wow so you are all on here!!!!
well I had the baby last week wednesday. He is a bouncing 8.3lb bsby boy, born naturally. It was all a bit of a rush. I went in on tuesday early afternoon to day that i thought my waters were tricking as I had had a "leak" but they check on the baby and said that my waters were in tact and that the baby had changed postion and was now engaged.
So it was weird as he must have moved within the last couple of days. Anyway we went back home ( 30 mins drive) and then after 39 minutes of being home I went into the kitchen and they actually went. SO I went back to the hospital at 6:30pm and had chris at exactly 5am. No epidual only gas and air and pethedine as I dialated quite fast and by the time the anethetist ( misspelled) was able to get back in to see me I was in full blown labour and the meds would not have had time to work so they had no choice but to just leave me to it.
I thought i would be going home the same day but unfortunately two things happened, 1) when baby came out he wasn't breathing well and so they had to take him to the NICU unit where he stayed for until thursday at noon and 2)i had second degree tears and lost over 1 litre of blood so i needed to stay in. So we thought we would be out thursday evening, but again the baby's blood sugars had dropped and they thought he may have a "tounge tie" which is the bit that we all have under our tounge is slighty more attached at the front which was stopping him from latching on properly. He was eating but as he seemed to not want any extra formula to top him up I just got on with things. but from noon on thursday to friday afternoon they he seemed unwell to the staff and he was getting jaundice . So they tested him and he was very very jaundice. So he was made to have phototherapy. In which he was in a little incubator which had a kind of like sun lamp over it. Which he stayed in for 2 more days. I only took him out for his 3 hourly feeds for 30 mins and I couldn't really cuddle him as he need to be naked in the light. But by monday he was all better and they finally let us go home. SO it has been rather tough. But he has been a star, such a sweet and contented baby. Never a whine out of him. He was happy under the light, Even now he rarely cries he needs from feed to feed so I get a chance to sleep, but when he is awake is he very alert. He is gorgous and I will put a pic on profile for y'all to see for 24 hours or then remove it. But he is a honestly lovely.
There were some really hairy moments, some funny and some just made me cry, but I would do it over again in a heartbeat. I think the hardest thing for me wasn't the labour, or the pain or the stiches but just seeing them trying to take blood from my son, who had been poked and prodded to within an inch of his life. He had a canula in his little hand and foot and at least 30 heal pricks to get sample after sample and i just got to the point hearing him cry in pain that i just couldn't take it. I just sat there and cried my eyes out, and even thinking of it now just made me want to cry. But he is happy and healthy now and I know they were just tryin to make sure he was ok.
I feel great even though I should be knackard. I sleep in 30 minute to 1 hour intervals but its a non issue. I am hoping tonight though to get 3.5 hours as he feeds are now 4 hours apart. I wake him for feeds so it is only going to be his 3am feed that I will have to deal with. Come 11pm he will have his food and I will be then be off to bed.
LU loves him and is being really helpful and sweet. He just keeps saying " hello christopher , I am your big brother!" it's all rather sweet. And it is his birthday on friday, so that will be our first family outing with the baby.
Anyway enough of all that, I hope you all are doing well and i will check back on here later, i STILL cant get the updates to the thread to come to my email so I just have to remember to check it.
speak later
p.s sorry for the typos but i am too lazy to check what i typed ATM