Blonde Logic's Stream of Consciousness/Diary

Hi BL I'm so sorry to hear about your health scare. Strange but chatting with my 11 year old son not long ago and we were discussing life and my husband was saying live is an adventure and my son said "no I think life is a war - you always have to fight against something .."
I have to say at that moment in time I agreed with him but my glass half full mind perhaps would not. Health issues do however make life feel like one constant battle.

I hope hope you have come out of the other side with a zest for life. Are you going to do a vlcd or another plan?
Just in case you didn;t see this on the main page:


I do not know if there is still anyone here who was active on the forum at the same time that SlendaBlenda was - she and i did Lighterlife together in 2008 and each lost 10 stone.

Debbie was an active participant on Minimins as was I, and she was known by many as an inspiration.

That is why I wanted to come on, and pass on the sad news that Debbie lost her battle with Breast Cancer on Easter Monday this year.

She was a personal friend of mine - she was an inspiration to many - she was a wonderful woman who fought the disease bravely, with dignity and honour.

I will miss her very very much.

RIP Debbie. I am so sad you have left us.

I did read about Slendabrenda as joined minimins in 2008. Indeed it what a a shock to read about her passing after reading her posts on here. It must have been a very difficult time for you as she was a personal friend and you must miss her terribly. I hope you are I good health after your own cancer scare.
Hi Kira,

yes, I miss Debbie very much. Sadly, with my own health problems I had not seen her for a few months - I thought of her often while I was sick with the intention to get together as soon as I was through the worst of it - unfortunately, that took too long and opportunities were missed. Additional salt to the wound - I feel as if in some small way I let her down, but it could not be helped.

And I was starting to feel a bit more positive, and on the mend, and things closer to returning to normal than they had been in months - in fact, last Tuesday was the first day I was allowed to work my full normal hours. I was so happy. Until on the way to the train station I had a fall and have broken my foot, which is now in a cast. To say I was upset, discouraged, frustrated, angry, sad, distraught, humoured, shocked, cursed, confused would be the understatement of a lifetime. I could not believe my luck - I was so down, and truly felt as if I have been cursed. I am now completely dependant as I cannot put any weight on my foot so use crutches - could not even carry my own bleedin cup of tea - and I H A T E being dependant, on anyone, for any thing.

I just couldn't believe my bad luck. I still can;t but now at least just getting on with the business of now healing THIS and trying to feel less sorry for myself. lol

One thing that frustrate me so, is that I have put on stacks of weight during this whole ordeal. Having such a damaged metabolism already, which VLCDs do leave you with, or did to me anyway, being sedentary for so long during and after surgery, etc., had made exercise nearly impossible, that I now have a huge task ahead t lose the weight.

Because of having half my bowel removed, I will not do a VLCD anymore - I do not think that is wise, and sometimes wonder if the VLCD's which I were off and on for 5 years could perhaps be behind the damage that was found in my gut. Who knows. My bowel was full of inflammation and infection, so much infection that it was gangrenous and there was a lot of dead tissue - it was one messy mass. Because VLCD Packs are all made in labs, etc., they would really be quite sterile food - I wonder if being on them so much destroyed to good gut flora, in my intestines, leaving me vulnerable to infection, etc. Anyway - I will not put my system through that now or in the near future - too risky.

So I have decided to go the slow and sensible route with Weight Watchers. I am going to start next month when my husband goes out of town for 2 weeks - give me time to focus only on my needs and getting in my groove without having to feed another, etc.

I have been fighting my upset at how much weight I have put back on - it has crept up and up with each "life event" and its just very depressing - as now this recovery and being on crutches etc would have all been so much easier if I were smaller....every single thing is an effort and I am exhausted all the time.

So I am a mixture of anger/disappointment/sad about putting so much back on - that happy magic time of being at goal seems a lifetime ago, so much so I have those negative feelings f it being "unobtainable" like I had my entire life. Only now I KNOW it I obtainable - jut do I have the will and stamina to do it slowly on WW, that was always my struggle - perseverance. That's what made LL and Cambridge so magic. I will miss that.

Anyway - I am really just waffling now Think I will stop. But that catches my diary up a bit.

Things can only go up from here, right? ;)
I think we all experience aspects to our lives that are happy and unlucky. We each have our own journey and along the way it can be painful at times. Sometimes we have to hit rock bottom before we can move forward and the fact you are posting here after some time suggests you are ready to move forward with the support of others who all no doubt have their own challenges, luck and 'unluck'.

