Bostik's Finally Doing It :)

I originally wanted to teach secondary age but I couldn't be bothered to put up with all the extra crap you get with that age! I thought I'd be rubbish at primary level but actually I love it!
Yeah, I worked with primary kids for a bit when I was shadowing the behavioural needs woman (can't remember what her actual job role is now! But she does activities with those kids who have behavioural issues). But yeah, thought I would hate it, especially as I was like 22 stones! Thought these kids are gonna have a field day with me there! Actually really liked it and the kids were just hilarious :)
I was almost 20 stone at my highest when I went into school and surprisingly I didn't get a single one of the fat/whale/whatever jokes or comments that I expected. They may well have been said behind my back, who know, but it's only the things said to my face that upset me! I'm in school now for 4 weeks and then go back at the end of April for another 8 weeks. Could be so different if I stay on track!
Good goal to have Caroline! :)
Helloooooo!!! Long time no see! Is it graduation already?? Think last time I was on you had just handed in your final work before jetting somewhere sunny!!
Wow time really does fly doesn't it! Feels like it was only yesterday I was in Barcelona! Wanna go back!!

Yep, already graduation. On the 26th. Looking forward to it a little :) Hope you're doing well!

I think I've sorta sorted out snacking a bit. Cut down a lot. Just means I now have to make my meals a bit higher in calories as I go under all the time now! Even managed to fit in some birthday cake today!
Can't sleep at all right now so just sat here and read through this whole diary from the beginning! You should all do it if you're at a loss of what to do lol. It's sooo weird thinking it was just a few months ago that I started this journey. And look how far I've come!

Also the pictures I've posted in this thread. Saw them all again. My body has changed so much! Really pleased :)
This morning I was sooo hungry I ate breakfast for the first time in bloody ages!

And now I've woken up with a cough, sneezing and sore throat :( Bet my birthday's gonna be fun lol
Nah, Saturday! Eid on Sunday! Probably gonna be in bed all weekend going by today!
Not really planned much cos I've been so ill. Take it as it comes really. I know Saturday will be family stuff. Cake and meal. Probably get drunk next week though :) Don't care if I am ill, it's been too long and it is my birthday! :p
Thanks hun. Haha definitely calorie free! Has to be with the amount I can get down me! I remember one night I got through a whole bottle of sambuca myself. Never again. The smell of aniseed makes me wanna gag these days haha
Oh gawd, sambuca is the devil, as is tequila!!!!
I'm with tranqs on the calorie free bit, if it's classed as medicine what does it matter!! :)
I agree def calorie free!
Hope you feel better soon, especially in time for your birthday!
I hate sambuca and tequila! *vom* Hope you feel better for your birthday!
2.4lbs down for me this week! Might be able to make the goal of getting to the 'overweight' bmi this month now :)

Planning on staying in calories tomorrow or just going a little over. I know it's my birthday, but tomorrow will just be the family stuff so I'll be okay doing that.

On Eid on Sunday, gonna be sooo much yummy food. Figured out what I normally have in the morning on Eid and what we're having for lunch and it's probably gonna come to about 1000 cals already! So aiming to not go above maintenance calories that day.

So still gonna be counting cos rather save the going over calories properly for when I am getting drunk lol.
I'm sure you'll make it, well done!