Blonde Logic's Stream of Consciousness/Diary

Thanks Zumm - that was really nice. :)

As one expects with life, after a few days - I am feeling brighter again. I see it as what good would the highs be without the lows. lol Have to look at it that way I guess.

I appreciate everyones love and support so much on this site, and everyones kindness. So many of us have personal drama, and it's just nice to know there are people out there willing to listen.

I am feeling good abuot the diet, particularly this morning as I am back in my Levi's. It was a bit of a job to do it - but I'm in and all buttoned, so that counts!! lol

This is the first sign where clothes were concerned - so its exciting. I know from past experience it wll start shifting quickly now and soon I should have full acces to my wardrobe again instead of 10-15%. Phew.

The group I am in is really pretty psychologically aware, and our classes have gotten pretty deep at times, and I think that is helping a lot - and is probably why some hard stuff bubbles up now and again.

I requested my LLC do some classes on Shame, guilt and addiction as those are things I think most of us can relate to - either on or all of them. So this has certainly been good and I think is going to be helpful. I know these are three target areas of mine that I easily fall in to and struggle to get out of - so here's hopping to unpeel yet another layer - face it - understand it - process it and move on.

One day at a time.

Thank you all. You rock my world. :D


Hold on to your hats - it's a bumpy ride

I have been feeling very introspective lately, and really taking stock of my life. Thoughts are no doubt stirred, sometimes gently, and sometimes agitated is more apt, by discussions in group, and the constant thoughts of what has transpired in the recent past that are never very far from the surface.

Let me preface this by saying – while this may sound a downer, I am fine, and not wallowing. Just looking at my life as it is. I accept it is not perfect – who’s is. It is what it is – it’s all I got – and I have to live with it the best way I can and I have to face the fact that if I am honest, I am not very happy with it. So please don’t take this as moaning or whinging. It’s just what it is, and I am trying to face it. What I hope to gain by this, I don’t know. But there are things I cannot say out loud to people, that I can say here. I guess it’s just another layer of my onion that I have to peel back and try to find understanding and meaning.

Let me also preface this by saying, this might be quite a long if you are up for it, grab a cuppa and get comfortable!

I am generally happy and easy going, on the outside. It’s not an act – it’s how I live my life. But if I were to be completely honest, there are parts of me that are sad, constantly. And have been for years and years and years. I used to say to people about my brothers depression, that he was “born depressed” and I really believed that. And I kind of feel that way about me too. One day, I may be brave enough to ask my other brother if he too carries on through life smiling, while inside he is sad. What I am wondering – is this the product of being adopted? All three of us were. And don’t get me wrong – as you know, I adored my mother and father and never in my life took for granted how incredibly lucky we were to have been chosen by them. They were amazing parents, and they loved us to the moon and back – and vica versa.

But, as an adult I am beginning to accept that I have “issues” that likely stem from being adopted. I have always considered myself very well adjusted about his – but as an adult am learning there are things that happen to a baby when they are taken from their maternal mother. Things I can’t explain and don’t fully understand – but am accepting them to be true. I always poo-pooed such things, because I had such loving parents and such an amazing childhood, etc. But underneath all of that – I do now believe that there is a giant stamp of rejection and abandonment on an infant’s soul when they are taken away....and it must surely be a blessing we are too young and too new to feel it. But I think it’s there. And it’s very complicated.

I so often have felt unsatisfied with my lot in life – and at time, shamefully envy others. Much of it is my fault probably. I have made some bad choices. I hated school – always felt inferior to all the pretty girls – slim, fashionable – their shiny cars and good looking string of boyfriends....that when I graduated, I could not bear the thought of more schooling. For reasons unknown to me, my parents accepted this and never encouraged me to go on to further education. The offered it to me – Art School or a Culinary Academy as these were areas I was showing some natural talent for. But I insisted, I just wanted to “get on with my life...get out there – get a job – move out, etc.” And they supported this.

I wish they hadn’t and don’t understand why they did. As a result, I have spent my entire working life in jobs that bring me no joy – no satisfaction – jobs that only feel like drudgery. I have worked nonstop since I was 16 – and have ended up hating every job I have had. And now, at 51, the thought of doing something I love seems, well, too late. I know it’s never too late to change, but let’s face it – by now there are mortgages involved – years of various debts accrued – it’s not always easy or practical. So I feel very trapped in unfulfilled occupations.

