Breastfeeding and Slimming World

Leanne you can get a nose aspiratior which is a tube thing go up there nose and clears out the snot, lovely. Saline drops are brill - I am not ashamed to use them, I use meds all time if needed. I think why put baby through pain when you can ease, but obivously everyone is different and have there own likes and dislikes. Also if your baby is having trouble sleeping because of a snotty nose or cold you can get blocks to go under the cot legs to raise the back of the cot to help with breathing difficulties. You can purchase them at Boots.
Daft phone i wasnt finished lol.

Bunny have fun with splashing about, have u bought swim shorts or just using the huggies swim nappy? Not sure id trust them to keep the floaters in!!
Leeanne if you're doing it private could be a nice little earner for you!

I brought reuseable swim shorts from Boots as it be cheaper that way - good luck with all the stuff your doing busy mummy.
Well huggies have successfully survived 2 poos today - big test will be if they survive the night without leaking!

Bella's first night in her big girl bed tonight. Just hope she likes it...


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Well after my stressing out yesterday since 4pm yesterday we have Been boob feeding and doin the best ever n the over full boobs have calmed loads!! And no longer leak as much...ok this morn they are full but no where near as bad!!!


Start weight: 14s 7lb pre-preg: 13s13lb current at 40 weeks preg: 14s 13lb


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Congrats on your sucess Leanne :)

Aw, Charles loves his cot now esepially his winnie the pooh night light show :) I see Bella has sleeping bags - there ace esecially as Charles moves all over the shop and he ended up in some right funny poisions!!!

Yesterday was hell for me and my partner - Charles literally cried all day from 8am-8pm because of his little teethie pegds. Slept last night from 8pm till 7am had a feed went back to sleep till 10am had second feed and now is fast asleep. Me thinks he exhausted himself out last night but at least he seems fairly calm for the baby group later :)
Awwww teething sucks especially when they get it bad like poor little Charles :(

I swear by nelsons teething powder

Also I remember you do infant massage? If so does the peter walker one mention bout s certain massage step that can help with teething due to reflexology points? Of not I'm touch learn trained and there are some strokes to help an unsettled and teething baby.

Midwife cane today, the one who was there for me and booked my homebirth she's so lovely!!! She gave me a hug to say bye!!! Well Tristan gained 5oz since 6 days ago!! :) so he must be getting foody from me :)

Start weight: 14s 7lb pre-preg: 13s13lb current at 40 weeks preg: 14s 13lb
Ah bunny poor Charles with his teeth. Still got all that to come with Bella. I'll try that powder you mentioned Leanne and the massage strokes, we don't really do massage but she does have cream rubbed into her every night.

Bella had a fab nights sleep in her big bed - I'm so pleased! She woke up at one point in the middle of the night chatting to herself, bless her! Yes she's been in sleeping bags from the start, she loves kicking her legs around so blankets have no chance of staying on!

And so far I'm pleased with huggies, her poo did come through earlier but it does that with pampers.
Going to try plan today... Ish.... I bought some healthy stuff so we will see!!

Tristan is feeding now which is inconvenient cuz gotta take Jacob to school arrgghhhh

Anyone elses little one poo at every feed?

Start weight: 14s 7lb pre-preg: 13s13lb current at 40 weeks preg: 14s 13lb
I have tried powders, gel, massage, bath, playtime, walks everything when he is extremely bad, all I can do is cuddle him all day. Thankfully though it is a rearity and normal days the powders help along with after a few hrs calpol to help him sleep when he is really ratty due to lack of sleep. Good luck Leanne - I took it slowly so getting back into with little steps. Second day perfect after a couble of rough patches foodwise. Don't know if anyone has there periods yet after labour but I am on my 4 one, I swear to God they are getting worse ever since they have returned. I get really bad cramps and water retention a week before my period is due which is where I am at now as I am due next week. I am also really moody but that may be tiredness as well. Don't now if this is normal or not. But on the plus side my periods are still spot on with there times and pretty much come on the time they should which I am greatful for as we will be trying for another one. lol, but not till after I fionish my degree in October then June 2013 I be humming away and going through the whole experience again, am I mad or what!!!!
Bunny:: awww I hope the poor little might gets through it quick n that it's cuz he will cut more than one at a time!! Also my other half wants another in the future n I'm thinking of havin another closer to this one. My experience with tristans birth and early days has created such a bond n I feel so much love for him, which took months with my Jacob.

I feel awsome!! I haven't been on plan yet as boob feeding was so tough. But weighed myself an lost another 2lb since i weighed myself the day after he was born. So I'm a pound lighter than the day I did the pregnancy test! So I decided to go on plan sorta tomorrow :) as I wanna lose 3stone 5lb :)

Personal question! When did u all well ya kno get bk in the bedroom after a baby lol

Start weight: 14s 7lb After pregnancy: 14s 0lb Current weight: 13s 12lb To target: 47lbs
Sorry to gate crash, I'm still prego, just wondering if I need to replace parts of my breast pump from my first or if I can just sterilize it

Oh and Leanne I waited 6 days after my last, do what feels comfy for you
Leanne - it took us 8 weeks but I did bleed for a good few weeks and I was nervous after having stitches from my tear and episiotomy. Oh and we were both exhausted constantly and didn't feel comfortable doing it in the same room as Bella!
But obviously whatevers comfortable for you, just don't forget protection lol!
Hi everyone!

