Tuesday Nov 28th - at work (oops) 8.53am
Brrrrr.... sniff... am cold and snotty this morning (nice eh?) lol My hands are freezing! Some muppet has turned off the heater in my office so I am sat her in coat, scarf, gloves , 2 tops, jeans, boots, socks and essential undies and STILL cold!!! Might make a mug of bouillon (brought it in today as am a tad concerned that I might be coming down with a cold and DO NOT WANT IT!!).
Now... I am STILL recovering from Brum - lol, my foot is STILL throbbing like mad, despite being up all afternoon, evening and night! Ah well... it was definitely worth it.. lol Might have to book a day off after the Toon meet though as it was very very difficult coming to work whilst not being able to walk without crying out in pain! I know, I know, all self-inflicted! But hey - if I party, I party!! lol
I really can't say how great it all made me feel, from the moment I met up with everyone I felt fab! I had loads of apprehension about going to the club and am so very glad it wasn't one of those trendy places where everyone poses all night and has faces like slapped ar*es or mouths like anus's - you know what I mean... where all the women are dressed like right slappers and try soooo hard to impress the blokes.. and the blokes are all so in lurve with themselves that they spend more time preening in the loos than on the dance floor having a laugh!
I was very glad that my introduction to a night out was such a relaxed and fun time. Thanks again gals for making it so great! I can't wait to get back there in the summer! (Should we wait that long??? What about a Spring meet? lol) Ignore me - I'm still hyped!
Anyway... I didn't do a diary yesterday as I was so tired and foot was really bad so I took myself off to a gorgeous radox bath - it was pink stuff and said it was moisturising - I dunno if it was or not, but it smelt good and was lovely laying there in all those bubbles.. lol I meant to read my book but couldn't be bothered.. lol.
Oh, better backtrack to the morning .. well, Sunday night actually...
Sunday night was quiz night at the pub - the loud gobby mare was there but she was a lot more polite - lol We (Lucy and I) had a right giggle. We didn't win and are beginning to think we should study the sports pages in the newspapers... lol We are absolute pants at it all, but it's a friendly place and the people there are fun. Am definitely thinking it could turn into my "local" lol
Got home, came on here, then decided (eventually) to go to bed. My phone went off! It was Zoe (she was stopping at her boyfriend's place)... telling me she had no lift to college in the morning - I did the honorable thing and told her to get up early and get the bus then!!... there then followed an exchange of increasingly irritable texts.. in the end I told her I was going to sleep and if she wanted a lift to college to be home by 7.15am and I would take her! (it's a pain for me as it's at least an hour round trip and I have to be here for 9).
I slept like a log - well, except that logs don't snore.... or dream... or do they? Anyway - enough of that..
Got up, foot agony, dressed etc downstairs, coat on and waiting... she turned up at half past, grabbed her things and we went... we had a right giggle in the car as I told her all (well, almost all) about the weekend. She thought it was hilarious. So did I ! Managed to get to work in time but was so tired it was a struggle to get the jobs done that I had to.. in the end I was here far later than I ought to have been, but I stayed until I had done what I had to do! (If I hadn't come on here I probably would have saved meself an hour... lol ) Still... it all got done, and then it was off into town. "Eric" sent me a text mid-morning but it was very brief. I resolved to answer it when I got home - don't want him thinking I am too keen! Shame really that he doesn't seem keen at all! Ho hum!
I called into WH Smith for a book I ordered - they said it hadn't arrived yet, so I'll have to go later in the week.. then I did it... I bought THE dress!!!!
I know, I know... I have NOWHERE to wear it to! I bought it in a size 24 and it's hanging on the outside of my wardrobe... I love it!!! They asked me if I was sure - lol - I told them that I will be a 24 in the new year and that I love the dress! lol I think they thought I was mad! (well, they might have a point... ) Still, it's done now... I bought myself a dress for the first time in 10 years!! Whether I shall ever wear it, well... lol... watch this space!!!
