Gold Member
Lexie2005 said:Decided not to run today, am currently on the bike then will do some fast walking on the treadmill possibly even on an incline.....
Oooh inclines
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Lexie2005 said:Decided not to run today, am currently on the bike then will do some fast walking on the treadmill possibly even on an incline.....
Lexie2005 said:I know I even ran for 1 minute on a 4.0 incline..... It wasn't nice lol. I went back to walking on a 5.0 @ 6km an hour which considering when I started I only ran at 4km I was happy with. Also did 10 minutes on the crosstrainer which I have never managed ever before, I am really chuffed with myself...
Lexie2005 said:Seriously Lisa I used to manage about 2 mintues if that & I did 10, struggled from about 7 but was determined to get there. My hubby does 10k on it in 33 minutes!
toofatkat said:Lol. I was with you til you said X factor! Give me the food - yes.but x factor! Never! One of the worst programmes ever to have to waste
my tv licence fee on
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toofatkat said:Lol that's 3 men you peeve over plus your hubby!any others you e not told us about ??
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Lexie2005 said:I did it I bleeding well did it. I'm thoroughly amazed. Not gonna say it was easy cos it was far from that!!! I ran in total for 16 minutes, this time last month I was struggling with the 1 minute runs. Was talking to gym manager & he said he'd been watching me & I don't look like I'm struggling with it - erm he was clearly being polite cos I was the colour of a beetroot lol