Breastfeeding and Slimming World

Aww no poorly babies :-( hope they get better soon

Woo lost the 5lb i put on last wk .....i think it all depends how much booby milk im carrying lol !!!

Helicop......thanks for the support, it feels amazing ebf i have no intention of changing unless things get horrendous, im getting use to being up in the night n its gradually getting shorter! Seem to be expressing a bit more now n have one full feed in freezer woop! I feel better now im trying to get a routine in place also helps Dan is now liking a dummy lol xx
Aww no poorly babies :-( hope they get better soon

Woo lost the 5lb i put on last wk .....i think it all depends how much booby milk im carrying lol !!!

Helicop......thanks for the support, it feels amazing ebf i have no intention of changing unless things get horrendous, im getting use to being up in the night n its gradually getting shorter! Seem to be expressing a bit more now n have one full feed in freezer woop! I feel better now im trying to get a routine in place also helps Dan is now liking a dummy lol xx
Wel had Dan weighed yesterday hes now 9lb 2 oz!!! My sis says my booby milk must be gold top....pmsl. Very happy n my routine seems to be working ok too, bath at 8 followed by a story then a big feed n asleep for 1030, last 2 nights hes slept for a good 4 hrs! Xxx
well done dan, my charles is now 12lbs and 9ozs :) Routine is key, my charles is asleep by 8.30ish now most nights apart from teething which basically messes everything up!!! But so far so good and the last couble of nights have been excellent as Charles has slept from 8.30-3am given mummy and daddy some quality time playing scrabble, lol!!!
Omg bunny me n hubs were addicted to that whilst i was chance at mo! Except for words with friends on our phones lol!!

I spoke too soon with my routine but i will keep on!
How many mths on charles now is it 3? Hows the healthy eating going? Im managing well on SW the extra HE's really help! xo
aw, you be able to play soon. He has 3 months and a bit. He is getting really sociable now, we went to baby group today and he was stroking a girls face, really beautiful. He is slowly getting to grips with turning and manging a half turn, won't be long till he turns from back to tummy. He has just fell asleep, he has literal only slept ten mins at a time and has been awake since 10am this morning due to his God dame teeth, this is such a hellish time to go through and be so glad when the little teeth come through :) Aw it is good you managing on SW, I do calorie counting as it suits me better with managing my diet as I am not always able to have time to prepare which I think you need to do a lot with SW. Really suits me and have lost 2 lbs this week, just need to lose 0.5lb and that is my Christmas weight gone. Your doing really well considering it is only a month, I didn't even start getting into a diet until 7wks, oops!!!
Tristan Joseph Adams
8lb 5oz

Little pickle!!
I try n post when can cuz will need support in our breastfeeding journey cuz ge has a Tongue tie :(

Start weight: 14s 7lb pre-preg: 13s13lb current at 40 weeks preg: 14s 13lb

Start weight: 14s 7lb pre-preg: 13s13lb current at 40 weeks preg: 14s 13lb


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I'm struggling so bad with breastfeeding I'm crying my eyes out my baby has Tongue tie and it is so hard and now my nipples kill :,( I know it's cuz of latching and he can't do it successfully and the poor little might tries so hard, harder than Jacob did. Luckily I cam hand express 5ml in bout 5mins onto a spoon. Hospital said they can leave the Tongue tie n see how we get on.... But I'm not convinced :(

Start weight: 14s 7lb pre-preg: 13s13lb current at 40 weeks preg: 14s 13lb
I posted on the other thread hun. Find lexi dogs posts on her problems with tongue tie hopefully it should help. What have mw's said? I know u were desperate to leave hospital but u need some support n u should demand it lol xxx
Hi guys, sorry ive not been around- i stood on my laptop a fortnight ago and its off with Dell for repair.. im going insane with no internet access, sigh :( .... Penny has doubled her birth weight, now 16lb 3oz and 21 weeks old. Shes sitting unaided for a few minutes, rolling, giggleing, passing things between hands, sucking on everything and is very aware. . and chatty! she's doing fabulous although shes full of snot- why do all kids, no matter the age hate their nose being wiped? Penny properly crys everytime which is so unlike her!

