Blonde Logic's Stream of Consciousness/Diary

(((((HUGS))))) and lots of love and support being sent your way.

I think my BMR is pretty dreadful -- I'm not a tall or big bones person, I'm getting old and I've done more than one VLCD. I'm looking into JUDDD again in the hopes it'll improve my metabolism. That and getting off my bum (because I have no excuses for not doing fitness - except laziness).

Thanks for coming back -- you've been missed. You can do this (you've proved that) and we will figure out HOW to change our lives so once it's off - it stays off.
I have missed you BL - I actually thought about you today, wondering how you are. I'm glad to see you here. :)

I hear exactly what you're saying. I was there too. I regained far too much (but not ALL of it) and lost ALL my coping mechanisms that I had learnt on LL and through CBT. For a few years after my losses, I was left airless almost, like a fish out of water. I didn't know what to do. All my habits came back and food was an emotional crutch again.

BUT... you CAN get back to the place you were at the end of LL. I really believe you can. You are such a strong person and when you get going - there's no force strong enough to knock you down. It just takes ... baby steps.

For two years after my initial fall, I took little steps, day by day, week by week to fix the worst of my behaviours... cutting back, day by day, not making drastic changes because my mind was so fragile... but, I got there in the end. This year I was ready and healed enough to take the final step into another bout of a VLCD. Yes, my metabolism seems a bit shot too - my losses are excruciatingly slow. BUT, I don't mind. :) I'm doing this for ME - something I didn't realise the first time. I'm not even on LL anymore, I'm doing Slim and Save - where there is NO ONE who watches over me... I'm holding myself responsible and it's extremely liberating ...

I don't want to preach at you and what not... but just wanted to let you know - that I know what you're feeling... you're really not alone... and know, that it really can be fixed. Just be kind to yourself and do what you feel is right, when you're ready to.

Evening BL. I'm glad you have come back to Minis. The support is you know is amazing here.

I'm sorry to hear you've experienced a rough time with your relationship with food coupled with the health aspects. All I can add to Mel and Minerva's posts is don't give up on yourself your health. X
Hi Ladies,

Thank you for your comments and support. It has taken me a long time to come back and confess. Not because confessing is a bad thing - in fact it is probably not even the right word - but I was just so sick of the lifelong focus on weight....I just couldn't face it. I am so BORED with talking about weight. About being fat. About being slim. Abut how may calories is this? How many grams of fat in that? I fell fat today? I miss feeling slim? I willl never be slim again. I can't live being fat. And on and on and on ad finitum. I'm just sick of it. My entire life spent with these thoughts in my head - I am 53, and since about age 8 or 10 - that has been something on my mind probably every single day of my life. It's defined me. All starting because of some stupid comment made by an older (ignorant) brother and his friends. That set me on a path I am still struggling to get off of today. What an idiot. lol

Anyway - that said - i had a heart to heart with the hubby this morning. We discussed Exante, and LL and Cambridge. We have both agreed, that as much as I hate the idea of it really, that abstinance is the way forward for me. I need to be motivated by fast loss because I am in the early stages of feeling I have too much to lose to bother. So I need to shift it quick. And as said, there is the physical aspect - I am in pain every single day. I feel like my knees are bout to give - I can just feel bone on bone, my feet are worse than before the surgery so the wesight is NO help at all. Its just a mess.

I can't quite explain what came over me. Most of my weight gain in life, not all, but most was just from eating too much - portion size. But I never ate things like pork pies, deep fried food, etc. I just ate too much. But this has been full on binge mode where at times I scare myself and think "STOP!!!" - you CANNOT EAT like this!!. What HUMAN BEING does??? It freaked me right out. I could not get enough sugar in me - I was a woman possessed. It was like a drug. And having completely skipped over the RTM equivelant of CD - it came on literally - nearly 3 stone - LITERALLY over night. We always say to people who lapse - "don;t worry - you cant have put it all back on that fast." Well, guess what - yes you can. It shocked me that it was even pfysically possible to come back that quick. Even my husband said he was shocked. With no metabolism, the sugar jut turns to fat, about as quick as you have wiped the crumbs from you mouth. I felt like I went to bed me, and woke up in one of those fat suits. It was soul destroying.

SO I am feeling pretty desperate. We decided Cambridge was best as I seem to do better with a weekly check in with someone. And LL - while I now do believe I could benefit more from CBT again - it has gotten too expensive to ask my husband to go through the financial hardship again - so its CD. And maybe a few good books along the way.

