Belle's Journey

Hi Bel,

I never heard of this film -- but it looks interesting.

I agree with you on the personal diet plan, I am a super fussy eater and really struggle on an official diet plan to find things I like. I just like to count calories, try to exercise more and that usually does the trick, provided nothing distracts me from my goals.
Hi Bel --

Your reasons for watching prison films reminds me of a Jewish Proverb:

I felt sorry for myself because I had no shoes -- until I met a man who had no feet.

I hope you have a good "hump day".

In the U.S. people refer to Wednesday as "hump day"... if they can just get over this middle of the week "hump" then the rest of the standard work week will be all downhill and we can look forward to the weekend.

So, lots of people plan on mid-week meals out, dance classes, churches have mid-week evening meetings, etc. It's a way to "get over the hump".
