Blergh! - FatFairNForty(ish) - my diary

Taxi's, dates, motorbikes and working! Need more hours!

Wednesday 5th September – work, Taxi!, dates & motorbikes!

Tried to get up early and failed miserably… friend had texted to say he was upset about last night so in the end (because texts just simply AREN’T the best way to explain something!) we spoke on the phone and clarified things… completely. It was a relief and at the end of the chat we both felt MUCH better.

I went to work early again (just not AS early) and was so tired that all I managed to do was make a few phone calls, sort out a couple of enquiries and do a bit of typing! In the end I brought a huge box home to do – which I shall start on tomorrow morning (first thing!).

Today, this morning, I was shocked to receive ANOTHER card from Blueeyes!!! He never learns! It said Hi and asked about UB40 and weigh in and said hoped I have good time in Brum! Went on and on (again) about wanting to be friends with me, sorry he was a jerk, shouldn’t have behaved the way he did, now realises that all he wants are friend but he told that to a nice lady and she blanked him…said again and again how he wants US to be friends… all I could think was “CHANGE THE RECORD!!!”

I wasn’t sure what to do, so, after several hours deliberation I sent him a message to msn.. it was very clear. I told him I had got his card and that he clearly STILL was not listening to me and I had told him categorically that we could NOT be friends. I told him to NEVER contact me again by any format and that this was the last communication I would send to him too! I am cross because I already won’t answer my phone in case it’s him, and I vet my mobile calls and now he’s flippin in the damn post box!!

If , now I have made my position crystal clear (which, I might add, I DID way back when!!)… IF he starts this phone call nonsense and cards stuff again, then I shall give him 1 warning and then report him for harassment!

More messages from the dating site… couple of potentials… one fairly interesting.. only 40 years old but seems ok… the other not my normal ‘type’ (if I even have one!!)… but very interesting… lots older though… 52… hmm… one extreme to t’other!! Will let you know on both! Lol

Am so incredibly tired today and had such a list of things ‘to do’ and listed with timings (now I think I’ll just call them guidelines!)… managed to do some of them and then gave up as it was time , once more, to take Zoe back to Hatfield.

We had a great time in the car on the way and she looked through the stacks of photos that I’d had developed from all those fun cameras! Lol Some were YEARS old! She remembered them all (school trips) and was really glad I’d got them done at last!

We sang and car-danced as we normally do, I told her about the dating stuff… she is always so straight forward and matter-of-fact about it all. Lol

Once I’d dropped her off it was the drive back.. however, this time I had a slight detour to make… a spontaneous ‘ice-breaker’ at Baldock Services.. lol He was nice and we got on ok.. I’m not going to rave about him as I did Blueeyes … learnt from that ! lol So, let’s just say, it was worth being late to the motorbike club and I’m looking forward to talking to him in the morning (he asked if he could call me).

I have another ‘ice-breaker’ planned for tomorrow afternoon… only allocated an hour to that one… he’s the 40 yr old… not sure about him (huge footy fan) but thought it worth meeting just to see… and … afternoon means limited time and I still get the evening to myself and to pack and get in an early night before my much awaited weekend in Brum! I am SO ready for that and can’t wait to see my friends again!

Went to the motorbike club and had a great time – there’s a run next week out to Towcester or Roade and one of the guys (will call him ‘Fitman’ as he is!) offered to let me go pillion on his bike… so.. very much looking forward to that! Spent most of the time at the club chatting to some even newer members than me – lovely couple. They have a daughter called Zoe too! PLUS, their 2 eldest are the same ages as my girls.. so we had a bit in common from the offski!

Had other offers of bikes to ride on back of and thanked all – nice to have choices! The run after this one is the week following the National Rally up in Filey… they’re going to a diner! Not sure what plan I’ll be on by then – think it will be 790.. so will probably ring ahead and ask them to prepare something especially suitable for me., and if they won’t /can’t I shall take my own!

There’s a quiz and fish and chip supper in October… so I told them.. I can do the quiz but will bring my own version of fish and chips (probably tuna and roasted veggies ).. so I get to eat too but not their full fat & carb version.

