(Will)PowerPuff Girl! X
Haha certainly would! I wonder how many syns are in paper!
You're as bad as me!!! I wanted to weigh my hair to know how much it weighs lol x
Haha certainly would! I wonder how many syns are in paper!
You're as bad as me!!! I wanted to weigh my hair to know how much it weighs lol x
sarah im do the same with the book. im such a control freak when it comes to organisation lol x
Haha I wanna weigh my boobs and see if its ok to take the weight off my actual weight. Its not like they are the big bits i dont like! Bit I doubt me with scales on the table and trying to weigh my boob would be very easy or ladylike! Haha
It could look a bit kinky ;-) Not sure people would want us to use the scales afterward tho, boobs and hair probably aren't the most hygienic things to weigh lol x
Probably not. I meant on my proper scales so its only me thats been on them.but as ive already had my scabby trotters on them I dont wanna flop a boob out on them! Haha!
Lol! I have all sorts of weird visions now lol x
That was my aim! Haha!
Well what a weekend.
It was my best friends birthday on saturday and we went to an all you can eat chinese. She keep pushing me into not eating carbs and it was a bit irritating. Then she started stuffing her face with prawn toast and spring rolls. Annoying!
I got hammered as well. So saturday I was so ill. And last night I didnt sleep at all.
Food is all over the place. Head is all over the place.
Crappy crappy weekend.
Also weighed 21st 2.5lb. I know weigh in is tomorrow!!
Still not happy!
Oh and came in to work to find a freezer broken.
250 quid s worth of stock down the drain.
Happy fu**ing monday.
Gaaaah! Why does everyone think tuey can order me around. Why does everyone think they know whats best for me.
Had enough!
I know people are trying to help but ***** ****** give me a break!
I got my mum and tim harping on at me to back ww.
My friend telling me to low carb.
Another telling me to cal count.
Just wish everyone would back off.
Oh No :-( How annoying about the freezer :-( Will that mean you will have to replace the freezer and stock? Sending u a Monday Morning Hug.xxxxx
Hopefully we can sort it out.
I'm not sure what would be in the freezer but could you cook anything and sell cheaply today? Save throwing it away totally? X