Geobar said:My c gave me a little book. But basically it is as follows:-
If baby is up to 2months= 3 extra hexa/b (preferably 1or2 to be hexa, same for all ages)
4-6months (if starting to wean)=3
4-6months (if exclusively bfing)=4
Over 6months when weaning=1
Hope this helps
mrss2010 said:Thanks so much, are u ladies finding u still lose weight with having the extras? x
Geobar said:Tbh I started when my lil one was 8 months so could only have 1 hex. Very rarely do I have it. I can't get it into my head that it's ok to have it!
I know there are a few others on here who started when their babies were a lot younger and they had the extra hex and still lost weight.
Have them and them you could always decrease if needed but I'm sure you won't need to
mrss2010 said:Thanks I think I will have maybe 2 of each on ee day n see how I go, don't want to damage my supply by not having them! X
Geobar said:Good idea baby comes first! How are you finding bfing?
jojogonnabeslim said:hi mrs2010 hope u n baba are well
ive been having all my extra hex's and full syn allowance n been loosing most wks, only time i've not is when i went on hols n didnt follow sw n also when my period came back!
well done being lighter than prepreg x
mrss2010 said:Finding it ok ish lol we had trouble at the start with his latch so were using nipple shields but now we aren't using them, I wudve thought 5 weeks in the old nipples wud have toughened up but it still hurts for first minute or 2? Oh well!! Lol
CAPRICORN said:Good evening ladies,
I have been dipping in and out on the thread getting ready for "Charliebumps" arrival on the 19th April-ish, only today I have found out that he is coming early -next Thursday to be exact -and I was wondering if anyone on here has had a General anesthetic with their C-section? and if so have they had any problem with establishing breast feeding? I know I won't be awake for the initial skin to skin (he is going up daddies top until Im half with it)... and I appretiate he may be a little dopey to start with but I just thought I would get prepared and see if anyone has any experience
Ether way Im sure I will be on here once Im out of hospital asking lots of questions....
thanks in advance ladies...