I think i need a kick up the bum! I've been super craving sweets, chocs & stodge....I've eaten 5 doughnuts today!!!!! Flipping heck!
Since having Evie I've not even attempted to start sw...but I've just put a massive dish of roasted balsamic vinegar veggies in the oven & i made a home made spag bol sauce yesterday...hopefully i can at least eat healthily along side with the doughnuts lol!

Anyone else having trouble with constipation while breastfeeding?
hi all

ive got a 6 week old and am bf'ing.. went back to class tonight and just reading up on my baby booklet..

loving how many extra h.e your allowed.. but will it not affect your weightloss?
Hi ladies can I join you my son is 12 weeks old he is exclusively breasted and I have lost 12 and a half pound so far at slimming world. This forum looks really good.
Grumble hiiii how u coping!! I not constpated but find I'm not goin everyday but I have been eatin junk for 2 weeks!!

Welcome newbies :) hi hi

Tj is 2 weeks old today n poorly I don't like it :( I was flapping round helpless this morning my poor baby :(

Started on plan today!! I was like ohhhh noooo what do I eat lol it's been that long!!

Can I just check how many healthy extras and what plans etc while booby feeding?

Also booby feeding has settled!! No engorged boobs no sore nips baby feeding better I love it :) he makes such happy hummm noises after a boob feed :)

Start weight: 14s 7lb After pregnancy: 14s 0lb Current weight: 13s 12lb To target: 47lbs
Ohhh n the reason I asked bout nookie (lol) is cuz for some reason I wanna pounce on the other half lmao! Getting my pill Saturday, n my bleeding has stopped n my stitches felt fine for a week now! Soooo thinking I can get my intimate life bk on with the other half! Awfully excited as it's been 2 weeks (day before labour lol) and we are daily couple hahaha plus exciting as I won't have a bump in the way!!! Ohhhhh yeaaaaaa! Lol

Start weight: 14s 7lb After pregnancy: 14s 0lb Current weight: 13s 12lb To target: 47lbs
im back!!!

Hope all is well, im exhausted so am yet to read back and catch up. . you've been missing me and talking about me loads right? :p

Penny did amazing on holiday and i soon learnt to whip the boob out where ever, when ever.. park bench, train, pool side even.. she slept well, smiled all day long.. she was perfect :) all that worrying for nothing! Also has made me realize we can get out the house before midday. lol..

i was so good sw wise, but its all gone to pot. Fingers crossed it's not awful on monday wi's .. and i'm straight back on track! - Also thursday gone was my birthday,. woohoo. 20 now, so no longer a scummy teenage mummy haha.

Penny is 6 months in a week (or the 19th of feb if going by calender month) .. we've decided to definitly go with baby led weaning, and i highly recommend Jill Rapely's book for anyone who doesnt know much and would like to be more informed.. it's certainly cemented my desicion. Penny had a sneaky taste of mango yesterday, just a rub along her lips.. felt awful after as she kept looking for more and burst into tears when it was all gone- so needless to say 19th of feb will be 'the' day. Cant wait, but so sad my baby is growing so fast :(

love to all. x

Oooo hello new people n welcome

re healthy extra's whilst breastfeeding :-

upto 2 mths = 3 extra so thats 5 if doing extra easy
2 to 3 mths = 4 extra so thats 6 if doing extra easy
4 to 6 mth if starting to wean = 3 extra
4 to 6 mths if only breast feeding = 4 extra
over 6 mths when weaning = 1 extra

hope that helps, also recommend 15 syns a day!
its lovely being able to eat extra bread n cheese lol though make sure you weigh your bread lol......unlike me eating brown rolls that weighed 70g not 60g oops! no wonder only been loosing a pound a wk!

Leeanne....... i know what you mean about being horny, i was the same lol raging hormones, was scared the 1st time as was sore down there and it was still a big hole pmsl!!!

glad you had great holiday Fern , i'm away to the lakes in Feb for 4 days for my sisters wedding looking forward to it though dunno how i'm going to cope with my ikkle man, we're getting into a lovely routine now, oh well will still be fun!

Am currently a bit high on drugs.......... lol pulled my lower back and couldn't walk yesterday, my hubs had to take special leave to help me out! i'm on co-codimal and anti inflamatories, little miricle pills as nearly pain free! Was worried i wouldn't be able to take owt with breastfeeding
Went to a baby group the other day which was lovely, got baby massage next wk too. Was looking at going to a mother and toddler group if anyone can tell me what they are like?

Looked into nursery fees this wk.............jesus, how expensive???? No good for me anyway as i work shifts as does hubby. We are going to see if work will be flexible with my hrs, lucky we work together! If not no idea what we're gonna do as it looks like all nurseries want you to book set days. Suppose we could try child minders if we can find someone really flexible!