haha gem yeah i know what you are saying. I know things will get easier in a month or two or at least when he is on a 4 hourly feed., but with his cold at the moment he isn't eating as much and so wants to eat in shorter spurts and what used to take 30 minutes to feed now takes an hour. But when he is on a 4 hourly things will be much easier and hopefully he will be able to just have a 10pm feed and only wake me for a 2am feed and then i will get up at 6am so that won't be too bad. But LU didnt sleep through till he was 5 months.
Oh BTW my parents are coming now to visit. Not sure if I told you all. I was surprised when she told me but they are coming in september. SO no spain for us after all as we will be needing to money for a trip down devon way with the parental units. But at least they are making the effort...it only took my being pissed off and making myself less available to her to make her come. but since the baby has been born she is making the effort.
taz, thanks hun...sounds like a great day, I cant wait till i am well enough and not too tired to get a bit of excercise in. I am waiting for my 6 week check and going to take the LU back and forth to school on a walk so that should help. Plus I have the fitness coach from the wii to help kick start things. I am still just waiting to feel 100%.
Abz...not long now then hun...you must be so excited. I just laughed my way through my ceremony *LOL* too nervous, but if I could have I would have done the whole white dress big wedding thing. Maybe when we are married 20 years we can do a big something. Only 7.5 years to go...hahaha