Keep posting and make the magic happen again - you did it before and can do it again.
Back in the saddle again - Day one of Cambridge Diet today. Its been a horrendous few years. I am in the WORST shape of my life - even though I am lighter than I was when I started LL in 2008 and lost all that weight - I feel worse than ever. The weight is literally killing me - I feel as if I am being swalloed by it, and am very close to being incapacitated. Because the arthritis in my feet has gotten so bad, and both knees require replacement surgery - I am almost crippled by this excess weight I have packed on myself. After Christmas last year I found myself in full on self-destruct mode. And now, I feel I have caught a lifeline - I am so glad to be on the brink of regaining control. Head down, focus on, and power through. Did it once - I can do it again. I hope some friends are still here. I am now posting on the CD forum instead of LL. BUt really hope to see some familiar faces. MMs was a huge part of my success, and I hope to get back in that groove = posting regularly, updating my Diary - and finding that success I rejoiced in, in 2008. I CAN do it again. I WILL do it again. x
So, this is Day 3. I am struggling a bit - just getting back in the swing of things. These previous 2 or 3 months I have been in full on binge cycle - with an unbelievable sugar addiction in full force - and feeling terribly poorly for it. Going from that to "nothing" - its quite a challenge. The first night, at the very end of the day I had a handful of tortilla chips. Day 2, at the end of the day I had a very thin slice of cheese and a few pumpkin seeds. Today, day 3, again, thin slice of cheese and seeds. I am dissappointed in myself but I will get there - once I am in ketosis it will get better and I know this. Annoyed at myself for not just having gone to bed. Must work on strengthening my resolve and my will.

I have come to feel like prisoner in my body. Like I am just crushing my soul and my spirit with all this excess weight. Why? I'm not sure why I do it. I can barely walk, it's crippling me, because my arthritis in my knees and feet means the excess weight is grinding me to a halt - I am scared I won;t get out of the tub one day.

So it is serious - I need to do this, as much as I want to. I would give anything to wind back the clock to the night in 2010 when the magic spell, which helped me maintain a 10 stone loss for 2 years, was sadly broken. I know where I was, what I ate and that it was the end. Having been to the hospital every single day, watching my mother suffering and dying from her burns, which led to her death 40 days later, it all got too much for me, and I broke my spell and succumbed to the old comfort that eating used to bring me at difficult times.

I have spent the last 6 years starting and restarting either LL, or CD, or Exante while I yoyo'ed up the scales. I have regained more than half of what I lost. And I have never ever felt more miserable in my life. There have been times I thought what is the point of going on if it only means living every day in pain. Physical and mental. There have been aLOT of dark days. Very dark.

My cancer scare in December 2014 resulted in losing half of my bowel, and having a temporary colostomy bag due, and an infection that caused a ruptured incision which had to be left open to heal. It took almost 6 months to close. It was soul destroying. I did a lot of soul searching at that time. And fortunately the mass they found was not cancerous. Very blessed.

It took a year to recover due to constant complications, infections and an anal fissure (pain that is indescribable - bad enough to again bring very dark thoughts) At times, I am surprised I am here today. There were moments....

So now - now it is time to pick myself up. Its sink or swim. Do or die.

I will need to reach very deep for strength and willpower. I realy hope I can do it again. Life depends on it.

Enough for now.
Hi, subscribing! xx
So, still a bit of a false start - I am lacking the zero-tolerance will power I had hoped to start with, but I am at least losing - 6 pounds total down now in week 2. I should have been able to do that easily in week one - even more really. But it is what it is. I guess I am still a little frightened of cutting that cord with food completely for so many months ahead. Having done it before I know its all temporary, and that once I am in the swing things it gets easier - I know all the good stuff. And I am trying to get there. As soon as I can get 4 or 5 100% days undermy belt, I can get on my way. Why does food have to be SUCH a f*cking issue for me.

I feel so let down by my GP... I know I have a problem with food. Its some kind of disorder, be it binge, compulsive overeating, I don't know. My GP said it could even be Bullimia, but I don;t make myself sick - I guess she means the psych behind it. But all attempts to get help via the NHS have been rejected. I am begging with them to help me, and in their eyes I should just get a self help book. I have told me GP how depressed it has made me, that at times I lose the will. But its not enough for them.

