Thank you - kind of an update
Thank you, all of you. You're really kind. I got such a surprise when I got home from work today - the most gorgeous bunch of flowers and a card from a lovely friend on here - you know who you are - thank you, you're a very special lady xxxx
Had a difficult day - on top of everything else over the last few days I made the decision to not see Footy man again and had to tell him today, which I did. He didn't take it that well. Also, saw Fisherman last night and knew it wouldn't be fair to see him again so have just come off the phone to him.

He was lovely about it, as I hoped he would be, asked me why, and, instead of actually telling him I don't fancy him (which I don't) I told him it was his age (which did bother me too) and that I'm not ready for a full on relationship (which I don't think I am) and I don't actually think he is either (I discovered last night that his marriage only ended a few months ago and he is on all kinds of meds to help him cope with it all). Bless him, he was a darling about it. So.. that's them sorted out.
At Birmingham, on the Saturday night, when Kat (Kitteh) and I were at the club dancing, I met a chap from Brum. He was really cool (I thought) and for me, stood out from the crowd. He wasn't drunk or outrageous.. just kinda laid back and cool. We got talking and he asked me to take his number and call him as he didn't have his phone on him and was just leaving with his mate. I did and when we all got back to lobby I rang him. We met the next day (after booking out of the hotel, loading car up and saying goodbye to all) for a 'quick' lunchtime diet coke and chat at a nearby pub. We ended up sitting in the sunshine nattering for 3 hours (seems to be a pattern here...) and then I had to go and so did he so he asked me to keep in touch and I said I would. He texted me later (as I was driving home) and we have exchanged texts yesterday and again today too. He's a nice man (I think), very interesting. Shares lots of the same kind of ideals as me. Very intelligent too and humerous and deep thinking but not boring or arrogant , just not shallow and superficial.. works in education - and is humerous too. I think we will be firm friends if nothing else and will have lots of discussions about all kinds of things.. we sat and talked about society and kids and nature and music.. and, well, loads really.
He's a 'normal' bloke, if you know what I mean. Totally single, 47, lives in his own place, teaches adults, has very nice blue eyes (Lord I'm such a mug for blue eyes!) - which I didn't notice in the club as didn't get up close and personal. Not the kind of guy I would normally be attracted to I don't think.. he's very slim and has a kind of a beard thing going on... same kind of beard as Noel Edmonds ... sort of... ish... smart dresser too... well.. nice shirts.

Smelt good too... caught a whiff as greeted and parted.
Anyway, he was very pleasant company and was as laid back as I thought and I still think he's a cool dude. lol He thinks I'm lovely (which is nice).. lol.. and told me Sat night that I looked like I had a high-powered job and was very classy and clearly not a local! lol Anyway, just thought I'd bring things up to speed on the man front... not been on the dating site in ages... not really interested. Too busy at the moment to be bothered with men who a) get too clingy and b) want more than I'm prepared to give. Oh, and spoke to S yesterday - he said he would call today and hasn't... some things never change eh...
My mate Si (who had the BBQ t'other weekend) rang tonight and he's offered to take the clothes rail to Blueeyes with me (Si is about 6ft 4 and built like a brick you know what!) Must admit, don't want to see Blueeyes again so having someone with me to drop rail off would be very good!
It's been a very emotional few weeks and I haven't really written about it all fully... perhaps I will when life settles a bit. (In October!)
Great news though, my friend who visited from Wales, she rang me today, she started on the diet (Cambridge) last week and has lost 11lbs this week and is over the moon

How ace is that! She'll be SSing at the 'bike rally in 2 weeks and I'll be on 790 but as I'll still be having my 3 packs a day, we can do that bit together. I'm so pleased for her as she was very depressed about her weight and has probably got about 6 or 7 stone to lose. She wasn't going to tell me so she could surprise me, but, like me, she was bursting to share her news

I'm glad she did. Am so happy for her and she's finding it easy too which is a mega bonus!
I'm off for an early night - am so tired. Will catch up more tomorrow but have manic remainder of week ahead... thanks again everyone. You're lovely xxxxx