Breastfeeding and Slimming World

I messed up yesterday - started on a green day then ate an Extra Easy meal at dinner time! At least it's better than I'd usually eat!

I'm lucky enough to have my period at the moment (I get them back ridiculously early despite breastfeeding!) and I could eat and eat and eat! I've just had an extra HE. I thought that was better than eating 20 extra syns!! Anyhow, I'm not expecting too much weight loss wise this week!
Yay! First weigh in and 4 3/4lb off!

I was really nervous about weighing in today as although I know SW works, eating all those HEXs just went against the grain! Many was the time I'd realise I had 3 HEXs left and ended up scoffing Babybels/prunes/milk just to use them up!

But it worked!!
Morning ladies i rejoined a class last night and i wasn't told about what extra a and b options i can have as im breast feeding my 5 month old, what should i do? Thanks x

It's 5 on extra easy if you are weaning or 6 if not.

At least 3 should be a choices!!! X
Sandrat sammys right you do get more healthy extras be careful though as they change as your baby gets older you could flick back through these posts or the sw website should list what extras you should have if your C doesnt give you a leaflet. Surprised that you werent given the right info!
Well back to work for me end of the mth shouldnt complain as ivd had 11mth off! I have loads of holidays to take so only going back part time for a while. Panicking my LO will get use to not breastfeeding n give it up :-( ill be devastated!

Hi JoJo!
Just wanted to jump in and give you a little bit of reassurance. ... I nanny a little girl the same age as my own (17/18 months) who has always been exclusivly fed (by exclusively I mean, no formulas or milk substitutes) She drinks water very well throughout the day and is straight on the boob when mumma gets home. Penny struggled without boob during the day until recently as she's never been a great water drinker, but that has really turned around the past few months. She self weaned at 14 months.. We'd stopped day feeds at 9 months (long story, not out of choice, but lack of support and information, and a failed period of going back to work) and i continued to offer booby whenever i could, then once over one took a no offer no refuse. Eventually she just didn't need me to settle back off to sleep at night and our breastfeeding naturally came to an end, I was upset but felt OK with it, knowing it was her choice. (unlike stopping day feeds, I sobbed for a week.)

anyways, what i'm trying to say is. Most children are *very* unlikely to self wean under one, that said.. making it over 1 year it's very much up to you and the babe when it comes to an end, some may self wean as P did.. others may not, like the girl I care for, who is still very reliant. If you want to continue for as long as possible, I'd recommend making sure you have time set aside when you get home from work to sit and enjoy a feed together. Your babe will either decide to wait for you, or be happy with other fluids while your away, but will soon learn that when your home you (and your boobs!) are there, they will look forward to that time with you and if your offering, then you know if they were to loose interest its a natural thing and something they've come to decide themselves, not that they've forgotten and not because you haven't tried.

Hope im making sense, good luck heading back to work. I found it extremely difficult and quit after 3 days .. (eep) and finally went back when P was 15 months, although she comes with me. Its tough leaving our babies. xxx
Hey Fern thanks for the advice etc. Luckily things have worked out quite well at work! I went back when Dan was 11 mth old but on reduced hrs to start so it helps us both to adjust.I work shifts too which has worked well, when i start at 6am he wakes for a feed around 4am then back to sleep then will have my expressed about 80ml when he gets up, he drinks water through the day then i feed him when i get home around 230. when im on 2-10 shift i feed him before i go to work n hell have my expressed before bed, sometimes hell wake for a feed when i get home. Dan still wakes 1/2 times a night. I cant see him weaning any time soon lol hes a real booby boy at 15mth old. I had loads of problems at work regarding bfing as no one had ever done it before so they had no idea n thats a government dept!! Must be lovely to be able to take Penny to work especially with the baby u work with is the same age, hard work i bet ;-) How did u know she was weaning off breast milk if u dont mind me asking? As for bfing support its so bad, theres hardly any all down to funding, shocking really! x
ah with P weaning herself, she'd been having milk in a bottle during the day (she didnt raje to sippts or a doidy etc, and when I quit work my milk had taken a massive hit, I tried to re-establish full booby feeding but after a month it wasnt working so I accepted it and fed her during bedtime/night time as thats only when she wanted me and my milk was full and seemingly satisfying the little lady! P suddenly took to drinking lots of water during the day and as time went on naturally reduced night wakings from 3-4 to 1-2 times. I would offer but she could settle back off with just a cuddle. .so just took a 'dont offer dont refuse ' tact. a few weeks after she had her last night feed and never came to me for it again.. :(

