Gold Member
Doing amazing Sarah! Keep your head up honey xx
Morning ladies. Didnt get to sleep till almost 4am amd was up at 5.30 ugh. Sorted some stuff out at the bakery and now timmy is letting em have a nap.
On the freezer room floor. Haha got a blanket and old pillow. But needs must!!
Morning Sweetie!!! You must be shattered, enjoy your nap! X
I havent slept right in over a week. Only getting between 1 - 4 hours sleep. Need my body to sort itself out and go to bed at the right time.
Sounds like me Sweetie :-( Hope u get some good rest.x
Well you get some bloody sleep too.
Oh and being a veggie for many years. I would of rather pulled my teeth out than eat gelatine. I don't look on packets now or I would never eat! Because I know what half the **** is. Eeeek
How long have you been veggie?
Since Birth Sweetie. I was brought up Veggie and have brought Poppy up the same way.x
Then your silly ex would of known you would of never touched them.
Men are such twats at times.
Go veggie power!!
I had a friend who i worked with who was veggie (her husband used to take animals to the slaughterhouse in big trucks and he hated it) and her an hubby became veggie in the 70's and never looked back.
Both her girls were raised veggie and people used to say it wasnt fair andnthey should have the choice. I was intrigued as to how her girls felt about being raised veggie. And they love it! They cant understand why anyone would want to eat meat. The thought makes them feel ill but respect other peoples wishes.
When I was veggie (as you will remember in the mid 90's) there was nothing out there! I had literally tvp and some dried soya chunks as my food options. My mum was always super supportive!
Im not a keen meat eater now. There are so many things I dont eat meat wise. And even when I do eat meat I dont really enjoy it.
I cut out meat and dairy at the beginning of the this year as per my doctor request. But never really eaten masses of it. When on sw i eat more meat I guess cos its free.
These days there is so much variety! Even in the last 7 years since I've eaten meat nearly full time so much has changed!
I've been debating for a long time going back veggie.
I love being Veggie. I'm not a preaching Veggie though and maybe if me and the Carnivore had still been together then Poppy wouldn't of been Veggie,who knows?!? I will allow Poppy to make the choice when she's old enough, my brother chose to eat meat, I never felt the need to.x
Live and let live darling is the right mottoe!!
Hello my beautiful ladies.
Sorry about my mini absence. Been really run down and my sleeping patterns are a little bit messed up.
But I have stuck to plan (even if today was a little iffy!!)
Ive had a weird couple of days tbh. Ive been disgustingly broody. Now anyone who knows my history knows ive been having trouble getting a bun in my oven
(Im a baker with no bun in the oven!)
But I follow a few diaries on here of girks who are having babies and we all kinda shared our journeys of ttc together. Now I'm over the moon for them but have been feeling a touch sorry for myself tbh. Bit of self pity never did any harm! But out of them all im the only one not pregnant.
But yeah like I was saying ive been disgustingly broody but not in a pity way but in a positive way, but I cant sleep because im getting excited about all the stuff id buy for my own baby and running through hiw I would announce it to my mum amd dad and blah blah. And I must admit it has got me super focused. Even if I am struggling with all the prep and cooking it takes to do sw.
Me and tim have decided that we are going to go back to trying properly (not sure you want to know about trying properly so I wont make you ill!) Because recently with the stress of the bakery DTD had taken a back seat! and this will be too much info for you all but we nevr had problem with DTD no matter uow tired or stressed we were.
My periods are now regularish(between 31 and 36 days)
When before I onpy had 2 a year. But OPK don't work for me and the doctors wont take bloods or do scans to see if I do as I dont qualify because of my weight.
Because of my pcos i cant chart my CM as my hormones levels affect it.
So my only option is ferning. But dunno if I wanna delve into that aswell as beginnig temping again. Only problem with temping is that due to some meds I take and my insomnia the resulys aren't always accurate. Which is no good.
I really feel I can lose weight this time. But ladies I need a stiff talking too. Im already having those "if inswitch to this then I can eat this, or if i do this I can lose X amount per week" what do you ladies think I should do? You always manage to talk sense into me.
Much love xxxx
Sarah Lou! You missy have enough going on in your life/head without chopping and changing your diet! SW is working for you, you're enjoying your cooked breakfasts and your 'bank' of syns is working for you. Stick with it Sweetie, I think 2013 is going to be your time to shine and SW could be the key to the first door. You know I love you to the moon and back and will therefore follow you on whatever path you choose but I really hope it's this one. Lots of Love.xxxxx
Aww you make me well up! I'm so soft. My hormones are all over the place.
I know I shouldnt swap and change and I dont want too. But other people influence me and it makes me want to chop and change.
Thank you for agreeing with what I was thinking in my head!! <3
Remember Sweetie that other people don't have to live with the consequences of the changes, you do. Stand up and be proud to say 'I will do SW and I will succeed' Cos you will and u know why? Cos you have all of us, aren't u lucky lol x
I know. Its tim thats my main problem at the moment. He refuses to cook anything healthy because its too much effort apparently. So he expects me after spending all day 6 days a week cooking to come home and make him massive slap up dinners, when by the evening im exhausted and in agony.
He works hard too. Hes amazing, but he just wont cook me anything healthy.
