BNS CHIPS? how do you make them?

Here's ones I made today with cumin , sea salt and cracked pepper. Frylight


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hi all - i chop the bns and then pop it in the microwave for 3 minutes, then stick it in the oven with the frylite and whatever seasoning i fancy and they are really delish ( if i do say so myself haha)

the microwave dries them out a bit so they are crispier like proper chips
Hi everyone, im new on here & this is my 1st post!! How exciting!!!
I love BNS chips, I use a panliner (from poundland not the WW ones) so no need for oil or frylight. I usually only make enough for me each time cos o/h refuses to eat them as theyre not dripping in fat (tut), I start at the narrower end & chop the top off & the chop 3 slices (approx 2cm each), leaving the skin on & just slice them into strips, chuck them onto oven tray & bang them in the oven on 200 degs for about 25 - 30 mins! Delish & taste just like chips with a bit of salt, vinegar & ketchup (sort of) :)
Hi i had these last night with my dinner in stead of potatoes an they were so nice. I cut them in to wedge style chunks spray with fry light and season, ( i made mine spicey with paprika , salt and pepper ) and put them in preheated oven for 40 to 45 min. Oven temp 180 fan ..
There is no hard and fast rule about how long you cook them for as it depends how thick you cut them. If you do skinny ones, I find that 30mins is enough but if you like big fat wedges, then you need to cook them for about 45 - 60 mins. The best advice is to keep checking them every 15 mins to see whether they are burning. Adding salt to them about 20 mins before you start cooking helps to make them crispy as the salt draws out the moisture in the bns. I then dab them with kitchen roll to dry them out before sticking them in the oven. Cooking them in the microwave for a few mins like princesspea suggested works too. I love these and had a huge bowl of them for dinner the other night when I only had 1pp left for dinner (whoops!!)
such a good idea, i'm so gonna try that! made some lovely bns soup during the week, never tried bns before and will def be making it again. Hope its the same for chips.
I never had bns before either, def going to get some and try the chip ones. it sound delish!:D
Defo have to try these.. Keep saying it but never do.. In case I have nothing on stand by and dont like them, and am left waiting again for something else to cook :( Bit scared I'll pick at bickies while I wait..

PS JoJo.. I too am Dub.. Yayy to us.. Not many Irish on here so Hi! :D

I had heard you par boil the wedges (or "chips") for 10 mins then put them in the oven.. I suppose the 3 mins in the MW wud do the same thing??
Has anyone had it to replace mash yet?? Maybe I'll do a practice run of both over the weekend.. Not as part of a meal..Just a test..
If these chips are nice, it cud potentiially mean I turn into one!! Imagine having yer spag bol with pasta AND wendges again?!!! OMG am getting excited already!! haha
my bns chips are on but i'd no paprika but used cayene pepper instead. fingers crossed they're good :D
i put mine in micro for few mins instead of boiling. they where nice but a bit to sweet for me, so couldn't eat them all as sickly for me! my freind says she makes a shepard pie with it and replaces mash with it. think i personally would throw some normal pots in to, half and half. think they may be nice with savoury spices on to balance the sweetness
I think I paid 69p for a whole one in Aldi yesterday. I love bns soup but have to add a small potato to help with the texture.
I prefer it peeled when doing chips.
I made BNS chips for the first time yesterday and they turned out so much better then I hoped. They were lovely and I'm already dying to make them again. I just added some chili powder and garlic salt and some wedge powder for 1 point. Then thrown into the oven on high for a good forty minutes. Super!!
Having them for tea covered in jamaican jerk seasoning for a bit of a kick:)