I have emailed my CD lady to see if she has any room for me - and am now awaiting her reply. I am going to have to dig extremely deep this time. I am scared I don;t have it left in me, but I know I have NO OTHER CHOICE - so I have to. I. Have. To.

to be continued......
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Hi BL --

There are few of us "more mature" ladies who are dealing with a very messed up metabolism (no helped by having been on and off a VLCD for years) and we've looked at all kinds of means of improving things.

Here is a copy of a post by Lily on Nat's diary (both of whom have diaries worth viewing) and they could be a valuable resource for you. Lily is using CD at the moment, too. Kira (who is near her goal and at a healthy BMI) also communicates with Lily and Natalie (BettysRevenge). All of these ladies are working to improve their BMRs and want to learn how to keep it off. All of us have lost, regained, relost regained -- etc. Kira is using a personal trainer and fasting/ non-fasting plan.

The post:

The thing that piqued my interest was reading this on Julia's website:

In a study published in October 1997, University of North Texas researcher Kenneth Blum and colleagues monitored two groups of dieters for two years after they had completed a medically monitored fast. The fasters had used the product Optifast, a powdered nutritional drink containing various vitamins and minerals, which dieters use to replace one, two, or even three meals a day. In Dr. Blum's study, 247 Optifast graduates were divided into two equal groups. One group took the amino acids listed in this chapter. The other group took no amino acids. As we know from Oprah Winfrey's highly publicized experience with Optifast and from the 1992 Senate investigation of Optifast and Nutrisystems, a quick regain of weight after a liquid fast is to be expected in more than 90 percent of cases. However, this did not happen to Dr. Blum's amino acid-taking group.

At the end of two years, the amino acid takers showed:

? a twofold decrease in percent overweight for both males and females;

? a 70 percent decrease in craving for females and a 63 percent decrease for males;

? a 66 percent decrease in binge eating for females and a 41 percent decrease for males;

? the experimental group regained only 14.7 percent of the weight they lost during fasting while the control group regained 41.7 percent of their lost weight.


(DLPA converts to L-tyrosine).

So. Naturally, I've bought me some L-tyrosine. I've tried 5HTP before but it seems to upset my tummy. Besides, the more I read, the more I'm thinking my serotonin levels ain't that bad. I have the 'blahs' instead, a lack of interest in stuff, exercising etc. And that's caused by problems with dopamine - and yes, L-tyrosine is needed for dopamine production. It's also used by the thyroid to make thyroid hormones and convert T4 to T3. The only wonder is that I've never read about l-tyrosine before. But hey, once again, no money in it for Big Pharma. They'd much rather you take Prozac (I'm now off that by the way - have been for a few days).

Anyway. Happy to experiment on everyone's behalf and report back. My plan at the moment is to eat as cleanly as possible, avoid wheat in particular. Oh, and I really really need to stop eating chocolate! I must've eaten my own body weight in the stuff this week - a clear indicator of needing a dopamine hit apparently...
Thanks Mel - that all looks really interesting - I am going to need to delve in it a little deeper to fully understand it. Is tehre a link to the diaries you mentioned?

Well, I bit the bullet and have an appointment with my CD on th e21st May. I can't say I am thrilled - its a mixed bag. I am delighted to know I will soon feel some relief to the pain of lugging me around on very fragile knees and feet,.....but not fuly thrilled about abstaining, black coffee, blah blah blah. But I will do it. I have to. Life is not worth living if you cannot move freely about. This has scared me. I do not want to become that fat person that cannot get out of a chair m, etc. So it is what it is.

I have a couple of weeks to get psyched - and that is a a good thing. I will need every bit of it. xxx
Well done on taking the plunge! :D We'll all be here to support you, every step of the way. :)

As per supplements -
5HTP is generally used for depression and anxiety - it won't cure anything, but it helps the production of seratonin. :) (NOT to be taken in conjunction with anti-depressants).
5-Hydroxytryptophan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

L-Tyrosine -
Tyrosine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Acetyl L-Carnatine -

L-glutamine - - not sure about this one to be honest :p

Since most food issues originate from mood and stress, it's useful to look at stress relievers and natural/herbal anti-depressants. :) St John's Wort is also said to be very effective and fish oil. Not all of us produce the right chemicals or in the right quantities so a little boost is always welcome. :)

Remember - the research done on these chemicals isn't conclusive and no one can say with certainty whether they work or whether you'll work for YOU. So take with caution and even if it's a placebo effect, it's still something!