Take tonight as an example.
It was his turn to cook dinner as I have done most of the cooking of the last 16 weeks.
So he said I'm not cooking anything that takes longer than 10 mins (when the other day I made something for myself and he made me stand there and make toad in the hole from scratch with roast pots and stuffing and all that jazz when I got in at 630 and all I had was a stirfry with my reduced stuff. Didnt have time to make egg fried rice or anything. Just made basic steak stirfry for myself with took 5 mins. When his dinner took 90 mins to make. (To make it worse it was me who said "corr could just eat toad in the hole" when I cant cos its the worse thing you could eat on sw))
So I said to him that I could make a healthier dinner than him in 10 mins. He was to cook a pasta n sauce for me. And I would make him something healthier and more filling.
In 10 mins I rustled up steak (just quick cook frying steak) with peppercorn sauce (dried packet mix) steamed brocolli, peas and green beans with some rice (the frozen ones that you just microwave) and even made him fruit salad and yog for pud.
He was annoyed that I was right wouldnt apologise and then ignored me all night other than saying "you should go back to weight watchers. Its easier than sw world. You have to always pick the hard way. I cant cook sw friendly food so dint exoect me to cook for you."
If your guys friendship was measured in diamonds and gold I'd be the richest person alive.
I know. Its tim thats my main problem at the moment. He refuses to cook anything healthy because its too much effort apparently. So he expects me after spending all day 6 days a week cooking to come home and make him massive slap up dinners, when by the evening im exhausted and in agony.
He works hard too. Hes amazing, but he just wont cook me anything healthy.
Take tonight as an example.
It was his turn to cook dinner as I have done most of the cooking of the last 16 weeks.
So he said I'm not cooking anything that takes longer than 10 mins (when the other day I made something for myself and he made me stand there and make toad in the hole from scratch with roast pots and stuffing and all that jazz when I got in at 630 and all I had was a stirfry with my reduced stuff. Didnt have time to make egg fried rice or anything. Just made basic steak stirfry for myself with took 5 mins. When his dinner took 90 mins to make. (To make it worse it was me who said "corr could just eat toad in the hole" when I cant cos its the worse thing you could eat on sw))
So I said to him that I could make a healthier dinner than him in 10 mins. He was to cook a pasta n sauce for me. And I would make him something healthier and more filling.
In 10 mins I rustled up steak (just quick cook frying steak) with peppercorn sauce (dried packet mix) steamed brocolli, peas and green beans with some rice (the frozen ones that you just microwave) and even made him fruit salad and yog for pud.
He was annoyed that I was right wouldnt apologise and then ignored me all night other than saying "you should go back to weight watchers. Its easier than sw world. You have to always pick the hard way. I cant cook sw friendly food so dint exoect me to cook for you."
If your guys friendship was measured in diamonds and gold I'd be the richest person alive.
just going to stick my oar in
i think ur bf is being a bit unfair to you regarding your brilliant efforts to lose the weight, i don't think even if he 'can't' cook sw food it wld take much imagination to put a jacket potato in the oven for you & him with cheese & beans & salad but does he want you to succeed do you think? does he miss you eating all the crap as he now has to eat unhealthy food alone? or cld he be worried about you actually succeeding this time and losing the weight & changing, forgive me if im completely wrong but it just seems a very strange way to behave as it's to reach the ultimate goal of having a baby ? does he want one as much as you do, men are strange creatures and are easily frightened by change that they haven't iniated or have control of.
re: diet, sarah you have to do what feels right for you and you alone, stay strong as serena says and stick to ur guns if you are happy, as you say you struggle to stick at it & you have proved urself you can do it these last two weeks as you have stuck to it and lost loads already. Before i started in march i was eating out of control and had no inclination to lose weight, we used to just lay on the sofa stuffing on a weekend and obviously thats how i got fat, but i made my mind up when i hit 14 stone i thought that's it i'm getting slim by summer & ive done it, im not blowing my own trumpet but just saying that if i can do it then you can too, just keep up that determination & i know some of your other problems will also improve as you lose the weight because your self belief & confidence will grow too. If your bf won't support you then do it despite him, don't let anyone put you off or tempt you off track, if they do then they do not have YOUR best interests at heart we all fall off the wagon occasionally as we are human and have wobbles, but keep in mind what you want and it's in ur reach.
Re: baby, I have read many times that once you stop 'trying' for a baby this is when it happens so try not to use all ur time thinking/planning, take the pressure off of both of you and just enjoy dtd and obviously as you lose a little bit, ur pcos (forgot the letters) will improve and of course you will be a much calmer happier 'oven' just think of it as your spring cleaning ur 'oven' atm getting it all ready and in tip top condition, don't put too much pressure on yourself x
Hey Sweetie, Im sorry to hear to hear that about the meals :-( Tim has seemed like a great support in the last weeks especially with your magazine and highlighter treat but maybe as Sammi said these reasons for wanting you to change are for his own reasons?!? When I was with Poppy's Dad he was awful when I dieted, he made my life a misery about it and if I'm honest I changed or stopped what I was doing to suit him and I got FAT! Now I'm on my own and I do what I like its much better and he actually has to accept that this is what I do and he can't change it now! Men are indeed a strange creature, us women are far better ;-) x