I love the club… it really is a great atmosphere… oh… they raised over £10,000 on the Bank Holiday! An elderly chap gave an anonymous donation of £8k!!! How fantastic is that!!! She said the cakes went down a storm and I had won a lovely candle in the raffle – perfect for me – I adore candles!!

Got home around 11pm and had more messages to go through so did that, saw the chap I’d met at the services online and exchanged a few words with him.. and the one I’m meeting tomorrow afternoon too… now though.. it really IS time for my bed!

Tomorrow is another day with a heavy workload to face but you know what… I’ve SS’d today and will do again tomorrow and I have the work ready to do.. so will just plough into it and get as much done as I can in the time available… now my diary is almost where I want it to be, as long as I keep on top of it, I shall have time to say about the emotional side of life in the last few weeks.. there is so much!

So, Paul is waiting for me and I have my jimmy’s on and I’m ready! Lol

Oooh, forgot to say… VERY briefly nipped into town today…(after work had to go to bank and pay in work-related cheques)… and couldn’t resist the charity shops… bought a skirt (Which I think is too short but will look at every now and again).. and a top! Skirt only £3.99, top £1 !!

Still undecided as to what to wear Saturday night in Brum for the girly dancing sesh! Hmm… will have to pack LARGE case so lots of options and get me mates in to help me decide (you know who you are! Lol). Started listening to me 70’s & 80’s music again to help get me in the mood! It seems a long way off but in reality it’s 2 sleeps (including this one!).. lol

Right… off I go! Hurrah for diaries and getting this off one’s chesticles!!
Hope you have the fabbest time ever on the 8th Jennie - if anyone deserves it, you do! Skinny minnie ain't the word - you're looking fantastic!

I'm also a great charity shop fan and have found some excellent bargains - let's hear it for the charity shops! wooo hooo!

I wish, wish, wish X 100 that I could muster up half of your determination and grit - then maybe I'd be somewhere close to goal too instead of languishing blimp-like at the top end of the 16s: I admire you greatly (and am as jealous as hell ;) )

Have a blast at the weekend - you're a star!
Good morning world!

Well, dog woke me at 6.30am and I dutifully trundled downstairs, let him out and then zombie-walked back to bed and back to kip 'til a text woke me! Eek! Good job am working from home today - although looking at timed list, I am now 3 hours behind so think the afternoon 'icebreaker' will have to be postponed to another time as not sure it's a good idea to break off from work whilst in full swing so to speak... will think on it for an hour and then decide (did warn him last night that I may not be able to do it... and am wondering why I'm meeting him

Washing is churning in machine, dishes done, dog happy, cat sleeping and me facing the first hour of work (I've a plan see... an hour on, an hour off.. that way I, ultimately, do more than my normal 3 hours and don't do it all on one hard hit (lots of concentrating needed) and in the hours 'off' I can pack, clean, prepare house (I love coming home to a clean and tidy home), get petrol, walk dog (hmm.. that could be my icebreaker hour 'off')...

Sun's struggling to come out. I've had a call from the chap I met yesterday evening at the services, haven't got a nickname for him.. let me see now.. he loves fishing (we established quickly our shared passion for that!) so fisherman it is! lol T'other one has to be Footyfan.. he is mad on his local team (Oxford United).. I told him that perhaps he might like to explain the whole football thing to me as I've never quite got to grips with it... (Westiegirl... come on down!!!!) lol :D :D :D

Still no idea what to wear Saturday night in Brum.. have a feeling it's gonna be nice top and jeans (going for comfort not glamour!)... lol but then that means I will want to wear me pink or blue boots lol (think walking boots!). lol

Hmm, perhaps in one of my hours 'off' I shall end up throwing all my clothes on the bed and trying to decide!

Must admit - I love clothes now.. hope there's some good charity shops in Brum for me to mooch in (time permitting!). Decided to take Zoe's car for this trip as mine is suffering on the mileage front now (already done my annual allowance (+1ooo) and not had it a year yet!