Oh and :

they are said to boost something or other - probably can be beneficial with the addition of exercise to the mix. :) Metabolism is lean mass dependant too - so some strength training probably wouldn't go amiss - especially that we do lose some muscle on VLCD.
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Blond Logic: welcome back and I can't wait for you to start your new journey. Back in the days you were my inspiration to lose weight and I look forward to see how you are doing it this time around. I have lost a lot of weight with Cambridge a few years ago but sadly put it all back again. Sooo..... lets :asskick:
Summer, that is the kick up the backside I need :D THanks for your nice comment. I don;t feel very inspiration anymore..... lol But hell, life happens, and here I am again. It could be worse.

I am KIND of starting to feel excited about starting. More so about STOPPING, if you get me - stopping the crazy binge behaviour. I am such a child - its like I won;t stop myself until I start the diet. How stupid is that. Rebellious child anyone?

Minerva, thanks for the tips - I am not going to do anything about Amino Acids, etc., until I really look into them, and what Mel was talking about - it sounds interesting though. But I am on anti depressants, and other meds, so I would probably speak to my doctor first anyway. It just wounded like they halped the test group with maintenance. We'll see. Between all my ales, I take enough pills that I rattle as it is - not sure I want to add to the mix after giving it some thought. :)

How are you doing anyway Min - its been a long time since I have seen you here. I'm afrain work and life leave me little time to get on here and catch up with everything. I suppose when I am abstaining I will have more time - no cooking, no washing up to speak of.....those are some nice bennies!! But I hope you are good, and shcool? Are you still knee deep in studying?

Well, time to slog off to work.

12 days to Sanity. Not long now. xxxxx

I love you guys!! :)
Morning BL!

I hope you have a good day at work.

You could.start now by drinking your water. (Continuing to drink 2 to 3 L a day is one think that seems to help with maintenance.)
Hiya, BL! So good to see you back here. I was worried when you'd dropped off the radar. I'm the same: I can't face MM if I've been majorly off-road (and the past year has been a bit of a rollercoaster for me). I'm also the same re "rebellious child". Once I'm in the mindset of "it's not fair!" and "but I want!" I find it difficult to switch off again and get back in the zone... but I think I'm pretty much there again now, not stressing, just taking each day as it comes (which for me is a bit of a miracle given how much I worry about everything!)

Anyway - just wanted to pop on and say hello and that I'm rooting for you! xx
BL as Minerva posted we are all rooting for you and you can and will STOP and you will do it again.

i also remember reading your posts and feeling very inspired. I appreciated you sharing your photos as you lost and seeing your fab outfits back in 2008 I think it was. I was new to minis and my first forum experience (not that I post anywhere else). It siding matter you were on LL and I was on CD it was the fact you stuck to plan, your plan which was inspiring.
Summer, that is the kick up the backside I need :D THanks for your nice comment. I don;t feel very inspiration anymore..... lol But hell, life happens, and here I am again. It could be worse.

I am KIND of starting to feel excited about starting. More so about STOPPING, if you get me - stopping the crazy binge behaviour. I am such a child - its like I won;t stop myself until I start the diet. How stupid is that. Rebellious child anyone?

Minerva, thanks for the tips - I am not going to do anything about Amino Acids, etc., until I really look into them, and what Mel was talking about - it sounds interesting though. But I am on anti depressants, and other meds, so I would probably speak to my doctor first anyway. It just wounded like they halped the test group with maintenance. We'll see. Between all my ales, I take enough pills that I rattle as it is - not sure I want to add to the mix after giving it some thought. :)

How are you doing anyway Min - its been a long time since I have seen you here. I'm afrain work and life leave me little time to get on here and catch up with everything. I suppose when I am abstaining I will have more time - no cooking, no washing up to speak of.....those are some nice bennies!! But I hope you are good, and shcool? Are you still knee deep in studying?

Well, time to slog off to work.

