Saturday 1st Sept... Pics, film buffs.. blessed sleep!
Saturday 1st September
Where HAS the last month gone? (let alone the last week!)
So… where was I – oh yes.. I said up to leaving to go to pics. Well, I found the cinema easily enough and then realised I’d been there before with someone who I dated for a LONG time and who broke my heart! Akkk! Still, it’s just a place not the person! Lol
Met up with the chap I agreed to meet there (another from the dating site – will I ever learn?? NOOO!! Lol). I’d chatted to him online and on webcam – he looked a bit like Ricky Gervaise.. but in the flesh!! OMG – sooo different! I was very surprised and also, as I rang to say I saw him park and he asked where I was and when he saw me he waited for me to walk to him (said he couldn’t be bothered to walk to me!!!) .. that didn’t bode well. As I drew closer I realised that I was glad it was the cinema and not just a pub!
We said hello and chatted amiably enough and went into the cinema, chose the film (1408 – Stephen King film) and he paid (I offered to pay my share but he said I could buy him a drink instead)… and then we walked to the nearby Frankie & Benny’s. I told him I was on a diet and he then proceeded to pick up the menu and go through every item – reading aloud the descriptions and telling me how delicious it all was! Then he told me how terrible women drivers were, and , in fact, all drivers! Lol I had a chronological run down of every Stephen King film and book and then a brief review of each. Next came his medical history and war wound stories… oh.. forgot to say.. opening gambit was a moan about how much it cost to fix his lawn mower! I thought it would be safe to comment on the weather – WRONG! Lol I said how I loved the sunshine and wished it had been a better summer and that it was a case of going in search of the sun.. he came back very forcibly with a no way! Last time he went anywhere hot he came back with cellulitis and ‘could have died’. So… weather not a good topic. So I let him do all the talking (I know, me? Quiet? Seriously!!) lol
It was with relief that I sat in the cinema – I don’t like horror films very much and haven’t seen one in ages, but I used to read Stephen King and have seen the odd film of his too, so, it was the best option from those available.
It was a large enough cinema and the seats were really comfy. I popped some gum in my mouth and settled down to watch. He sat and watched me! Lol Everytime I ‘felt’ his gaze I surreptitiously (sp) had a peek and he was turned in his seat watching me… odd that.. still… what floats one persons boat… lol..
The film was ok, made me jump in places but in some parts I thought it was just ridiculous and not scary just silly. Lol Perhaps I shouldn’t go to the pics when so tired… I clearly wasn’t very receptive! Lol
Afterwards I told him what I thought of the film and he disagreed and said he thought it was brilliant (which of course it may well be! Just not to me, lol). He asked what I would like to do next and I told him I was going home as I was very tired. I thanked him and we hugged goodbye and I left.
It was a shame because really he is ok, not my type (bizarrely he seemed to be when chatting, witty and entertaining)… but pleasant I guess. Not for me though, and no spark, not even a damp piece of coal.. lol
I drove home, happy to be going to bed at last! Lol Jumped online and sent him a ‘thank you I had a lovely time but I think we both know it was a once only occurrence’ message.
I was nice and not offensive, didn’t say how I felt just that I wouldn’t see him again. He sent a very curt response, not a happy man.

I hate making anyone feel bad so I tried to explain that it wasn’t because of the reasons he thought (he had told me before that women don’t like him because he is ‘too nice’ ) and he shouldn’t assume we all think alike, and I was going to expand but I got an even huffier reply telling me that was because women never tell him why they just meet once and that’s it! Then he blocked me. Lmao Ah well.
Thinking that maybe, just maybe, I’ll not look on the site again for a while – the trouble is, I paid up to November.. lol and I can’t resist having a peek.. lol I don’t make the first contact though…(terribly old-fashioned innit!!) lol Never been the one to make the first play for a bloke and can’t imagine starting to do so now! I have watched women who can (and do) in action, and I marvel at them! Lol (you know who you are!!!!!)
Took myself off to bed and fell asleep with Paul muttering away in my ears about counting down from 300….