Proud Mama :)
I am having normal pancakes - 6 in fact on calory controlled and still lose weight and not have to make alternative ones but have naughty yummy ones 
Leeanne910 said:Wel done geobar!!
Well im sittin here feelin like a fatty lol
I had chicken nuggets at 1.5 syns each beans and sw chips followed by magic sw pancakes with tbs of golden syrup for 2syn and feel like i been naughty but only had 11syns and heb!
my new weightloss journey!! start:: 13s 12lb current:: 13s 12lb.... 54lbs to go!!
Celerystalks said:Lovely pic fern
Can anyone tell me if we're entitled to anythig extra for bf? Consultant never said and didn't get round to asking yet as I go to a super busy group and often have to bring my LO. hope I'm not repeating, I actually did a search for bf and hundreds of seemingly unrelated threads came up.
Leeanne910 said:Been crying loads girls today.
Phoned childrens centre support cuz tj still dont seem happy on boob n i am still sore n he is 6 weeks today. Been plodding on knowing of his tongue tie but today its hit me that he isnt happy n im so sore maybe its time to get support as at 6 weeks it should be better and its not :,( waitibg for lactation specialist to phone me back
my new weightloss journey!! start:: 13s 12lb current:: 13s 12lb.... 54lbs to go!!