Captains log 12/05/09

Hey girls,

I'm sorry i messed up well and truly this weekend and i had a lil chat with bf and have decided not to do slim fast for a bit as it seems to make me eat more takeaways!!!

So this week just gonna try and eat the healthier option on everything and cut out all the sweet snacks and such.

I might rejoin SF after a few weeks but for the moment i don't think it's the right thing for me.

So far the walking has been going ok, i walked 20mins saturday whilst we were fishing, trying to get a decent space, with a rod, a chair and a heavy bag with drinks in on my back lol. Yesterday we had a look round a car boot sale and went fishing again so that was def 20mins. Today i will be going to my mums and will walk 15mins to and from shop and round the shop, oh how i hate food shopping!!!

How are you all doing and how were your weekends??

MrsMe xXx
Aw MrsMe, sounds like you're doing the right thing. You just know if something isn't right for you. At least your bf is there for you to chat to and sounds like hes pretty supportive :)

You walked well! Especially with all that on your back!!

My weekend was really good, was working Friday night and all of yesterday so think that burned off a few cals. I'm only a quarter of a pound up from last week.. and after the feast I had on Wed and Thu, its not surprising.. and I would have thought it would be a lot more.

100% this week! Well.. when I'm not working.. I always need a few extra calories to keep me going through a long shift!
Rachy - well done you did really well on the takeaway front! And the ice cream too! Well done :) I dont think that will have affected your weight loss at all.. just get on the green tea lol

Ha ha my exercise has been pretty non-existent too! That dance things does sound amazing tho, I'm considering getting an exercise DVD - Davina's one is meant to be absolutely fantastic!

Lol! I did red wine and white wine in one night but not cider too.. you must have been completely out of it! Ahh we all learn :p

So are you going to resist weighing yourself tomorrow? lol I don't think I'll be able to, I've been 100% today!

Hey pinkemma!! :p I still havent found that game yet!! However hubby bought me the wii fit today!! Woohoo so at least I can get into some kind of exercise.... even yoga!! Lol.
Do you know Ive heard that Davinas DVD is meant ti be brill too.... you will have to let me know if you do go for it.
Well i did manage to not weigh myself yest.. couldnt bare to see the results after my "treat" day! Lol... Anyway I weighed myself this morning and it showed that I was back up 2lb?!!!! Im a bit confused seeings as i was real good yest... but then I weighed myself on the wii fit and it showed that I was still 11st 5lb and that was after lunch!! Ive decided not to change my tickers etc until 2mo cause Im gonna have another delayed WI like last week. Lol....
Well done for losing your gained lb hunni the other 0.5 will be gone in no time too I should think... :)
I ran out of green tea bags after my second cup today and my local shop didnt have any so Im going to have to do a shop run 2mo morn after Ive dropped my eldest at school... would you believe Ive started looking forward to my cups of green tea???!!! Lol. Gonna miss my after dinner and before bed cup now!! :( LOL!!!!
Im feeling a bit bloated today but I think it might be cause I havent had my usual dose of GT to flush out the nasties! Lol.
Cant wait to play on my wii fit later once the lil monsters hav gone to bed!! Woohoo!!!! :D
Hello again Rachy! Feels like ages since I've typed to you on here lol

Sounds like this morning was just a flukey day! Def best to wait till tomorrow for the recorded WI I think! Especially if you were the same after lunch, it just doesn't make sense!

Lol sounds like you're getting right into the wii fit and the green tea! I've been having 1-2 cups a day, we were running low too but we've got a shopping delivery tomorrow so I'll be all stocked up once more :)

Have been advised by my physio to avoid the gym and running for next month or so :( so I've decided to take up swimming instead.. I've GOT to lose this weight for my holiday in August. Don't want another year of feeling fat in my beach outfit!

How is your skin bearing up now by the way? Mine seems to be getting better.. possibly down to the green tea too? Fighting the bloat and the spots maybe?

Let me know how the WI goes tomorrow! I may weigh myself too.. you know.. just to check lol
Hey girls,

I was just reading through the posts and noticed you mentioned davina mccall dvd. Well i have it and was using it every other day (mon, wed and fri) skipping sundays, who works out on a sunday!!!! lol. Well my review is it is fantastic for the first couple of weeks, legs and bum is soo hard and never managed to go all the way without having to sit for a min, lol. But after a couple of weeks of davinas voice in your ear for 25mins sorta gets annoying. But once i got the hang of the order of exercises i just muted her and put my Bon Jovi or Simple Plan on lol. I was just thing the other day that i should dig that back out. Glad you reminded me

How are you guys anyways??