This makes me feel desperate to retire – but I have made so many foolish financial moves in my life, and the losses (financial) that occurred when I divorced my ex-husband make me live in fear that I will never ever be able to retire, therefore never able to have a stab at doing something I enjoy – that I am faced with endless years of *this*. I wish I knew then – what I know now. I am sure many of us wish this!

I won’t rehash the years of living in guilt over leaving mom – but that plays a huge part in my discontent. I know that. But it’s too late now. Unfortunately, the guilt lingers, even though she is gone and there is nothing I can do about it anyway.

I miss my friends, and my life in California, at times I feel like we will never ever get back there. My birth-mom is getting older – my brothers getting older – I am getting older – life is just whizzing past. I have never been as conscious of this as I have been the last 4 or 5 months.

I just feel constantly sad and regretful. It’s getting old, but I seem to be struggling with finding a way to move forward. I feel like I just sit static in this life I have now, watching the pages of Calendars tear off a calendar and blow away, like they do in the old movies.

Inside, I am pretty much a mess. On the outside, I carry on smiling. It is getting very very tiresome living life this way. And no doubt has a huge part to play in why I have always struggled with my weight.

<Sigh> I wish there was a magic pill I could take that would just snap everything in to the right place, including my mind. I find the more and more I try to work through it, the more complicated it gets and the less I understand it. Its an exercise in futility.

How does one jut turn off the switch, and make it stop.

Well, I have NO idea what I hope to accomplish by blathering on about this here. I guess I just needed to get it out there, and maybe that will help to start some wheels somehow turning in the right direction. At the end of my life, I don’t want to feel like I have completely and utterly wasted it and done nothing wonderful, or inspirational, or satisfying. I don’t know. Maybe I should have stayed on the anti-depressants. Even if its false, going through life numb can sometimes be easier.

Sorry to be, what I said I wouldn’t be at the beginning of this post – a whiner and a whinger. Just needed to try and get some of this out of my head. I hope this will help.


Thank you BL, I always love your honesty, and have said previously what an inspiration you are. I read your diary entry, and my first reaction was-thank goodness I am not the only one feeling this way...I too feel the days are whizzing by and I have not made any steps towards fulfilling myself on a business or spiritual level (I don't know if they are connected). I am a happy gentle person-everyone says so. and I think I really am-except for the terrible, angry thoughts I can have (at and about work) but I don't voice it because I don't want to 'rock the boat' or force myself to leave because of money fears etc. So, anyway I just wanted to say-you are not alone. You are not whingey-and I really think we can overcome the fear...and do it !! (nearly a book title there!) DDB XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Dear BL - i have spent the whole day reading your diary from start to now - what an amazing women you are - you are a real inspiration and a very very courageous women. i love the openess and honesty and hope it has helped in your journey.
sending you love and hugs x
Thank you BL, I always love your honesty, and have said previously what an inspiration you are. I read your diary entry, and my first reaction was-thank goodness I am not the only one feeling this way...I too feel the days are whizzing by and I have not made any steps towards fulfilling myself on a business or spiritual level (I don't know if they are connected). I am a happy gentle person-everyone says so. and I think I really am-except for the terrible, angry thoughts I can have (at and about work) but I don't voice it because I don't want to 'rock the boat' or force myself to leave because of money fears etc. So, anyway I just wanted to say-you are not alone. You are not whingey-and I really think we can overcome the fear...and do it !! (nearly a book title there!) DDB XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

DDB, thank you so much. That means a lot, it really does. It is comforting to know that I am not alone. Time has never felt like the enemy before, and not sure why it is such a strong presence in my thoughts these days. I often feel as if this must be a mid-life crisis. I do not mean that humorously either - it really feels like it.

And I know what you mean about a spiritual level as well....that is a whole other topic I could rattle on about for days. And that often bothers me too - not having any realy convictions about beliefs leaves me floundering along, with no clue what its all about. I know that is why I have such a struggle with grief and loss. I know it is.

ANwya, thank you - your post really warmed me.

Just read your post and am sending you hug.
Hope writing it all down has helped.
Take care
Dorothy x

Thank you Dorothy.

That was my moms name....just seeing it there as you signed it makes me want to hug you too.

Thank you love.

Dear BL - i have spent the whole day reading your diary from start to now - what an amazing women you are - you are a real inspiration and a very very courageous women. i love the openess and honesty and hope it has helped in your journey.
sending you love and hugs x

Oh my goodness, you lovely (brave) woman for sticking through all my drivel in one go!!!!

