Born obese , Tomorrow is my New Dawn

I'm still dreaming about food, that's so not right lol, what's wrong with me ? :D

Ha ha ,

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Oh he's ace,
So funny , camp as Christmas xxx

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You know on catch up have u seen the snippets with him and binky, there about 5 mins each, their so funny, he dresses her up in different clothes and looks xx
You know on catch up have u seen the snippets with him and binky, there about 5 mins each, their so funny, he dresses her up in different clothes and looks xx

No I haven't only in today's , she was with Rosie and he was supposed to be finding her a whole new wardrobe

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No I haven't only in today's , she was with Rosie and he was supposed to be finding her a whole new wardrobe

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Ok their not part of the main programme, they are a separate mini programmes, 5 mins each xx
Oh eyes are closing, think its time for bed Vonnie, will catch up with u tomorrow hun. Night night :):) Hope u get some sleep tonight lovely xx
Oh eyes are closing, think its time for bed Vonnie, will catch up with u tomorrow hun. Night night :):) Hope u get some sleep tonight lovely xx

Night night
I've got to sleep tonight can't stay awake another night , it's not natural ,
But I don't feel tired at the moment,
But I'm going bed anyway might be different once I'm there ,
Catch you tomorrow xxxxxx

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Afternoon Von - I hope you managed some sleep. Its glorious today maybe try a little fresh air in the hope it will knock you out tonight xx
Goooooooooooooooooood Morning Vonnie :D, hope you managed to finally get to sleep last night hun xx

Lovely sleep was had last night , I'm a happy Vonic today ,
The sun is shining yayyyyy

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Afternoon Von - I hope you managed some sleep. Its glorious today maybe try a little fresh air in the hope it will knock you out tonight xx

Hi Sheila,
Yea lovely sleep last night, :)
The suns been out but it's gone cloudy now , I am going to go out for a walk tho ,

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