Had a busy afternoon, planned food until Thursday as off then so will need to shop then as working until the Tuesday after. So went to Asda which was full of screaming children, had forgotten that is why I don't go to the supermarket on a saturday afternoon I thought it would be ok as rugby was on!! Then roasted a butternut squash whole and made soup, a huge pot of it, to keep me going for a few days. Sorted freezer too and planned some meals using what is in there. But seem to be filling it up too! Made tomato sauce and tuna balls and put it in the freezer. And bought stuff in Asda for the freezer too ooops! Am adding spinach to everything tho to get that eaten up. Made mackerel late from the awful mackerel with quark and horseradish Food today
B Linda mcartney sausages eggs onion and mushroom
L mackerel salad and tomato sauce
S chocolate weetabix muffins
D chilli and cauliflower rice
HEXA milk and cheese HEXB chocolate weetabix scan bran
Tomato ketchup 3 chocolate 3 sweet chilli sauce 1 wine 187ml a small bottle I think about 6.5 syns so at 13.5 for the day
Total for week 46.5 so think that is ok! Although most of that is wine need to reign that in!
Had plenty of water I think over 3l including my tea and coffee
Now just need something to watch on tv