Thank you so much for your really kind comments. I don;t often feel courageous. At times I feel like I am quite a weakling because I get so engulfed with feelings, etc. - like they just swallow me right up and I give in to them so easily. I wish I were thicker skinned in many ways - would be so much easier if I didn;t care, or didnt feel things.

I often feel I torture myself by giving in to feelings too much, and not sure if thats a good thing. Better than being heartless I suppose, but jeez - sometimes it really pulls me down.

Hey ho.

I really appreciate your commitment today to reading my story - you deserve a prize. :) teehee.

Thanks honey.

Hi BL,

I can relate to your post -- and I just the other day used the pages flying off the calendar to describe how I felt my life has just flown by without my really "living it". I am sure another birthday approaching is a big part of my feeling this way -- but I think that I, too, probably "choose" to be happy and am fighting a genetic tendancy to be depressive. It can be a struggle.

I'm glad you are not thicker skinned because then you wouldn't be the lovely caring person that you are. I don't think it's a weakness to wear your heart on your sleeve and show your true feelings although I know it does make one feel vulnerable.
I sometimes feel sad that I can't crack out of my shell and let my true emotions out. Years and years of layers of - guess what?
comfort food!
Hi BL,

I hope you had a good weekend. Thinking of you.

Hi x
I was recommended to read your diary by Slender Brenda as I was looking for inspiration, hope you dont mind me subscribing :D I look forward to reading about your journey x You look amazing in your photos..
Hi everyone. Hi Katie Rose Nice to "meet you" :)

Well, its a new day and I am feeling better. Probably because I have had such a nice day. I just came in from a busy day shopping around Worthing for new spectacles - and then a visit to see our lovely SB. Had a lovely catch up. And lovely coffee. nom nom nom.

(SB - I stopped on the way home and bought 2 packs!!! :D - Enjoyng a cup now - scrummy! Its D&E, but in a silver pack. )

Anyway, had to go in by train as I am perpetually vehicle challenged. 2 cars, and 4 motorcycles and I can't take any of them out! LOL They are wither out of MOT; broken down or SORNED. Grrrrr!!!

I have realllly been struggling with the diet. I am staying true to it =- but it is taking every single itty bitty ounce of will power. I am bored to tears with having to do this again. But I am going to try and be a bit more positive. I don't have much more to go - and by making myself get a bit more walking in, sore feet or not, I am getting the feel-good feeling from fresh air and exercise. Its amazing how quickly you can feel the benefit.

I am remembering, that I am choosing to do this - I have to keep reminding myself of this. Takes a way the pity party aspect.

Anyway - just a quick waffle of words and to thank everyone for their kind comments - been a rough few weeks, but I think I have turned a corner. Roll on.

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Hi BL,

Congrats on keeping strong and having the courage to do this again. I am trying to get back it myself.

Hi BL,
Lovely to see you. Thanks for coming over.
Glad you are enjoying the coffee.
Today I have learned of the passing of a friend. She was 2 or 3 years younger then me, so about 47 or 48 is all.

She died from alcohol. Alcohol killed her.

She was not one I would have conisdered an Alcoholic, but she liked her drink. I would have said, "Perhaps too much" - but did not know it was a problem.

She had Sclerosis of the Liver and Kidney failure, and it was pretty acute from what I understand.

47. Thats too damn young. And all for a few too many drinks!

I am nearly tea total myself and have been for about 20 years - simply because I do not particularly like the taste of alcohol - nor do I like wasting mornings - my favourite time of day - with headaches and hangovers - so I just naturally stopped drinking when I was about 28 or 30.

I know a lot of people like their drink! But this is a good, painful - but good, reminder that booze harms far more than just our waistlines. :(

Sad sad news, indeed.
So Sorry to hear of your sad news.So young to lose her life to alcohol.So Sad (((((hugs))).
Hi BL,
One of the things that scared me before starting LL, is that morbid obesity causes 'fatty liver'. When I looked it up it was actually cirrhosis of the liver. The swollen feet, ankles, and legs are a symptom of fatty liver, all I which I was getting.
So a really good reason to get the weight off and keep it off. We are so used to liver damage being from alcohol or hepatitis, etc, and the term 'fatty liver' doesn't indicate the seriousness of the damage morbid obesity causes. Its like calling diabetes... 'a little sugar'.
I'm sorry about your friend, and thanks for posting, I also have a friend who likes to have a bit too much alcohol and her doctor has told her to reduce her intake because it is affecting her liver, but she has to want to make the change. Its very sad and frustrating.