So pleased - car almost fully loaded, sun is shining, biscuits all baked this morning and kitchen clean and tidy - just have to shower, and dress and squeeze all these cakes into my car (you should see it, couldn't fit even the teensiest bag in there now!).. and then it's full steam ahead for the event I have organised! Am a bit nervous as no idea how many are going to turn up... plus... not sure if you will remember the nasty woman at the bike club - not sure if I gave her a nickname but for the purposes of my diary I shall call her Ursula... so... Ursula has continued to give me a right hard time until this week when she seems to have had a total personality transplant! Worrying eh? It's a bit unnerving to say the least and I am very much on my guard!!!
I've had NO support for the event from her and her "followers" at all and then out of the blue she is all smiles and nicey nicey...
Wonder is she's ill.... anyhoo... I've got to spend the afternoon with her so I will be on my guard and I am sure that afterwards she will revert to type... I know, I'm such a cynic but if you knew her and the way she has treated me over the last few years you would be telling me to make sure I watch my back too!!!
Here's hoping we make plenty of dosh for the Air Ambulance today! Will post piccies later whilst recovering with a pint of iced water... rock'n'roll eh? lol
Still 100% on the diet and feeling good but impatient to lose all this damn weight... oh.. and Hattie's seat was sent off yesterday to get scooped out so it's lower so I will feel much safer riding her... I am sure that being able to reach the ground with more of my foot will give me the confidence boost I need to get some miles on her! Very exciting stuff! She's a lush bike! Droooool! lol
Hope you all have a lovely day! Thinking of K & J especially today as I think it's tough times ahead for them, and big hugs to Hope xxxx