Honey i have the same issue- though i had planned to ex bf for 4.5 months, 5 months tops so that she was on bottles happily for one months before starting weaning at 6. I was getting ancy over the whole bottle refusal because like you, i wanted to enjoy bfing, and not feel trapped. (on that note, anyone watch extradinary (sp?) breastfeeders doc the over the day?) anyways, Penny is 17 weeks now so in theory would only be bfing for another few weeks. This wont be the case now and i've accepted i'l be bfing untill she's ready to take the sippy cup and is weaning. I think we will be committing to baby lead weaning. I dont want to stress over it, and i've given up on bottles now,the upset it causes the both of us each time we try isnt fair on either of us and tbh just unneeded. I have milk, she wants milk, im her mum.. i have to do whats best for her.
What did you plan to replace her booby feeds with, will you put her on cows milk or next stage formula? as milk will still play a part in her diet even after she is weaned off the booby. What does she take fluids from now, just you? or does she take water with snacks? you could start reducing booby feeds by offering her other fluids in sippycups or big girl bottles as i call them (not beakers, but still require sucking?!)