Breastfeeding and Slimming World

Update...Dan slept really well in his own room n actually so did i!! Dunno how it will go tonight as he had his 3rd lot of jabs,n yep i cried again so glad there are no more until hes one! X
That's brilliant. My DS is one in May and he's still in my room in his cot. I can't bring myself to put him in his room, ridiculous I know
Well done dan awwwww i dont ever want tj in his own room (technicly he cant anyway lol) but he is still in his basket next to my bed and i like it that way :( but noticed how big he is gettin and i felt sad :(

He had his first chuckle yesterdag omg melt <3 sending off to becone a childminder tomorrow as decided i wanna open my own day nursery in the future n this is ny starting point!

Still not stuck to sw :( just not motivated am thinkin of switchin to ww for a bit :(

my new weightloss journey!! start:: 13s 12lb current:: 13s 12lb.... 54lbs to go!!


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Grrr blooming jabs! My poor babs went to bed fine last night 8 - 1 then that was it he just wanted to sleep in my arms rest of the night so we cuddled up in the spare bed in his room





Proud bf'ing mama <3
Is he asleep or peeping?
With his girlfriend Beth!
Sling wearing mama <3
Lovely pics jojo n wat sling do u use x

my new weightloss journey!! start:: 13s 12lb current:: 13s 12lb.... 54lbs to go!!
Aww lovely pics....dont we all have gorgeous babas xxx

Leeanne, the sling is a close stretchy wrap. I haven' t bought it lol, its on loan from a sling library cost me £5 for a mth, it goes back tomorrow then ill borrow another one. Its really good but tbh not used it to its full advantage especially since i live in flats, no lift n carrying his car seat up 2 flights is becoming harder! Lol carrying his pram up is even worse so im tending to leave it in the boot of my car more n more!
Loving everyone's pics!

We still haven't sorted Bella's room out, at the mo walls are stripped right back.

So not only is she still in our room... She's also taken to sleeping in our bed. A lot. As in every night for the past couple of weeks. Some nights from as late as 5.30am, others from as early as 11pm. Hmm... Cheeky devil! To be fair she has had a cold that's lasted about 4 weeks, and she's really not sleeping well. So this way we all sleep better!

Starting buggy fit in our local park tomorrow, on top of the 4 baby groups we go to each week!

Oh and I was thinking, if any of you wanted to add me as a friend on Facebook I'd love to keep up with you and your babes as I don't come on here as often. Pm me if you want to.

Here's some photos to join in!!


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jojogonnabeslim said:
Aww lovely pics....dont we all have gorgeous babas xxx

Leeanne, the sling is a close stretchy wrap. I haven' t bought it lol, its on loan from a sling library cost me £5 for a mth, it goes back tomorrow then ill borrow another one. Its really good but tbh not used it to its full advantage especially since i live in flats, no lift n carrying his car seat up 2 flights is becoming harder! Lol carrying his pram up is even worse so im tending to leave it in the boot of my car more n more!

If u search for Victoria the sling lady on Facebook she is who I bought my sling off and it's great and quite cheap x think mine was £15 including postage!
sarah83 said:
Loving everyone's pics!

We still haven't sorted Bella's room out, at the mo walls are stripped right back.

So not only is she still in our room... She's also taken to sleeping in our bed. A lot. As in every night for the past couple of weeks. Some nights from as late as 5.30am, others from as early as 11pm. Hmm... Cheeky devil! To be fair she has had a cold that's lasted about 4 weeks, and she's really not sleeping well. So this way we all sleep better!

Starting buggy fit in our local park tomorrow, on top of the 4 baby groups we go to each week!

Oh and I was thinking, if any of you wanted to add me as a friend on Facebook I'd love to keep up with you and your babes as I don't come on here as often. Pm me if you want to.

Here's some photos to join in!!

Hey Sarah have pm'd u
Aww lovely pics shes gorgeous :)
Buggy fit? Wow sounds brill think my park does something similar but with the pram ive got ive no chance......its rubbish! Its fine on really flat
surfaces but any bumpy or gravel paths forget it poor Dan gets rattled all over! You dont really think about a that when picking a pram!
Dont worry about Bella sleeping in your bed too much, as long as shes safe n you get some sort of sleep! Being ill knocks them for 6 so they need extra cuddles! I've worried the same but then i think just enjoy them being babies as it doesnt last long!
Dan is back to normal sleeping now thank god, it was definately the jabs that upset him x
mrss2010 said:
If u search for Victoria the sling lady on Facebook she is who I bought my sling off and it's great and quite cheap x think mine was £15 including postage!