On the way home I had to go to the Dr's to have my fortnightly check-up with the nurse. She told me she could see that I had lost more weight and her scales confirmed it. I don't take any notice of those though as they are very different to Ailsa's . The Dr's ones say I am lighter than Ailsa's and as I have no idea which are right, I choose Ailsa's! (Better to err on the fatter side! lol) My blood pressure has come down a smidgen yet again! She even said that for someone my weight my blood pressure was very good (albeit controlled by medication!). I asked her to chase up the doc about a gym referral and she promised she would speak to him for me. I told her ALL (and yes, I mean ALL) about my weekend - I love chatting to her... she makes me laugh and we have a giggle while I'm with her! Think I'll get her something really nice for Chrimbo... she's been a love to me over the last couple of years..
Anyway... from there it was home at last! Shoes off!! Foot screeching! (not smelly - just horrendously painful) Got home and started to tidy up - was beginning to feel hungry so made myself a vanilla muffin and, I actually tried the chicken and mushroom soup as a cup-a-soup! I was amazed at how tasty it was!!! I also had a mug of bouillon with it! Sat on the sofa, telly on, dog curled up beside me, cat on me lap (oh, I noticed that I am beginning to get a lap!).. and I fell asleep!!!! (before I fell asleep I replied to "Eric")
Zoe got home.. we had a little chinwag and then she tootled into the study - I asked her if she could please eat the leftover pizza that was lurking in the fridge as it was calling out to me siren-like each time I went into the kitchen... she said she was going to throw it out!!! I mean - pizza!!! Bin??? ARGH!!!! Now, the old me would have said, oh no, don't do that, I'll have it! But not now - I told her that if she didn't want it she should have thrown it in the bin already and to do it quick! (It really did smell good and I did open the box and take a big sniff - lol)
She did, bless her. I nodded off again and decided I ought to get online as I'd arranged to chat with my big sis at 8. Well, I logged in to msn and she had sent me a message - saying that she had talked to our mum and knew what I was going to talk about and that she didn't want to talk and to leave it!! (I'm not going into details now, but to say I was fuming was an understatement). I fired off a very hurt and angry email to her, rang my mother and told her that in future I would not share my opinions with her as, if I had wanted my comments to reach my sister I would have said them to her myself!! I was VERY angry indeed! They were BOTH very wrong as to why I wanted to have a chat! They had added 2 + 2 and come up with 346! Grrrr
I chatted, very briefly to my Sarah on msn and then huffed off upstairs for a bath. Said goodnight to Zoe and stomped away! (hate stomping when crippled - not good for the foot at all!) So.. there I am laying in me bath and Zoe comes up to sit on the loo and chat (mums and dad's will relate to that!).. and I told her about my dress so she went and looked at it and totally loved it too! Anyway - text from sis saying she can't understand why I'm hurt but will leave me to calm down... I just carried on soaking. Zoe pootled off back to the pc and I eventually got out the bath and went to bed (leccy blanky on beforehand of course! lol).
Turned the telly on to see what was on and "I'm a celeb" started..texted sis back to say that she had got it all wrong and that between her and mum they had jumped to the wrong conclusion. The phone rang... I ignored it... Zoe yelled up that it was my sis. (she had let it go to answerphone for me).. mobile rang - it was sis - apologising. We talked awhile, then I rang her on landline... in the end we got it all sorted out ok. I am still cross with my mother though but that was last night, and today is another day. I think she might think twice before opening her trap about what people say! Sis told me loads of stuff too and we both agreed that what we talk about is our business and not mums... I never tell my sis what my mum says about her, and she is the same with me! So why can't mum be the same with us!!
Anyway, I finally got off the phone at 11 , sent text to my ex to warn him that my mum is taking him to court and to suggest that he contact her so it could all be avoided, and then I fell asleep. Bliss.
Woke at 6.30am and panic! BIN DAY!!! Jumped out of bed... to immediatly crash back on it! Foot still agony! Hobbled around, got washed and dressed etc and shot downstairs... sorted out the bins, put them out and all done by 7.15 and then hopped on here to see the photos of Brum!!
Oh my goodness! For the first time in my life I feel ok about a photo of myself! LOL I know that sounds so vain, but it's the truth. For years I have hidden behind the lens.. now, don't get me wrong, I ain't up for having bazillions of pics taken of me! NO WAY! I'm just saying that they are ok..
Decided not to have anything for brekkie except a pint of water and then it was time to go! So - Zoe safely dropped off with her lift on to college it was into the office, turn on the flamin' heater, and sit down on here!
