I sinned today, I won't hide it or deny it. Day went really good, except for when my guy got home from work he had a gift. One of the guys he was working with, his wife made some thai spring rolls. The guy gave it to my guy as a thank you gift.
I took two spring rolls. But luckly they are little spring rolls, taking one was bad as is but taking the 2nd one I pushed it way too far. My guy was like take more, but I said no. So I guess it was good that I stopped at two, but I still took two of those small spring rolls.

Goodness I'm doing bad aren't I ?
Ok so here's my food log for today.
Breakfast: the usual musli with dried raspberries, peaches, goji berries, sultanas, sliced almonds, crushed walnuts and milk.
Snack: A knäckebröd with a dessert spoon of organic no sugar added peanut butter and no sugar added mixed berry jam.
Lunch: Chili bean leftover, with two of those small spring rolls.
Snack: cottage with a knäckebröd and a nectarine.
Dinner: Outer pork tenderloin, with lots of leafy salad, and a rye sourdough with full grains and seed slice bread. One of those uber healthy breads. Dessert was some melon, it's friday night I had to splurge.
Exercise: 30 minutes walk with the dog, push ups, crunches, and 38 minutes of yoga. Yoga really kicked my butt today. Who knew that going from 25 min to 38 minutes would be such a huge difference. I need to get stronger. I was really lucky with my walk today, just as I was getting home from the walk, it started raining, and it's been pouring most of the day now.