12 days to Sanity. Not long now. xxxxx

I love you guys!! :)

Don't worry about the random amino acids and all the vitamin pills - I don't think they're all that healthy!! However, the only supplement I would advocate on a VLCD is Peppermint Oil from Holland and Barrett (200mg one). One before you got to bed - works WONDERS for the VLCD signature toilet problems!! Plus, the slight reflux for the first 30 mins is all minty and nice - lovely for the 'ol ketosis breath. ;)

I'm alright my lovely, thank you. :) It took me a while to get my head around all of this. I remember we both went through some painful deaths in the family at around the same time - grief is not something LL counselling can EVER prepare an emotional eater for. Took me a good 2-3 years to recover from the blind binge eating that a combination of abstinence/fear of food and grief caused. I tried for so long to re-start this, but I wasn't ready in my heart. Physically my body was ready, but emotionally no.
We have to KNOW we're ok again before anything can begin to happen. We have to forgive ourselves for this. All of this turmoil has to take us to the darkest, deepest place before we can start to crawl out again. Thankfully I reached my lowest and am on the climb back up, I found the bottom of the ladder in the darkness!! Metaphorically speaking... :)

And yes, I'm still studying... a different course though from the one I was doing in 2009/2010 though! Now it's some graduate course in Law - exams start next week and I'm freaking out. No idea why I put myself through it this time - I have no interest in any legal professions!! Lol, I'm an idiot!! :D

We're all here for you - LL / CD / or whatever - we're all on the VLCD train! (I'm on Slim and Save - cheap and cheerful - but without any "official" weigh-ins or counselling).


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Thank you all so much. It is always nice to see that support never leaves MMs. :) <hugs>

I am finding that with every step I take, I think "Thank god its almost over". Isn;t that odd? I think it is. Why do I know I can stop on the 21st, but can't now. Each step on my feet reminds me how close I am to being in a very dangerous place. They can barely carry me anymore. If I were ever to gain back 100% of the initial loss I had with LL, I would not be able to walk. That is a scary thught. I just need to keep moving for 11 or 12 days or so, and then after that about 2 weeks and I will start to feel the pain in my feet and knees ease up. And that will be welcome.

Iam going through ups and downs anticipating the diet. I am excited because I know I will be "saved" quickly. And the weight will fall. cBut it will be months on a VLCD again. I reckon at least 5 give or take with RTM, etc. So it is a long time again without the pleasure of food. But that is OK. It has to be done. I am excited to have a selection fo clothing to wear. I have refused to buy larger clothes again, so I am SQUEEZING into a small selection of clothes I bought last year when I attempted this again. Which tells me I am even bigger then when I reattempted last time.

I don;t think I can ever trust myself to eat choclate again. I firmly believe that is what triggered me into this latese and most severe of ever binge mode as that has been all I want. I may have to say goodbye to that forever. We'll see. Man I have made a mess of things. I really have. I am so lucky my husband is so supportinve. If I didn;t have him, and his acceptance o=and love for me no matter what I look like, I don;t think I could cope - I really don;t think I could get myself out of this alone.

What we do to ourselves with our hearts and our heads. Sheesh.

Anyway, this is really just me thinking out loud.

Now I better get on to work.

I love you ladies!! Thank you so much for jumping back on to help me - I don;t feel very deserving, but it means the world that you do.,

Min good for your for continuing your education - you are a real little learner you are! And all the education you get, whether you think you need or wnat or will even use, will benefit you inthe long run. Its good to soak up as much knowledge as you can now. I wish I had been more scholastically inclined. So good for you.

Yes, you and I did hit some very rough times at the same time. I do know that has been a huge part of my problem. Not all, but a large part. Grief - well, it's not meant to be easy, is it....but sometimes, its sooooo hard. Circumstances can really wreak havoc on ones heart and head. I spent last year on a couch for PTSD treatment to aid in my grieving - I was suffering with nightmares and flashbacks, etc., and it was a tough tough year. But the counseling was very effective. I just passed the anniversary of moms death day before yesterday, and by this time last year I wa a mess - and this year, I am fine. Sad, and missing mom - but me, I am OK. And that is good. We do have to go through it to our lowest point - you are right there.

I'm glad you have worked through it as well. There are two thinks we can never escape in life - death and taxes. And both suck. lol

Mel talked a lot about Slim and Save? How are you finding it? Tasty enough? I considered that but really need that weekly check in - that works best for me.

Well, lets get down to brass tacks you and I and do again what we know can be done. :)

I'm on slim and save too - loads of variety, fast delivery and a LOT cheaper than LL.