So there you have it, bang up to date again. Didn't hear another word from "Eric" but as he now has his Sky tv all working he will be watching that 24/7 -I've never known such a telly addict! Still, it's been his company for the last 3 years... still.. bit sad to come runner up to a bliddy goggle box! Not going to contact him today as peeved now. He has to tell me whether or not he wants to come to the gig on Saturday - am guessing not, but you know what - that'll be just fine with me. I like going to gigs with me girlfriends. PLUS it means I will be able to sing in church Sunday morning and also, not have to do housework! lol LOADS of silver linings! Still - if he says he does want to come I'm going to have to consider now whether I actually want him to or not! Hmm... t'aint looking great for him! lol Bet once I speak to him again I will change my mind though! (I'm such a pathetic gullible twerp you know!!)
Boss just rang -yippee! He's not coming in today!!! lol So... will probably pop in and out of these threads for the next few hours... (well, I don't smoke so can call them, umm, fat breaks!!)
oooh, just stood up to take coat off and felt decidedly wooly-headed! (forgot to take BP tablet! crapola!!) Oh well... will have it when I go home... boss said I sounded like I might have a cold.. (potential sicky looking on the horizon mebbe? lol , just kidding... if I AM ill I will be off, but tis only a sniffle so will be here!).
Text from ex to say he has no money and my mum can go ahead and take him to court, he still won't be able to pay what he owes! You know what, I wish he would just contact her and talk to her, he could, I'm sure, afford to pay SOMETHING each month.. still, I guess the courts will decide on that one.. but I don't think he will give her a penny and that's wrong. He owes her over £5k and she isn't asking interest, and he hasn't made any payments since March '05 when he stopped giving me anything too as he "allowed me 4 months to sort out things financially", that was so generous eh, after leaving me on Dec 12th '04.
I was going to re-write that all time classic "The Twelve Days Of Christmas" but I didn't in the end. Now I'm glad that I have free texts at the moment so didn't waste anything on my text to him last night! lol Not going to respond to his pathetic reply. If they can both afford to chain smoke, run 2 (very nice) cars, go on holidays, she's minted from the two previous father's maintenance for her
6 kids , have a stunning brand new house,
and I know what he earns!! They can damn well afford to repay his debt in small monthly payments to my mother!!!!
Slow inhalation - slow exhale - in - out - ahhhhhh calm now.
Right - must get on -got a 24 page newsletter to produce, collate, edit, print, etc etc etc..!!
Oh, almost forgot! Weigh-in tonight! Have to put on the clothes I wore for first weigh-in, hate them now, especially the trousers as they are the same size as the ones Ann & Ailsa got into.. might have to think about wearing something different for weigh in, but they are pretty light things,.. hmm... well... an upward move would only be for once time and then it would be ok again... will have to think about it! I get Ailsa to take pics every single week - today will be no exception... I'm hoping one day to be able to see a difference - not got that so far.. but I guess that as others can see a change then that's ok for now.
I actually feel a bit bloaty today - not due on or owt... been having me husks too although they don't seem to work very well... maybe I should have more? or less? or none!? As long as they don't affect my weight loss I will keep on having them I think... I did have some of the stuff from Cambrdige last night - umm.. something 89 Ithink it's called.. well,, we'll see if THAT does the trick!
Might call the docs and see if there's any news on the gym referall front.. although I can't go at the moment anyway as my foot is screaming! Also going to call the mum of last fella and see if ok to visit tomorrow early eve as car in for 1st service (done almost 1800 miles!!) and then I can shoot up there for a quick visit. Want to see her before she goes anywhere - need to tell her how lovely she is and other stuff... know what I mean? Hope I get to see her this week...
Also might ring my mother - she is off to CAB with court papers today... not sure I want to discuss it with her though - I'd rather stay out of it as it will mean that I will have to go with her and see him and his slut, I mean wife, ah, no, I did mean slut
, again.
Hopefully if it does get to court then it won't be for months and I will have lost oodles by then and he will be very shocked!!
How pathetic is that
- I don't even want him anymore! Why should I even give a flying fig what he thinks of me!!! grrrr - cross at myself now!
Catch up with you all later xxxx Hope you all have a fab day! x