Right... hour ON it is now! If you see me posting between 10.45am & 11.45 am feel free to openly admonish!!!! Oh... had a muffin to start the day :D YUMMY!!!
Well, the hour on hour off thing didn't actually go to plan... lol.. I did flat out work for hours (got well into it!) just made it in time to meet Footyfan... very nice ;) Sparkling eyes.. but not sure... seems to have some issues but we'll see... not sure if will see him again, but we did spend 3 hours at the lakes (2 walking the dog and 1 sitting nattering)... and it went very fast. I did have a problem though - I nearly fainted. We'd walked the dog for an hour and then sat down.. felt odd then, and then took the dog around again and when we got back to the cars we were standing chatting and I could feel my head going all weird!

I found myself mumbling to him that I was really sorry but I HAD to sit down.. I must have frightened the feck out of him... he sort of paled and I plonked myself on the drivers seat of my car... took me a few moment to gather myself... and he asked what caused that.. so I told him I'd lost a bit of weight and was on a very strict diet and the exercise of walking for 2 hours must have been a bit much... he told me if it was making me ill I should stop and paid me some compliments.. lol

Poor sod. He looked concerned and confused all at the same time. He's 40, divorced, 4 grown up kids (aged 19 to 22) dark hair, green eyes, long eyelashes, looked pretty good in his jeans and sweatshirt (think it was probably designer but as I have no idea about labels etc.. lol) he's been through a lot of stuff these last few months and recounted his last dating tale... lol.. I told him about my stalker! (update on HIM in a moment!!!)

A couple of things do concern me about him... he is definitely THE most avid Footyfan, now this could be a bonus as it means he has an interest all of his own and I would be ok to do my own stuff when there were fixtures.. however... his life revolves around his team... lol

He also has a reputation for getting into bother at matches (he told me loads and loads about himself... very honest and up front I thought... bonus points for that!).. I did wonder if there might be some Blueeyes tendencies in there though from things he said about last dating scenario... but could be wrong.

Aas we parted we exchanged mobile numbers, had a hug and kiss on the cheek goodbye and he said he'll text later. He warned me that he's off to London to the England game (??) on saturday so I might get some dodgy texts Saturday night.. lol.. I told him that would be fine and very entertaining! lol

We agreed that we both should go away,. think about it and see what happens... lol No pressure (mind you, I told him about Mr High Pressure Blueeyes!) so that's good..

Fisherman is calling me later this evening, we had tentatively arranged to meet tonight but I cancelled as I've still got lots to do and am too tired and need an early night before the weekend. He's going to ring later instead, which will be nice.
Jury's still out on whether to see him again (Fisherman)or not.. might go fishing with him.. that would be really good as we both love to fish and he hasn't been in ages as he used to go with his now ex bro-in-law... Just can't do it for a fortnight! I'm already out on Tues (Footyfan maybe),Weds (Motorbike club run) and Thurs (gig in Leicester with Lucy) next week so cannot do another evening out.

Weekend is fully booked up with a wedding on the Sat afternoon and evening (going alone :( not much fun but I love weddings and am so looking forward to wearing me frock! lol) and then seeing holiday couple on Sunday afternoon.

Then it's head first into another week but I have to say, been a lot more sensible on that one... well, sort of... Work thing on Tuesday night that I cannot get out of (major quarterly thing), out at Bike club Weds and Thursday have to fetch Zoe before heading off Friday to the Motorbike rally in Filey!!! Eek!!!

Thankfully the following week I only have my Weds night planned.. and I think that's how it'll have to stay as on the Monday I'll have to drive all the way back from Filey to Hatfield and then home again!! (Best part of 7 hours driving in one hit!!! - unless Zoe passes her test on teh 18th... oh PLEASE GOD!!)

Update on Blueeyes aka stalker man! I got a message on msn saying he got my message and wants his rail back. I forgot I had the damn thing and haven't even used it.. so.. I sent a response saying sorry, will get it back to him, forgot had it. I'm going to ask my mate Lisa if her and her chap will drop it at Blueeye's workplace one day this week (he has this week off so won't be there)... I don't want him coming to my home to collect it!