MrsMe xXx
Hey pinkemma- well lets just say today is not good day. :( I weighed myself again and it showed yet again that im up 2lb.... I have a horrid feeling that the only reason I lost all that weight is because finally my milk dried up completely after breastfeeding (sorry that must sound sooo gross to people who dont have kids!! Lol)... anyway the knock back led to the usual.. I did my shake n meal bar for breakfast and lunch then decided Id had enough! :(:(:(
I'm gonna finish the supplies Ive got in the fridge which is about the next 3 days or so then im just goin to do the same as mrsme and count calories and just eat healthy... Its awful everyday getting so hungry your tummy hurts or you start snapping at your kids or not having enough energy to entertain them... it might be worth it a little if there were results but there just arent!
Im still gonna come on here and chat tho hunni (hopefully the lovely SF ladies wont wanna kick me out if Im not in! Lol)
Im even just about to have my evening session on my Wii fit so at least Ill burn off some of the calories Ive eaten! Hee hee.
How did your WI go today? I hope you got some good results cause Ive prob just put you on a downer Im sooo sorry!!!!
Hey Rachy, aww poor you hun! Well I think you're being really sensible about it, you just know if its not right for you. We'd never want to kick you out Rachy! You're too lovely!! Hopefully the calorie counting will make you feel happier in yourself too, because as you said theres absolutely no point in doing it if its just making you feel awful! Go go girlie on that wii fit! Hope you're feeling refreshed and revitalised and ready to carry on healthy eating tomorrow :)

MrsMe - Thanks for that review!! I'm def going to get it after reading that! I'm freezing my gym membership tomorrow because I'm just not using it.. will invest the money in Davina instead lol

I weighed myself this morning, down half a pound but reckon it might just be water weight. Might go on again tomorrow but I really must break out this habit. Went out for a walk tonight and then came home and learned the 'hoedown throwdown' dance from hannah montana because my sister and her friends are trying to learn it in PE and just can't get to grips with the tutorial.. so I'll be their real live tutor lol. Think that might have burned a few cals.. I was totally sweating!

Oh and had 2 cups of green tea.. are you still doing the GT Rach? :)
Hey Rach,

I agree with you, SF just seems to make me more hungry. Although yesterday i was a bit naughty and had a burger and onions in a bun:sigh:. But up until then i was only up to 600cals on the whole day so don't think i went too over if any??

I did resist going to the kebab shop on the way home though:D. Just the weekends to come up and slap me in the face now lol.

I'm just about to dig out that dvd and give it a go again. I do it backward tho. I do abs, arms then legs and bum. Legs and bum is soo hard that sometimes if i'm not up to it i just do abs again.

Am starving now haven't eaten since yesterday around 4pm and my belly is defo rumbling right now lol

Goodluck and keep me posted

MrsMe xXx
Hello Pinkemma I do feel much better today... I weighed myself again and Im now up to 11st 8lb... serves me right I guess.... Im back to my SF now, so far Ive had a shake for breakfast, a meal for lunch and stick of mint chewing gum and Im just drinking my first cup of GT for today (im a bit behind as have been out most of the morning) oh yeah and I also had a small apple. Im have a bowl of homemade veg soup for dinner maybe with a slice of white bread... I havent decided yet as soup will have potato in it.... if I put on again after that then Im at my wits end!! Lol.
I did another hour on my Wii fit last night... its so addictive!! thats two hours in total now and Ive only had it since monday afternoon!! Lol. I even enjoy the Yoga, its so relaxing....:)
The lowdown hoedown?!! I love that song the dance looks cool too bet you look well good strutting your stuff!! Lol.. I love learning dances like that (and secretly Im a huge Hannah fan) if only I had a girl so I could pretend I had to get into it for her sake!!! Lol :p unfortunately its Ben10, Power Rangers, Iggle Piggle and Hulk for me at the mo! :sigh:

Hey Mrsme- you know Im debating whether to go it alone on Weight watchers for a while once my SF is finished... I would prob even go to meetings but there just arent any out here.... hmmmm hubby could be my monitor tho, Ive done it before and enjoyed it, means you can eat what you like as well as long as you count the points... and exercising gives you more points if you need them.... hey I think Ive just won myself over!! Lol.:D
Rachy - Ha ha ha! Ahh you could always promise extra sweets for anyone who watchs hannah with you! I've actually never seen the show or the movie but the dance is amazing lol. Whenever I feel like doing a bit of exercise I just get up and do it. Think I've been singing 'boom clap' in my sleep ha ha! Mmm that soup sounds lovely. Sounds like you've got things under control until you decide on what plan you're following Rach. Slim fast can get so mundane! Weight watchers is brilliant tho. I did that to kick off my dieting when I was 13, ended up leaving the meetings and having my mum as a monitor and lost 2 and a half stone! Its brilliant :) was going to do it this time, but I'm really looking for a quick fix for my holiday!!

MrsMe - Woo hoo well done for avoiding the kebab shop! I bet it was screaming to you! lol I need to get my hands on that DVD asap! Hows today going for you?
Today has been so bad for me. I just can't seem to stick to anything. KFC today naughty i know but just couldn't resist. feeling really down at the mo. Really peed off with myself for not being able to stick to anything, feels like i will never get this weight off.

Hope everyone else is doing ok though

MrsMe xXx
hey rachyd, have you thought about calorie counting if sf is not for you. i will be going onto that once my sf has run out, won't be for months yet though as i bought so much when it was on offer lol.

all it means is that you would be eating the same amount of calories but actual food rather than drink, would that help? x
Hey Sparkel

I will also be going into calorie counting, when I get sick of SF:p. I definitely need to have complete control and boundaries over what I eat. I did Slimming World, but the idea that you can eat as much free food as you want doesn't work for me....I just eat and eat and eat, even if I am not hungry!

Slim-Fast is a great way, for me, to learn to curb my appetite and listen to my body more.

Sorry to butt-in....just wanted to add my ramblings:eek:
MrsMe - Dont worry, you've just not found whats right for you yet. But it will come don't worry. As you said before, just watching what you're eating might be right for you, and if that means you allow yourself a takeaway a week then so be it, its something for you to look forward to.

Had 5 gin and slim line tonics tonight plus a cocktail.. plus two bags of crisps.. plus a gold biscuit oops. But had no dinner as I knew I'd be drinking. I also went on the karaeoke..still absolutely cringing now. Never ever again.. so embarrassed! Off to read my magazine as I cant sleep.. possibly due to the heady mix of embarrassment and drink! lol will find out results of this evening on scales tomorrow, it won't be good!
Thanks for the advise girls, i really love this site. I'm not gonna be on over the weekend want to take my mind of weightloss for a bit.

Goodluck to you all and hope you reach your goals

MrsMe xXx
Morning all :) was not surprisingly feeling rather rough this morning! But went on the scales and I'm down 2lbs since monday and am now 11 stone. Woo hoo :) Possibly dehydration after all the boozing last night tho! :party0016:

How are you doing today Rach? I had a yoghurt when I got downstairs before my shake and so I took the time to make it in the blender with ice. Was absolutely delicious. Although think I used a bit too much ice! 3 cubes would prob be enough. It totally bulks out the shake as well so you think you're getting way more than you are :)
Hello everyone!! Firstly let me jus thank you all soooo much for you kind advice and encouragement!! It really is just what i need at the moment!
Sorry I havent been on for a whie our internet has been playing up.. Ive been pulling ma hair out!!! Lol....
Well Ive stuck to my SF as much as poss and Im still 11st 5lb... prob a bit more than that right now cause I just ate my sunday roast :p but Im having my last shake at teatime instead....
I have decided to go ahead with my weight watchers plan and start counting points only prob is i dont have the paperwork etc to find out how many points I should be on! Lol... I kind of stuck on 16 a day when I last did it but we'll see....
My Wii Fit is really making a difference!!! My size 14 trousers are all now too big and i have to wear a belt cause my waist has shrunk!!! Im telling you the hula hooping really tones your abs!! Just my bum n thighs to sort out now!! Lol.
Well done pinkemma i knew the effects of you hard work would start showing sooner or later you go girl!!! :D
I just don't get it, when i'm being careful of what i'm putting in my mouth i sts or put on but when i eat crap a couple of days a week i lose. 3lbs this week well chuffed

MrsMe xXx