I was upset, but she was happy and I felt had made the decision herself. that said I will be honest and say I deeply regret beibg pushed into an earlier start date, basically force weaning P onto a bottle (she detested the things) and as a result I feel she would have happily BF longer. I was unsupported and I genuinly felt she wouldnt cope without me and 'needed' a bottle. I know better now, but its to late. im ashamed to say for a long time following I felt very angry and resentful towards OH though none of it was his fault or doing, but work itself...I couldn't cope with the upset and hurt I felt at what I thought at the time wasn't a choice about putting her on a bottle for day feeds.

woops, turned into a rant there!

when I stopped day feeding..I leajed constantly and for a week was pumping 8oz from each boib at s time to stop the agony if engorgement. .but when she did stop completely I had nothing....though if u trued I coukd squeeze a tiny drop drom the left side for a month lol!
awww :-( it must have been awful its a very special bond that our OHs just dont understand i know ive had my problems with my OH just not understanding n when its been difficult in the past ive had the 'put him on the bottle' speech!! Had i gone back to work when i should things probably would have been different but thanks to their cock ups i got an extra 5mth off bonus! lol though it came with a lot of stress resulting in some pnd!
Anyway hope Penny is being absolutely amazing for u. this is my little man n the light of my life, hes my world xx

aw im sorry to hear that jo, it sounds like your coming through it well though! Penny is a terror lol! I adore her and she is so much fun...but I swear the girls trying to turn me grey lol! She's completly crackers..a right little mischief!
Ladies, can I ask those of you who go to class, how soon after having the baby are you allowed back at class? Is it after your six week check up? I'm currently not a member.
Ladies, can I ask those of you who go to class, how soon after having the baby are you allowed back at class? Is it after your six week check up? I'm currently not a member.

I think 6 weeks is the guideline as you have your doctors check up. I however went back at 4 consultant was happy with that.
There should be no rush, you need time to adjust to get use to the new situation. The weight can be lost anytime but your health is important firstly :)

I know you're right, I've just been feeling really fed up about how much I've put on in this pregnancy. I'm also feeling pretty fed up being virtually house bound while on mat leave. Part of me just wants to start feeling normal again!
We've all been there its so hard at first especially when bfing on demand. Best thing i did was to go back to group i took him with me n fed him there but still felt like it was a bit of me time then i found a baby group to go to once a wk at a surestart centre so at least i knew that twice a wk i had somewhere to go just to get out of the house!
I went back at 5 weeks, But honestly for me I wasn't ready and gave up a few months later. I wish i'd waited a bit longer!

The first night I left my girl with daddy (I stayed an hour then rushed home) i burst into tears when another girl walked in with her baby of the same age and then I leaked. :-/ Niiiice. From then on I took her with me. lol

I remember, clear as day.. the first day I managed to get out of the house alone. she might have been around 4-5 days old.. she'd fed and fed and fed and I felt like I was climbing the walls, then she unlatched and I swear, I've never moved so fast in my life.. wrapped her in the sling, swung my bag on and darted for the door. I can remember feeling the fresh air on my skin and soaking up the sunshine and it feeling like the most amazing thing ever.. I was walking along the street thinking 'im out, im out!!!' lol.

Its difficult to adjust, being on the sofa or in bed what feels like *all the time* when they are constant grazes, when you've been used to working & leading a busy life. but you will settle into it and the trick is, like jojo said.. to get involved with groups so that you up and out atleast a few times a week :)