You and chocolate sounds like me and gin (*hic*). But I find as soon as I feel I'm depriving myself I want it more - and then have too much because something in me panics at the thought of "never again". You might find it easier to give chocolate up completely - but I found it triggering to be "banning" things. There's some interesting writing out there about "rational recovery" (please don't be offended that it's about addiction!) - where they talk about a concept of "the bicameral mind"... where this feeling of going mad comes from - where you feel you're fighting yourself. Because essentially that's what we're all doing with whatever it is that we have cravings for or behave irrationally around. Your primitive mind just WANTS TO FEEL GOOD. That could be sugar, could be grains, could be alcohol. It will do ANYTHING to get you to consume your substance of choice. Then your rational mind decides to stop... and the primitive mind goes into overdrive in response.

I've experimented with (almost) a year of alcohol and complex carb abstinence, moderation, or having them when I feel like it, and find that for me, the latter works best and I actually consume less when I know I can have things whenever I want to but right now am CHOOSING not to, for whatever reason. Abstinence was great for clarity - but eventually I found myself MASSIVELY craving, which is something I'd never experienced before, and was quite scary. I also felt scared to eat "normally" in case I binged... which I did.

I feel I'm making progress as I had some carbs last weekend and they didn't trigger any bingeing behaviour - just were nice at the time and not a big deal (this is HUGE for me).

You have to find your own balance... and it's not easy. It reminds me a bit of when I first had my daughter and everyone had a different opinion (which they were only too happy to share :rolleyes:) about how I SHOULD bring her up. Then I read LOADS of books and confused myself even more. It was only when I relaxed a bit about being a Mum and worked things out for me, and for her, in our own way, that things made sense.

Sorry to ramble on - but I identify so much with your posts and wanted to share xxx
Morning BL,

Thank you all so much. It is always nice to see that support never leaves MMs. :) <hugs>

Iam going through ups and downs anticipating the diet. I am excited because I know I will be "saved" quickly. And the weight will fall. cBut it will be months on a VLCD again. I reckon at least 5 give or take with RTM, etc. So it is a long time again without the pleasure of food. But that is OK. It has to be done. I am excited to have a selection fo clothing to wear. I have refused to buy larger clothes again, so I am SQUEEZING into a small selection of clothes I bought last year when I attempted this again. Which tells me I am even bigger then when I reattempted last time.

I know how you feel -- I refused to buy bigger clothes when I regained about 2 stones of my loss... and I was living in the cropped jeans I'd not tossed because they were "put away". (It was rather embarrassing in late autumn to be in cropped jeans.)
I'm lucky in a procrastinator -- because i then "found" several pairs of trousers I bought during LL in 2008 that I had in a pile waiting to be hemmed. I never hemmed them as I went through that size so fast. I hemmed them and most of them fit - sadly none are too big. :(

Also, I finally bought a few (on clearance) bigger britches and have been good about not "growing out" of those. I've been in this limbo for most of the past two years. I've been yoyoing in a ten pound zone of being between 20 and 30 pounds overweight. So, I've learned how to maintain overweight -- now i need to relose and learn how to maintain healthy weight.

I don;t think I can ever trust myself to eat choclate again. I firmly believe that is what triggered me into this latese and most severe of ever binge mode as that has been all I want. I may have to say goodbye to that forever. We'll see.

I have a good friend who gave up chocolate for Lent -- lost a few pounds and found that she felt so much better for it. She has been chocolate free for over five years.

I think that a little dark chocolate is okay (and a little is all you need). I'm working towards "dairy free" so I've given up milk chocolate. I've been trying to avoid lactose for awhile now as I've realized my mild intolerance has become worse. So, maybe giving up "dairy" once you've begun RTM would work.

Man I have made a mess of things. I really have. I am so lucky my husband is so supportinve. If I didn;t have him, and his acceptance o=and love for me no matter what I look like, I don;t think I could cope - I really don;t think I could get myself out of this alone.

We've all been there -- and whatever doesn't break you really does make you stronger. And, if you were unable to cope with the loss of your mother and your weight loss issues simultaneously, then grieving comes first. But, now that you are stronger and the wounds are healing (I know they'll always hurt, but they'll become more bearable over time), you can refocus and commit to improving your health (which your mother would want you to do).

I'm glad you have your husband and aware you're blessed. You have always spoken highly of him.

What we do to ourselves with our hearts and our heads. Sheesh.

True dat!

Anyway, this is really just me thinking out loud.

