Thank you for the support Ashie

Yeah it's not fun when you prepare to go out, and even had the bar out on the counter, just to leave it behind. Awwww poor boy, I know how he felt, like FOOOOD! Yes it's a learning lesson, and I hope I don't make that mistake again too. But we're human
I'm glad I passed up McDs too, it would have been the easy way out, but I told my guy "NO!" I love McDs, but I want to lose weight. Now that I've been eating GI/GL way, I don't really want that junk in my body much either. Maybe once in awhile in a desperate situation when I'm skinny. The bowling alley was worse, there was nothing but chocolates, candy bars, chips, crisps, fried stuff, junk on junk, sodas and just stuff that I would have normally been like yum. But yesterday it was ewwww, no no no, I don't want to take advantage of the situation and blow it completely. I tried to see what was the least sinful item. Too bad the nuts mix was salted, would have been better if it was unsalted. My guy jokingly offered to lick the salt off of them, but I of course declined. It's a long funny story, well I guess I might as well write it out so you can understand the joke.
An old classmate of my guy once told him about a job he did at an old lady's house, he's a carpenter. She would always offer him peanuts, and he thought wow what a nice old lady. So oneday when she offered him peanuts and some coffee, he said to the old lady "wow you really love peanuts, since you always have a big bowl of them." She replies "No, I don't like peanuts at all." Of course he asked "Then why do you always have a big bowl of them then?" Her reply was "I just like eating the chocolate off of chocolate covered peanuts." :9529:
On another note, I even turned Burger King down last night. My guy offered to get me something there on the way home, since at the tapas place I wasn't full. It was almost midnight, so it would have been a triple nono.