Friends of mine knew him too, a few have commented about it on Facebook. Can only assume it is the same Matt. 35 apparently, shockinghow you are as ok as you can be xxx
My condolencesx
Fingers crossed for you! Too damn hot to sleep
Fab loss!
Spinning! OMG it hurts! Done it once at about 5:30 in the morning at a gym by my work.
Went straight to work afterwards and could barely move!
Haven't been back since lol x
Wow fab loss well done !!!
Hope you are feeling ok. Sorry for absence, life falling down around my ears and feeling pretty mistake and like a total failure tbh.
Let me know if you hear of anyone privately renting out a 2 bed house in Southsea will you? I appear to currently be "between houses"
Yeah don't worry I'm dying on the inside but pasting on a smile for the rest of the world. Feeling so so poorly really isn't helping but not a lot I can do about that right now. Everything was falling in to place and now it all seems to have gone horribly wrong!
I know it will all fall in to place eventually, but I hate uncertainty!
Sorry, will stop grumbling! Had Chloe's party today at Monkey Bizness. FantasticHoping my dad got some decent pics of me looking significantly slimmer