Hello peeps
Well, what an afternoon. I have been to the eye clinic, and what a palava (sp?) Long story. My eyes are still dialated so I cant see the keys perfectly at the moment.
Still so happy about my loss so far - 1.1 stone in 2 weeks - very happy. Makes a real mental impact. Not so much physical yet, but I know thats not far behind.
And feeling so in to the diet. Absolutely tucked in to it.
But after the ordeal at the hospital, I came in and boy was my chatterbox wanting me to have a "little something" to relax. Noisy thing! It only lasted about 15 minutes, but was obviously triggered by a bit of stress and anxiety.
In CBT we discussed how Thoughts affect feelings - feelings affect behaviour - and behavious affects our actions or choices. That has really been sticking with me.
I think that is one reason a positive attitude on this diet is so essentialy. For me, its the easiest diet I have ever done - but I don;t think it wouldbe if I felt down about it all the time....or felt sorry for myself, as was the pattern on other diets.
Its certainly resonated with me, and makes me want to pay more attention now and see how that can and can;t work for me in other aspects of my life and not just around food.
I think I am seeing a benefit of starting over again in a New Starters groups rather then a returners - I feel much more open and receptive to the information coming from the LLC and the group - like a sponge. Where the first time around there were so many emotions and expectations and unknowns, in a good but overwhelming way - this now feels like I am soaking up the knowledge more effectively. I am finding it so interesting.
I can contribute that to the group too - they are all committed, and open, and have a lot to offer.
So, its all good. All good.
I am so happy to be back in control and so happy to feel my old friend, "Steely Determination" again. Theres just no stopping now.
Well, going to chill for a bit in my darkened lounge - I think my peepers have looked at this screen as lng as hey can. and then have my packs.
And then tomorrow is my Friday!!
Life can be good.