Gold Member
Need to sleep but just thought I would pop on see if you managed to get to group or were you stick at work. And if so anything to report. X x
Hope your Ok x x
Hope your Ok x x
Very late but made it to class, lost 2lbs somehow. Work was that I need to write a chronology detailing all of the things that have happened not started but been told not to worry. Not doing well at that so am probably going to the dr tomoro just to document my anxiety,work have suggested it so think I will probably go. I have always loved sleeping and at the moment I just can't very annoying!
Good news about the doctors honey- doesn't hurt to get some advice. Hope things are better today - maybe writing the chronology will be a bit cathartic and make you feel a little better? It's really good that it's all being invstigated. xxx
Dr has given me temazepam not got prescription yet am not sure about taking them.
Have had Linda McCartney sausages for breakfast and got pizza for tea at work as doing 1-9 think that will do me not that hungry at the moment.
Not started to do chronology yet.
Have just been told she is moving sections so I won't have to work with herso so relieved. Just got to get through tomoro now! xx
You are right there are positives in the situation but I find it hard to see those, so thank you all for reminding me my managers are being brilliant and it is good that it is being investigated.
I do find writing cathartic so this maybe that rather than a dreadful torture. I know I have made references to events in my diary on here so am going to go back through and look for dates.
Thank you all for being so lovely, I am a very private person and not actually told any of my friends about it so I have no one to talk to apart from Ben who has said you need to be more rational or you will go bananas. Hmmm