Right... am sat in my pj's all ready for bed , last bits of washing in machine, not done any housework yet! (Argh!!) doing more work for another hour, then off to start packing - no idea WHAT to take this weekend so will probably pack as if am going for a month!

Got a feeling that 2 nights in a hotel with no phone, no pc, no dog, no kids to taxi and no work... may be just what I need at the moment! (Bringing packs and appleade and coke zero too of course, lol) oh an dgot to sort out pics to take there too... flipping heck! Will I leave on time in the morning? lol ... probably not!
You're packed already?! Eeeek!!! :eek:

I won't be even deciding what to take until tomorrow morning, so no doubt it will be rather hit and miss in the clothing stakes for me ... as ever :rolleyes:

See you tomorrow honey! :D

Lots of love
You're packed already?! Eeeek!!! :eek:

I won't be even deciding what to take until tomorrow morning, so no doubt it will be rather hit and miss in the clothing stakes for me ... as ever :rolleyes:

See you tomorrow honey! :D

Lots of love

LMAO - NO!! Not even started packing yet... lol... will probably end up in a total panic in the morning! I really need to go to bed... lol Am desperately trying to get work done... wish I had a laptop but then, I'd bring work with me, so NOT a good idea!

see you VERY soon!! :D :D :D :D
i'm half packed but my aim is, sleep, up, shower & in the car as early as poss so as too avoid too much traffic
have concidered my lap top, but prob won't, need a break too much, jusp P & Q
VERY good idea honey :D Drive carefully - I'll be there by 2 at the latest... really really looking forward to seeing you , will text room number as soon as I have it! xxxxxxxx I think sleep is a good idea., just not sure it will be that easy! lol SO excited! MUST pack... and vac... and ...and... and... lol ;)

Ok, going now! Night night xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
OMG!! Overslept!! Still got to pack, sort dog out at kennels, get stuff from market, vacuum, shower, get petrol, arrange cat care, finish off some work, check emails, ... AKKK!!!!!!

Blokey update - decided not to see Footyfan (although had lovely texts from him last night)... but see Fisherman (although have some concerns that he may be another Blueeyes/aka cling-on) time will tell eh.... ;)

Not sure what to throw meself into first on my list - so shower it is as can pack etc whilst drying! MUST remember to find map to Jury's.... tw*tnav (aka- me) not functioning well these days!! lol

Right... crap! less than 2 hours!! ARGH!!!!!!! Byeeeee
:D :D :D Had a fantastic time... so tired though so off to bed in a minute... but will drone on endlessly about it over the next few days!! ;) Sorely tempted to go to the Liverpool meet next month and the Toon one in Jan (I have family up there too...) hmm... need to consider finances etc... and if I can cope with sleep deprivation on this scale again! lol So fantastic to see so many lovely folks at the 'meet'. Right.. promised myself bed by 8 so, just for once., that's what I'm going to do...

SSing still (although had a bit of chicken - will say more tomorrow) but got the hotel to make me muffins so was a VERY happy bunny! :D :D :D

Night night! (leccy blanky time....):nightf:
Nite nite my darling. I've been passed out on the sofa all afternoon and I'm going to head to bed soon too.

Hope you make it to Liverpool, remember my offer of sharing a room (if you can bear it lol).

Will there be enough room for you to share with Jennie considering she's soooo tiny now she carries alot of stuff with her....lololol;);)
GOAL!!!! (and no NOT footy!!)

JUST back from weigh in (having come home via cash n carry & Waitrose.. and stuck in traffic jam..)


I weighed in and am delighted, thrilled, elated, ecstatic, over the moon, freakin screaminginly happy to announce...(having amended my ticker by 0.3lbs to do it... but reckon that's ok!)

I'm ever so slightly chuffed :D


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OMG I'm so delighted for you!!!! :D:D:D

Well done Jennie ... if anyone deserves success and all the rewards that go with it, YOU do!