Hope your all doing well, hope to be back with you all soon.

oh, and im 1.5lb away from club ten, have had a red week this week.. and it feels like bloody hard work and tbh i dont think ive lost enough for all the effort put in, but i will weigh tomo and see! if i loose the 1.5lbs im exactly a stone and half away from prepreg, which feels totally manageable! x
Fern - my charles is at the end of having a cold and he had a terrible snotty nose. TMI alert - other half got the tweezers and had to pull out boggies as it was that bad stopping him from breathing probably. he is half way through rolling from front to back :)
Been expressing my milk since yesterday to feed tj. Milk through today n I can express 60 ml off one booby so done it off each m got bk up in fridge now. Just tried tj on the booby n he was ok :) my booby don't seems drained but he seems happy n he was on it for 30 min is this right? Will my boob constantly feel heavy n sore n hard or does it pass?


Start weight: 14s 7lb pre-preg: 13s13lb current at 40 weeks preg: 14s 13lb thats alot! ( i think lol i was getting 20ml). Everyone is different so its hard to know whats right or wrong? Just go with how much tristan wants from u. I had sore nips at first partly not a good latch n them not being used to being sucked all day long!!! Should get better in next wk or so, nipple cream helps. Youre doing really well hun be proud!
I love breastfeeding just wish my husband would understand the process.....his other children were bottle fed so he doesnt get it! Shouted at him last night when he called Dan greedy!! Grrr
Jesus that is a bit harsh shouting at your son! Charles had his final set of injections - can't believe on Monday he be 4 months, OMG!
Question - what do people buy there 1 year old? How much do you spend and how flibbing many presents do you get? Trying to research online is a nightmare so many different opinions, I think I am just getting 8 present dofr charles birthday, baking a cake and cupcakes with a little celelbration with family and friends but also going to go the sea life centre and in the evening release some lanterns in the sky :)
Day 6 and I'm still breast feeding yey!! Even after all the trouble!!

Just wondering if it's normal for baby to go just over 6 hours from last feed :/ he only just woke for his night feed hid last feed

Start weight: 14s 7lb pre-preg: 13s13lb current at 40 weeks preg: 14s 13lb


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Oh my god just realised my eldest is 5 Saturday!!! Old :(

Start weight: 14s 7lb pre-preg: 13s13lb current at 40 weeks preg: 14s 13lb
Bunny ....i shouted at hubs not son....that would be a no no!!!!!! Just frustrated my hubs doesnt get the breastfeeding thing ive told him to read up on it whether he does or not is a different matter!!
As for presents...... Think it will always be hard wondering what to get n how much to spend! Decide how much u can afford first then get stuff he will defo use, when it comes to toys im going to buy 2nd hand from ntc nearly new sales n charity shops......cant believe how expensive they are n kids soon get bored of them! Will use the money saved for days out n holidays.
Leeanne, just enjoy the fact u got 6 hrs lucky girl lol ive only just had that privilige n hes nearly 7 wk!! Well done on bf'ing xx
Dan went docs yesterday over his reflux n sick, got domperidone. I got movicol for my piles lol......thing is last night he was such a noisy sleeper, he sounded like he was in pain but was still asleep idea if its the meds n which one? Might give health visitor a ring see what they say x
Worth calling hv even if she just puts ur mind to rest over the phone. Day 6 today and me and tj have cracked the left booby!!! Left booby he latches a treat and it's comfortable and engorgement has gone now!! He is a bit of a nibbler, has 10 min comes off then goes back on for 10 comes off then goes back for 10. Maybe he thinks it's a 3 course meal lol we still have trouble with the right, he just doesn't latch as well no matter what an it makes my nipples hurt :( also I think he is a lazy boy lol when it comes to evening when I'm gettin sleepy he doesn't latch on either very well at all and it hurts!

Well the day after o had him I weighed back to pre preg weight and today got my pre preg jeans on!!!! :) I didn't do bad! Now to tackle the weight from before pregnancy when I'm ready! :)

I must be so lucky jay has been so supportive even tho it's been so hard with boob feeding he keps tellin me about how proud he is of me for sticking at it even tho it made me cry every day and frustrated me and caused pain he is so proud cuz we went and got forumla incase I broke down and couldn't do it and it hasn't been touched. Been told I make a lot of milk tho lol midwife said I got a good flow and inshould freeze my expressed off milk lol

Hope u all and babies are ok

Start weight: 14s 7lb pre-preg: 13s13lb current at 40 weeks preg: 14s 13lb