Breastfeeding and Slimming World

Maybe i spawn chubbas lol

Cappricorn when ur with it maybe lots n lots of skin to skin. Thats what i hear. On my breastfeeding dvd it says to express before section so they only taste ur milk?

my new weightloss journey!! start:: 13s 12lb current:: 13s 12lb.... 54lbs to go!!
Thats what i thouggt fern and convinced thats what helped with tj but to bring on labour u have to do it every hour all day! :/ the dvd that midwife gives dosent say much

my new weightloss journey!! start:: 13s 12lb current:: 13s 12lb.... 54lbs to go!!
yeah i have read somewhere that u should express before c section birth......just google it lol thats what i do!

wonder if clocks going forward is going to upset our ikkkle babas sleep routines, not that Dan has one much, little monkey.Think hes cottoned on to the fact that if he gets up at stupid o clock he gets to sleep with mummy in bed!!!
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little update!
Charles sat up today unassisted yay. He also has started sleeping on his side and for the love of money won't change. He has been stubborn ever since he was in my tum.
Mrs201 it shouldnt hurt hun. Does ur nipple come out a funny shape?

my new weightloss journey!! start:: 13s 12lb current:: 13s 12lb.... 54lbs to go!!

leanne it sometimes come out pointy and i was asking mw about this but she checked his latch a few times and said all ok, but sometimes he makes a clicky noise iykwim? he has been cluster feeding all day and still doesnt seem to be satisfied so ive just made him up 4oz of aptimal for daddy to feed him while i make tea as i need a break!

how do u ladies cope with cluster feeding, it would appear he is about to hit the 6 week growth spurt as he is 6 weeks on tuesday! xx
mrss2010 said:
leanne it sometimes come out pointy and i was asking mw about this but she checked his latch a few times and said all ok, but sometimes he makes a clicky noise iykwim? he has been cluster feeding all day and still doesnt seem to be satisfied so ive just made him up 4oz of aptimal for daddy to feed him while i make tea as i need a break!

how do u ladies cope with cluster feeding, it would appear he is about to hit the 6 week growth spurt as he is 6 weeks on tuesday! xx

There shouldn't be any noise really.
My DS used to feed very frequently. I'm doing a training course as a breast feeding peer supporter and on one of the training days they showed us some marbles that represented the size of a babies stomach. They were do small. But the point was to show why babies feed so often. It was an eye opener for most of us. Look it up on line if you have chance.
I'd speak to you midwife again in relation to the clicking noises.
Hope you get some results soon
Hmmm sounds like tongue tie which is what tj had. He would click, get loads of air in his tummy n never seem satisfied. I put up with the pain for 6 weeks and contacted la leche league. She said it was tongue tie so she gave me the lactation consultant who is trained with tongue tie and she snipped it. No pain ever since! And it doesnt come out.pointy or lipstick shaped as it isnt meant to. Midwifes and health visitors are not trained to identyfy tongue tie i have been told. Not their fault but its not good enough. And tongue tie is extremely common. I would suggest go on la leche legue website and send a help form. I still email the helper and she is fab helped me with loads. Hope that helps xx

my new weightloss journey!! start:: 13s 12lb current:: 13s 12lb.... 54lbs to go!!
Thanks ladies I'll look into it although us tongue tie not when the bit that connects ur tongue to ur mouth is attached basically to the tip of ur tongue? Cause Charlie doesn't have that? I'll still contact them tho xx
I've never seen it in a baby but I have in adults and there seems to be different severities. I don't think it has to come right to the tip if the tongue
Doesnt have to be at tip of tongue could be like tj where u cant see much of a tongue tie cuz his was posterier which mesnt he had one snip then another cuz theres one behind :( they r tricky to see n only trained people can see them. My midwifes n health visitors missed tjs. I had to make contact with lactation consultant myself with help off la leche. My milk was droppin too cuz of his tongue tie. Luckily his weight gain was ok cuz i have an oversupply of milk which most second time mummies get. Best thing i did tho cuz he comes off calm n happy now. Before he was still screaming. N ive boobfed since he had it done! Not had to express cuz of the pain since :)

my new weightloss journey!! start:: 13s 12lb current:: 13s 12lb.... 54lbs to go!!
i had the clicky sounds so know what u mean.He just isnt latched quite right.i feel for u with the cluster feeding :-( it does get better! Dans was at night from teatime to bed time all i could do was sit there n watch tv, my husband didnt help much by calling him greedy! he just didnt get it. its certainly draining!
Leeanne youve got me thinking now about tongue breast seems to look lipstick shaped tho not the other side but it doesnt hurt.
Jojo dont worry :) i occassionaly still get it on one side cuz he doesnt latch as well but its not pain ful. If its uncomfy n painful it sounds likd tongue tie x

my new weightloss journey!! start:: 13s 12lb current:: 13s 12lb.... 54lbs to go!!
Few family update pics lol

my new weightloss journey!! start:: 13s 12lb current:: 13s 12lb.... 54lbs to go!!


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Heehee love the blue tongues!! Pics are lovely x
Well the clocks going forward doesnt seem to have affected Dan he slept well last night. Have ordered black out blinds for nursery and our room too. This wk Dan is going to go in his own room, hes been sleeping in his cot since he was 3 wk old so shouldn't be a problem and we'll be able to resume so adult time lol
Another 1lb off this wk yay!!!
Eeekkk my ikkle baba is sleeping in his own room alone for the first time, hope hes sleeps ok as for me not a chance! Also have now made room in living roo for his toy area lol.... Have been given loads of hand ne down toys! Need to build up a good selection of books now, feel bad ive not read to him yet :-(
Forgot to update the other day lost 5.5 lbs this week do thats 30 lbs since feb 2011 with a pregnancy in between :)