It's your diary, so this is an ideal place to process.

Now I better get on to work.

I hoe your job is going okay -- and YAY! It's Friday!

I love you ladies!! Thank you so much for jumping back on to help me - I don;t feel very deserving, but it means the world that you do.,

You are deserving. You have been so inspirational to so many of us. Your were so generous sharing your thoughts and experiences when you were on LL -- and it was very helpful. So thanks again.

Min good for your for continuing your education - you are a real little learner you are! And all the education you get, whether you think you need or wnat or will even use, will benefit you inthe long run. Its good to soak up as much knowledge as you can now. I wish I had been more scholastically inclined. So good for you.

It's never too late. You can make that your maintenance goal. Once you're doing well in maintenance learn something new. I had started piano lessons (I broke my wrist and haven't gone back, but I will). I tried to learn to crochet - it didn't go well, but I've not given up -- I give it another try. And, even though I have about 7 years of Uni (Associates in Business Data Processing, BA in History, MA in History and the U.S. equivalent of a PGCE) --I've often felt I needed to go back to school to retrain. (However, my son is still an undergraduate and we're funding him. Plus, I feel my educational investment has not paid off monetarily -- so, can I really justify further spending?)

Yes, you and I did hit some very rough times at the same time. I do know that has been a huge part of my problem. Not all, but a large part. Grief - well, it's not meant to be easy, is it....but sometimes, its sooooo hard. Circumstances can really wreak havoc on ones heart and head. I spent last year on a couch for PTSD treatment to aid in my grieving - I was suffering with nightmares and flashbacks, etc., and it was a tough tough year. But the counseling was very effective. I just passed the anniversary of moms death day before yesterday, and by this time last year I wa a mess - and this year, I am fine. Sad, and missing mom - but me, I am OK. And that is good. We do have to go through it to our lowest point - you are right there.

I'm glad you have worked through it as well. There are two thinks we can never escape in life - death and taxes. And both suck. lol

I had a rough year this year with my dad -- he nearly died -- was in the hospital or a rehabilitation center from July 20th through December 14th, I flew out on July 31st to be with him in the hospital when he was so very ill (it's a long story... But the short version is -- he was getting weaker and weaker -- he fell and fractured his L3 vertebra, they realized he had a very low hemoglobin and hemocrit levels, they scoped him and saw healed peptic ulcers in his stomach and decided that was the cause, they also realized that the chronic back pain that had debilitated him for years and led to a pain med addiction was really a necrotic hip, they operated hoping to fix both the back and hip in one operation (this is where I'm there) and he nearly dies as his blood levels are so low -- the anesthesiologist insisted they stop and not do the hip (as the blood loss is quite a bit with that surgery), good thing they did -- as he had a perforated ulcer in his duodenum. So, they had to stabilize him -- and I had to persuade a surgeon to operated on his abdomen. He had that surgery (removing 40% of his stomach because of the ulcers and a pre-cancerous stoma). Then he had to to rehab to get healthy enough to have his hip replaced. I went home after three weeks, then flew back in October for two weeks whilst he had his hip replaced. Then we went (as a family to visit) in April. It has been a very stressful and expensive 9 months. I've noticed that I've actually lost a lot of hair -- it has significantly thinned. I'm hoping it'll thicken back up (or at the very least stop). Long story for the short version. My dad is doing better than he has in years, but he's 79 and I've certainly had a reality check. I hope I don't lose it completely when he passes.

Mel talked a lot about Slim and Save? How are you finding it? Tasty enough? I considered that but really need that weekly check in - that works best for me.

Well, lets get down to brass tacks you and I and do again what we know can be done. :)


I like products and am still having one now and then, but SSing wasn't working for me. I need to find something that works and I think I need a weekly check in... but I've tried two local CDCs and neither one of them worked well (one was dreadful -- saw her once), the other was lovely but unreliable. So, I'm thinking of going to WWers. It does work -- takes longer than a VLCD -- but you're learning how to manage as you lose.

I hope you have a good day.

Thought I'd pop in and say hello. Like everyone else, I'm struggling with my weight. Back on the packs. I'm using Exante. Cheap and cheerful, thats me lol/

Debbi xx
Hi BL. I remember you from a few years ago. I was on here under a different name (magiclove) doing LL. I'm doing slim &amp; save and I love the variety and cost.
Just want to wish you good luck and say that you are one incredible woman who is inspiring so many on here :)