Well as predicted I've lost but have gained from my all time lowest, up 300 gms, remembering I weigh everyday at the moment. All up for the week 1.3kg loss, but 2 days ago it way 1.6! Never mind it will be gone in a couple of days.
Hurt my foot a little at the gym last night, so dont think it wise to do yoga?? What do people think? It's got a constant ache, from a combo of running and poor support shoes during the day.... oops...
I can do school work tonight that means, if I stay at home.
Male friend of mine which I work once a year at a carnival with has sms'd me today that he has a cancerous growth on his lip. Dr not sure if it is in his lymphatic system and will need an op in about 3 - 5 weeks time. He's waiting for another doc to phone him tomorrow. So a little devastated about this.
I've eaten about 4 extra crackers today and a low cal (137) protein bar. I'm full and not really feeling like dinner, but I will later, or going to Yoga. Hubby is on nights this week and I dont know if I want to be alone tonight with sad thoughts about my friend.