Ill have a go, thanks. What sling have you got? My sis has given me a mytie but ive not tried it yet.
Thanks Sarah _ am glad I am not the only one who has not moved baby into his own room. I felt so terrible as my place is a mess but I can't do anything until my hubby sorts out the d.i.y drops and he suffers from depression. I would love to them myself but don't have the energy or skill, lol! We have the same toys as you or though I keep forgeting to get an insert for my high chair. Got this baby led weaning is hard work in knowing to get the balance. You can get slings cheap on Ebay - surely buying second hand one would be cheaper then the loan. I am really luckily in the sense of the toy library where I am everything is 50p for a week and that is as many items as you like. I think this may be due to the fact that the centre is a low income area and a lot of problems prior to the support placed in it. I think it is great though as they have every toy and item know to man and it is great to loan and test to see if Charles interacts and is interested before forking out the money. Also, it is great for me to identify the toys needed for the age range at the time needed as I am know to get extremely advanged stuff which is not a problem as I safe money later on but Charles needs stuff that can help his development specifically at the time range he presently is in. Sorry about the ramble, oops!
Hey Bunny,
Theres a toy library at my centre too, very good idea! Went in toysrus last wk with a gift voucher omg how expensive? Bought practical stuff like car window blinds instead! lucky ive had a lot of toys as hand me downs but ill use the library and go to the baby table top sales for more. No point buying new as they soon loose interest. Cant recommend the baby sales enough they're fab and you're helping with recycling too!
As for slings they're good to try out certain types before you buy n £5 for the mth is reasonable.
Mrs2010 you'll be pleased to know i went ahead n ordered a sling i liked off victoria and very giddy as she does a hungry caterpiller a very happy mummy! Lol
Anyone have the coil? I'm having a very heavy period atm after having the copper coil fitted last mth :-( just glad its not painful! Hope its the reason for my 2lb gain this wk!
I'm a sucker for toys... Although a lot of Bella's are cheapy ones from primark or the sales, and branded stuff I really want I've gone on eBay for.
Can't wait for bootsales this year as we can go now we've got a car yay! Hoping to get lots of bargains then...

Started back on SW yesterday complete with diary on here - eek I desperately need to fit into my clothes again

Loving the idea of sling and toy libraries, fab ideas to try before you buy!
Good evening all

Room for 1 more :D, after 9 years of trying - Charlie arrived safely last Thursday weighing in at a delicate 6lb 8oz (never thought me n hubby would produce a delicate ickle thing :p) -here is the only pic down loaded so far -from just after he arrived...

Would anyone know if I what healthy extras I get if Im doing a mix of breast feeding and expressing? only with him being 3 weeks early and delivered by c-section under a general -he struggled to get to grips with boobs bless him -so initially he was part boob, part syringe and part cup fed ..... which I put my foot down over as he was just confused and so was I ... so I opted for breast feeding when he can and expressed milk via a bottle in between. His blood sugars were low for a couple of days so I figured that at least if I did bottles I would know exactly what he was taking and he wasn't burning loads of energy too. Once he is a little bigger and stronger Im hoping he will take more straight from the breast, but I won't be too disappointed if not because at least I know he is still getting the good stuff...
They have spotted yesterday that he is slightly jaundice but at the hospital today they said he was under the line that would concern them so we just need to pop back tomorrow for another test to make sure the reading hasn't increased and if not we can just get on with it and as they want him to feed as often as possible -the bottles really make it easier to monitor him..

I weighed in at home on Tuesday as I only escaped hospital on monday and now Im ready to get back to shifting the rest of the weight,

I have to say that so far we have one seriously chilled out little fella -he has his milk, a cuddle and then goes back to sleep for about 3hrs -he is an absolute joy :D

Anyway -enough waffle from me...
hope everyone is having a good evening....
Well done capricorb so happy for u its a magical story :) been followin u since ur announcement and he is soooooooo beautiful i wish i could cuddle him n give u a congrats hug!

Even with expressin u get same healthy extras as u are still feeding the booby milk hun x

my new weightloss journey!! start:: 13s 12lb current:: 13s 12lb.... 54lbs to go!!
Ladies im still gonna stay on here if its ok

But am starting calorie counting today for a change as cant get motivated on sw anymore :(

Feelin positive on day one!!

calorie counting journey!! start:: 14s 7lb current:: 14s 7lb.... 43lbs to go!!
Leanne- I do CC it is the best, especially if you not got much time to be organised and being a busy mum.

Congrats Charlie - amazing experience given birth and a true gift for you and your hubby. I weighted my Charles (great minds think alike ;) ) yesterday can't believe when he was born he was 5lbs and 12ozs and now he is 16lbs and 16ozs. He has got into being a porky now and he looks so grow up :)