Bostik's Finally Doing It :)

Aww so sorry to hear that Bostik. Sometimes tho you just do something and know it is the right move.

Sounds to me a bit like when I broke up with my ex a few years back. The relief was huge and my health improved remarkably once he had gone.

Making the decision to lose the weight was only the start of things, now everything in your life is starting to slot into place, good things are ahead for you my lovely once the sadness of leaving the OH has eased.
It's so hard tonight. Can't wait til this gets easier!
Hang in then Bostik, it will get easier. Just keep reminding yourself why you broke up. Hope your doing ok x
Thanks girls :) You're all amazing :)

Been on the scales all week this week, weigh in tomorrow. Only showing a 0.2lb loss still! Beyond annoying me!
Good luck for 2moro x
Good luck for official WI day tomorrow x
Feel like I am gonna need it! Thanks guys!
0.2lb loss this week. Really dunno what it is. Not TOTM or anything. And I've been on track. See how it goes next week.

Measured and I've lost a 1/4 or 1/2 inch here and there in the last two weeks which is good :)

Was really hoping for a big loss today as November is gonna be a hard month. 5th is my birthday. Eid is on the 6th. Friends birthday on the 25th. Got my graduation on the 26th. And got the J Cole gig on the 28th. And I'm sure there is something else in the middle that I have forgotten. Really wanted to get to the 'Overweight' BMI by my graduation. Doubt I'll get there now, but we'll see :)
Ah I've only just found that you have a diary! *hits subscribe button* :)

You might not quite hit overweight by your graduation but you'll be pretty darn close so don't beat yourself up about it! You could well be, depending how it goes until then. You've done amazingly so far, don't worry about being just a couple of lbs away from a target.

We all have annoying low weeks for no reason at some point. I usually find I make up for it over the next week or two though so hopefully you will too!
Hey :) Welcome to my diary! Yeah, I hope so too!

Last night I really annoyed myself! I had my food for the day. Was quite satisfied too. Not hungry. Then my mum made some pasties and cooked us each one. I said no and that was that. Then about an hour later I was thinking, oh I could have that. I didn't lose weight this week when I was on track anyway. I'll only be a bit over. Oh and I could have some hot chocolate too. It's only like 180 cals more over. This month is gonna be hard anyway. It's my birthday next week gonna be getting drunk and eating out a lot anyway. And so on.

Really had to stop myself when I realised what I was doing! I've obviously had times before when I've wanted to go off track but it's never been as strong as last night. Normally within 30 seconds I've sorted it out and been like no you're not eating for nothing! Think what with everything going on this month and breaking up with my boyfriend, the stress might be getting to me. Need to make sure it's not affecting my efforts here!
We all have nights like that, often for no reason so don't be so hard on yourself! Well done for stopping yourself anyway. What degree have you just done?
Doing a lot better today :) Also seen a loss on the scales this morning so think that will motivate me!

I have just done my masters in Psychological Wellbeing and Mental Health. Straight after doing my undergrad in Psychology :) Can't wait til graduation. Will actually take pictures this time :)
Wow a masters, well done! My PGCE now is at masters level and to be honest, I'm bricking it slightly haha I know what you mean about the photos, I've got two from my BA graduation and they're ok but nothing I'd really keep. I'll graduate from my PGCE this time next year and definitely plan to take photos then and should be at goal by then, hopefully!
Yeah, a couple of mates just finished their PGCE and one has just started. It's a lot of work! So was my masters! Worth it though I think :) I'm actually proud of it compared to my undergrad degree cos I actually put the effort in! There are a couple of me from my last graduation last July. But didn't take many and just felt like an idiot. Gonna take them this year and make my mum happy haha.

Definitely done a lot better today! And when my mum and sister had chippy for dinner, I stuck to my shepherds pie without even being tempted :)
Chippy is hard to resist so to kudos to you for doing it! I managed to resist my mums fish and potato pie which is absolutely lush but loaded with butter, potato and cheese. I've found I'm actually at a point where I just don't want it, I'd rather go for the healthy option and not jeopardise my losses.

I was thinking yesterday but wasn't sure whether I should say it but I'm going to anyway! When I found your diary, I spotted that you were only 22, about to turn 23. I really didn't think you were so young! I don't mean that in a patronising way at all, I'm only 25. I don't know why but I thought you were a bit older, you just seem so wise and supportive I guess! I know it's come out a bit squiffy but it was meant as a compliment!
Bostik I sooo understand about thinking "oh, just one thing more". I think I eat more in the evening than I do the whole of the day. Picking at this, a spoonful of that, one more all adds up. It's ten times worse just before TOTM, the urge to eat is just ridiculous. Never mind, tomorrow is a new day. When I was into Buddhism, I remember one lesson I learned: admit to yourself what you did, understand it, apologise to anyone you hurt, and resolve to do better next time. Rinse and repeat as long as is necessary!

I work sort-of in the area of mental health, but I'm not a healthcare professional. The job sometimes funny and often tragic, but always fascinating. I envy you your qualifications! Very well done.
Caroline - Yep, 23 on Saturday. Totally dreading it, feels like I have to be more of a grown up lol. Haha, dunno about wise! But I do try to be supportive! Think this forum is brilliant cos of the support we get from each other :) And it's not some healthy doctor saying you need to lose weight, do x y and z, it's other people who are going through it too and aren't judging you and understanding when it goes wrong :)

Boggins - what you learnt with the Bhuddism would really be appropriate for me! With this weight loss thing, I think the reason I have been so successful is because I do do that! I am annoyed for a little bit, understand it and then move on from that. But in other aspects of life like when others are involved and stuff, I have a hard time letting go of things I've done. Really need to work on that!

Also, I can't wait til I am better and working! With what experience I have had working in mental health, it has always been fascinating to me too! Totally not what I expected. I was always interested in psychology but only really chose this career path cos of the hope of a good salary lol. Totally ridiculous! That changed though when I started actually working with the people :)
Haha nahhhh you never have to be more grown up! Though I know what you mean. Somehow now I'm 25 I do feel like I need to grow up a bit, especially as I'm training as a teacher I guess. I feel like I should be so much more settled down than I am at the moment!
Haha I know what you mean about the teacher thing! My mate just started teaching after her PGCE. I look at her and all the silly things we do and I just sit there and think how on earth are you a teacher??? You'll be fine if she's doing it and not grown up much :p She's a secondary school teacher too, so it makes it so much worse haha.