Bren's Diary - The journey begins, again!

well done elle :) and when you say your name is it ell or elly, just a thought... ha.

the only way you can kind of help control it is by drinking shedloads of water. i've had a litre and a half now... *sigh*

abz xx
it's ell, ellie is the name of a girl i really do not like haha. my real name is elena (as in the same pronunciation as Eleanor, people seem to think it's Eleyna, no idea why, it's 'exactly what it says on the tin' hehe) but i dont like it much so people call me Elle.

Thanks very much:) I'm waiting for my TOTM too... its strange now but ever since my boobs went down a million sizes i can really tell because they hurt and swell. i could never tell before haha. i'll probably put weight on around that time knowing me, water retention etc... i really swell up. it's awful. bein a grrr...
Well girls I need to eat more at lunch I think on the days I go to the gym or do the gym really close to dinner. I've just eaten another protein bar some yoghurt, kiwi and blueberries! Definitely bloated now. Never mind going to bed soon when the tummy is not so full and fresh tomorrow. I also attempted to clean out my filing cabinet..... big mistake as lots of thinking triggers off my cheating!

No worries not going to do my head in about it. Back on track at my next meal, breakfast.

How are you guys holding up TOTM and all. I'm lucky on or off the pill and I only get a bloated feeling in the tummy on day 2 and can pinpoint half way through my cycle my ovulation ( I can feel it???) Apart from that dont suffer at all. Sorry to rub it in!

well i have an implant so have been period free for a couple of years. totally fab... until now. hmph. ha.

have nearly finished my fourth litre of water so far though so that's going down well :)

abz xx
Well done on the water. Are you going to slow down now with it for the remainder of the day? It might have a reverse effect on you. You know fluid retention?
blimey my periods are excruciating!! i'm very jealous. i think it's pretty amazing that you can pinpoint ovulation how strange. what should we look out for, haha? xxx
Happens mid cycle and I have to double over because it literally feels like a moving sensation (like a marble!) near my ovaries. It's very odd and a little discomfort for about 1 minute or so it's more intense when I'm off the pill.

Another little quirk I have is when I eat some chocolate, mainly dark, I sneeze! Yep that's right if not after the first bite the second and depending on the amount of coco it might be after I swallow. Some milk chocolate does it! Very funny, my hubby and I have even experimented with which brands Lindt is a sure thing!

Lindt....mmmmm. or cadbury's dairy milk... i have many opinions on chocolate haha but it doesn't make me sneeze, only dust and a cold do it for me. but i have a stupid sneeze where most of the time i make a little "woooo" after sneezing, like it shocked me haha.

p.s. i went and bought a 5 litre bottle of water for 79p and once ive finished this 2 litre i shall start on that. good job the toilet is really close hehe. xx
ha. a 5 litre bottle? did i read that right? how on earth do you lift it??

i lurve dark chocolate. more than any other kind. mmm. have a craving for dark choc ginger biccies now. ooh. i was dreaming about rich tea biscuits last night... how odd... just remembered, ha.

abz xx
no no no abz DARK CHOCOLATE?? what??? no no noooooo. that's ok in SMALL doses. yup, 5 litre, it's not really that heavy, trying to carry six bottles of 2 litres bottles in one pack is heavy haha. i did that a lot at uni cos the water in stoke is yuk yuk yuk. x
I'm trying to rid my body of fluid now so i wont be up during the night. Going to do sudoku and have a green tea.

Night ladies and forward and downwards tomorrow. I need to have 2 great days before Friday morning, God give my strength or anyone!

Sorry I meant I'm going to have 2 great days before my measure in on Friday!

haha just learnt how hard it is to pour water into a glass from a 5 litre bottle without spilling it everywere. my boss is eating macdonalds and i can physically taste it in my mouth lol....water water water, i dont need maccys chips haha x
Oooohhh got me thinking about dark chocolate now!!

I sneeze everytime I eat an extra strong mint, my brother is exactly the same!

I have the depo injection so haven't had a totm since before falling pregnant with my daughter (who is 1 on the 31st!!) Oh my God she's nearly 1 & I still look like I'm 8 months pregnant!! :cry:
You wont for long Linz.

Well it's 11 am now and i've already downed 2.4 ltrs, going very well today. I am feeling very confident and didn't wake up feeling fat, well not as concave in the tummy region after the 2 days I did spectacularly. But I aim to go to the gym later this arvo and I'm really debating whether to have the protein bar after or not it's about 138 cals. But I dont want to binge like I did last night.

On the up side, today is excellent focus even though it's raining terribly outside. My whole body legs, abs all ache from my workout, sounds crazy but I actually like this feeling.

What do you guys think about the bar Yes or No?

if you think it will keep that feeling of control then have the bar i reckon... although it might be too late for me to say that depending on when you go, ha.

well i've lost a measly 1/4lb this week. i know it's all water retention from the break and totm but still feel poopy about it *sigh*. ah well. i'm on the fourth day now. starting to get a bit headachey etc but not as leaden as last time. hopefully my energy levels will stick around otherwise i'm going to be good for nothing on this wedding day, ha.

abz xx
Hey you it's a loss! Try having some hot herbal teas like camomile, no fake flavoured ones though! This will help with the bloated feeling, or a slice of lemon in hot water (if your allowed). As for the headache take something now.

Today has been great i've eaten extra but much better than yesterday. I was planning on just the protein bar but still alot of hunger, this time in the afternoon before the gym. I think that this has something to do with yesterday's session as usually the day after I have increased hunger.

So extra involved, the bar 138cals, an apple, 2 kiwi, 4 crackers, some cheese 50g(mozzarella). I did 45 mins of cardio. Not bad I think!

I ache in my abs! (no pun intended) and my bum and thighs, all from my workout and crazy.... i like this feeling. I really love doing weights!

How's the headache still there?
hey babes. how has it gone for you today? ready for your weigh in in the morning?

abz xx