From life experience, I need face2face counselling - its the only thing that works. It helped me with my PTSD after moms death - but they do not see how depserately I feel I need REAL help to knock this on its head forever. I thought when i lost 10 stone in 2008, that was it. I was 200% sure in my heart I would NEVER gain it back. And here I am, 6 yearls later, fighting that battle again. I do NOT want to be doing this again in another 6 years, And 6 after that. I want someone to help me. <sigh> Sounds pretty wimpy. But I just don't seem to have the same coping skills I used to have. A few good hard knocks, and I have lost my confidence, my will, it's changed me. And I just wish I had someone to take my hand and drag me through it all.

I am a different person now, than i was in 2008 - and this next version of me is hard to understand. lol I need a manual. Lots of hard work to come.

So - i am going to look at a Self help book the Sussex Easting Disorder clinic reccomended. Its reserved at the library and maybe it will help. I will be open to it, but I do not have faith in my discipline to see it through.

Give me strength.
If you're eating food that gets you into keto I think you're doing fine. Cheese is good - I don't know about seeds - I tried to do keto once and I had nuts and cheese etc. I know you don't want to be eating food at all but if you need a bit to help get you into keto, at least you're eating the right food and like you say once you're in ketosis it will be easier to quit the snacks entirely xx
Hi Miss Logic, do you want to buddy up?
You and Georgie Porgie were the people who inspired me in 2008 to lose 5 stone. I was also motivated to lose the weight to try for a baby, which happened successfully after the 5 stone loss. I did it via CD and low carbing. I know exactly how blessed the Vlcd zone is when you get there, it's just doing the steps religiously until you get into ketosis. Then it's trying not to get complacent and falling off the cart.

I lost 2.5 stone at the beginning of the year and have kept 2stone off. Then I had to have surgery but I'm 6 weeks post that and am all healed, so am ready to get back on the wagon and into ketosis. I've been tossing up whether to try fasting or all protein to get into the zone, but actually think I have to forgo food for a bit, I need to exercise control, and black and white of no food, just food packs keeps my focus sharp. Once in ketosis I can make the right choices re low carb foods.

So as of tomorrow I'm drinking pints of mint tea, pint of black decaf and keeping my first pack until 2pm, then it'll be another pack for tea and lastly a bar b4 bed. It's worked b4 it'll work again

Good luck honey =)

Was 17.10
Am 15.8
Will be 13.8 (and then we'll see).
Hi Angie.....I am trying so hard to picture you - I totally remmeber your name, but can't place your face from any pictures. But I do remember you! :)

Its nice to hear from you again and thanks for your kind comments.
I am just about to go to bed but wanted to wish you a great start on your diet.

Today - if I go to bed soon - will be the first day I have made it 100% - phew!

I hope you have a great start, adn will catch up with you soon - I just didn;t want to not pop on to wish you a great start!!

B_L all i can say you done it before, you sure can do it again
you will achieve the losses, just go hard, and don't give up or give in
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Hi there, I had a good first day. Mint tea and black coffee for the day, then my first pack at 5, then the other 2 spaced in the evening. Wake up call that bars make me want a party in my mouth and should be left until latest point in the evening. Gone into my 2nd day with just black coffee again. Mint tea in a pint cup by the side of he, chewing gum to give my mouth something to do. I expect ketosis breath in the next 2 days. Have included a pic from when I'd lost 4 stone, once u know who I am I'll delete.
Well done!!! SOunds like a very good strong start.

I do remember you now! Thank you! :D (GREAT photo!)

Yesterday I amanged my first 100% day - I was happy with that. Today I have spent the day in London at an all day training for my new job - I had to leave the house at 6am, we did not have many breaks, and I got home about 8pm - so I have not been perfect - however I have only had an exptra soup - so happy with that. I have another long day, same as today tomorrow - am aiming for better but its a long day. So if the worst I do is an extra pack - I feel thats better than other things I have been nipping at.

So heres -to us! We have done it once, we can do it again! Right! :)

I'm in the sweet spot of a Vlcd. I think commiting to meal replacement is really helping me, as I needed a break from food.

We sound really strong and in the Vlcd zone. I have no doubt we will rock this!


Was 17.10
Am 15.3
Will be 11.10
Yay - 3 more pounds off this week! Happy with that. I do not mind slow and steady.

Feeling more and more positive Angie.

Training was good Minerva but yes - exhausting. I feel like such an old lady when I am smothered under all this extra wegith. xx

How are you two doing? Did you have a nice day? :)
Well done on 3lbs! That's fantastic :D
Slow and steady wins the race, as they say ;)

Add a little more when you feel you need it, many people do when following VLCD and they still see losses. You know how it works, I have every confidence that you will make it work for you. x