of motivation, and i wish all of you a huge congratulations on all your fantastic weight loss too..

''you can do it, your amazing'' :D

Thanks again, Malc-D x

Edit: just updated my numbers in my profile and it's actually a 8 stone 11 lbs.. loss, damn my stupid maths :( .. buttttt!!! and extra pound i didn't know about , lol :D wooohoooo


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Hi Malc

Very well done.

I have lost 4 stone and have another 6 to go. Reading about your success, just inspires me to keep going


Thanks RichT

Looks like we were about the same starting weight and have about the same goal weight.. your doing amazing, your an inspiration yourself.. i know it's hasn't been easy and i know it's not going to get easier either.. but it's worth it, you feel fantastic and alive.. i should have started this years ago, but i know that this time my head was in the right place to see it through to the end.. it doesn't matter when or how we do it, but i'll be there at the finishing line, can't wait to see you there too.

good luck for the future, you can do it


i've not had much to update on here as of late. i've now lost 9st 3 lb which is awsome, nearly 1/2 stone in just over a month. which is great as my weight loss is slowing down, but i'm well on my personal target weight loss plan. I have had a few crappy / off plan days (no ones perfect).. i'm still going the gym a few nights a week (planning on going more soon).

my weight is coming off slower now, but i'm still losing inches (not as fast as at first) but, a loss is a loss. :p

i'm going to a family part at the end of september so hopefully, fingers crossed i'll get a new updated pic and i'll do another comparison photo to post here. The party should be alot of fun as the last time i saw everyone was july last year and i've had around 4 st loss since then. so, i might just shock a few people.

This is the newest pic i have. it was taken early july, me and my dad went on a tank driving experience, i was over the moon that i could actually fit in the army jump suit, a year ago i wouldn't have been able to do it. just prooves how far you can come if you stick with it.


Hope your weight loss is going well too. just keep chipping away at it. you'll get there eventually

good luck :D
Hi Malc. Just came across your postings and want to add my congratulations on your weight loss. You look absolutely fantastic. Give yourself a pat on the back. My son has recently started Slimming World and has lost a stone off his 16stone. A few more to go yet though. Hope he makes it through like you.

All the best,

soapy x
Thanks soapyliz, *pats back* lol

congratulations on both your son's and your loss, you are both doing great.
keep up the great work :D
what an inspiration you are! You should be very proud of yourself :)
You look great!
Hi Mal

Glad to hear the weight loss is still going well - looking great in the photo.

Still going well for me too. This week, I hit the 5 1/2 stone mark, which means I'm an even 20. Its been great, especially when I've been able to fit into old clothes.

Kelp up the good work

Thanks guys :D

your doing amazing rich, keep up the great work.. i remember when i hit just under the 20's it was the best feeling i had had in years.
i bet you feel amazing :)

i'm still losing slow, and i'm fine with that.. little gains here and there and sts'. but as long as it's coming off bit by bit, i'm happy.

my next goals are
1: to be wearing all large by xmas, i can just get into large tshirts at the min, a little bit tight in places. so not going to call that one done yet (soon tho ;) )
2: to run 25k on the xtrainer in october - 27.5k in november and 30k in dec.. my ultimate goal is to run a marathon on the xtrainer by may 2013.

i have to keep pushing myself, i know if i start saying i'm done, i would probably start slipping back. so i have to keep saying 'one more ........' i'm not talking weight loss, i would say another 2 stones max and i'm done, at a good target. but i need something to set myself, something to do or achieve.

i might wait closer to xmas and write out a weight loss bucket list (hmm, good idea, might make that a thread on it's own.. no stealing it guys :p ) things i've always wanted to do (but thought i was too fat to do it) and now the weights gone, i finally can.

as always everyone , good luck with your weight loss.. you are doing amazing.

For september i am pushing myself to get back on track, had a few slips the last month and i now need to refocus, so i decided to start going the gym every saturday morning, as i don't do anything that early anyway so i might as well do something productive

I went first thing sat morning (9am) and got on the crosstrainer and just ran.. and ran .. and ran
so goal 2: to run 25k on the xtrainer in october - 27.5k in november and 30k in dec ... smashed it.
I ended up running for just under 3 hours and stopped at 32.5K, i was knackered but it felt kinda good afterwards (still a few aches now tho ;) )


Going back next sat, no idea if i'll be pushing it again to that distance or further, guess i'll just have to wait and see.
Looks like a good workout! Well done to you :)

Your weightloss is such an inspiration, congrats to yuo!

(I also saw your photo on shayloss as mentioned by another poster earlier, that's so cool, love him!)