Today went pretty good. Woke up a bit late today, so no morning snack for me. I was so happy from the weightloss and the half an inch on my waist, tummy, hips and bum. I know I'm not skinny yet, but I felt a little tiny bit closer to the mark

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I woke up sore today from last night's yoga. After today's exercise I feel even more sore. But I do know that a certain time for me is coming soon. I was doing great all day until after the grocery store, I had some cramps, major craving for chocolate, and I was being a diva. My guy really recommended me to eat some chocolate before he would have to suffer from my wrath. So I gave in and took 3 pieces of dark 70% chocolate with alot of water, and felt much better.
Today's food log.
Breakfast: Sorta getting old but it's good, musli with dried raspberries, peaches, goji berries, sultanas, sliced almonds and milk.
Lunch: Last night's leftover chicken, broccoli, and quinoa.
Snack: Slice of rye bread with seeds and grains topped with ajvar and sliced chicken breast meat.
Snack: 3 pieces 70% dark chocolate.
Dinner: Grilled pork, lots of salad with balsamic vinegar, a piece of corn on the cob, and quinoa.
Dessert/Snack: Watermelon slices.
Exercise: 35 minutes walk with the family, pushups, crunches, and 30 minutes of yoga.