Captains log 12/05/09

sorry it didn't register for some reason lol. you have already said he is 5 months old, lol, what is his name if you don't mind me asking??

do you find it easier with more kids than just the one, my mum said she coped better with two than with just her first.

MrsMe xXx
Hee hee his name is TJ short for Tyrese Jamal.... Id def have to say its much easier with just one.... not too bad with two cause they can occupy each other for at least 20mins lol.... but really hard with three... especially when Im on my own.... its annoying as well cause I cant really take them anywhere.... I would love to go back to england for a weekend so they can see my mum n dad but not allowed one adult to three kids! :(

I wont lie to you.... breastfeeding hurts for the first week not only the stomach cramps but sore nipple too... it all goes away after a week tho.... there is nothing better than going straight into your babies room when he or she wakes in the night and just being able to sit down and feed them.. no rushing downstairs to boil a kettle or waiting for the bottle to warm!
Hi :) sorry I've not been on today! Strange for me! Ive been getting everything ready for manchester... and.. I went on the scales this morning Rachy, I'm still the same :( glad you went down a lb tho! Woo hoo :) And glad you're feeling much better today - was worried about you yesterday!

MrsMe - Thanks for the info about green tea! I'll be continuing to drink lots and lots. Poor you, what a weekend and a half! Thats exciting that you've decided to start a family tho :) yay!

I've had a bad eating day today. It all started when I saw I hadn't moved on the scales.. I've been on this for 2 weeks and have only lost 2lbs. I'm beginning to wonder if its worth it. Then a 'friend' told me something about my ex that really wound me up. And then the dress I've bought arrived.. it looks hideous on me with all my lumps and bumps and so then it began. I'd bought some munchies for the trip down to Manchester and I cracked open a packet of dairy milk clusters.. And ate the lot. 700 cals :( So I've had 2000 cals today. So disappointed in myself. Emotional eating always ends up making me feel ten times worse. Its like once the bag was open I just HAD to finish them, I physically could not put the bag down!

Ahh breastfeeding does sound painful! I'd love to have children in a few years time, they're all (mostly!) so adorable when they come into the restaurant :)

Oh and just so you don't think I'm MIA, I'm off down to Manchester for the next couple of days to see Beyonce and do a bit of shopping :) think I need a break away from the diet! Hopefully I'll come back with a fresh mind and fresh approach.. and maybe it'll mix up my metabolism having normal meals for a couple of days.. I hope! lol hope you're all doing well today :)

I will prob end up quitting if it hurts too much, i know that sounds wrong but i can't stand pain, even though i have already had a baby lol. I heard it's the first bit that's most important for the baby anyways, some people just let them have that first bit.

Have a good time pinkemma, i am just watching beyonce on the tv and would love to go and see her, when we decide to go out for the day i just eat whatever i want, if i stick to calorie counting or SF it kinda ruins the day out.

goodluck and keep me posted

MrsMe xXx
Aww pinkemma!!!! I def agree a break will do you good hunni.... all the things you said that happened, from uncontrollable munching to the trying on clothes.... you're exactly the same as me. Just forget the diet and enjoy the beyonce concert.. you deserve to!!!
Now I couldnt decide whether to tell you or not with how you're feeling at the mo but I think I will and then you can ***** slap me if you want to ok? Lol... I weighed myself again this mornin.... I seem to be getting a bit obsessed my my scales again hey? Anyway I have somehow managed to lose another lb... I think its def the green tea... maybe it just really boosts my metabolism Im not sure.
Ok now I do feel bad about telling you.... I wanna see a violent smilie when you next come on now... it will make me feel better. :sigh:

Hey Mrsme- Did you know breast feeding burns between 500-600 calories a day lol... means you end up eating more tho to keep your body producing.... you're right tho everybody's diff... you wil find whatever suits you when it comes to it.

Yeh i did hear this somewhere. So with all the baby-making and then the breastfeeding i should be a size 10 after lol.:D teehee

How are you anyway??

MrsMe xXx
Hey Mrsme- Alas Im not doing too good today..... not the diet side of things that couldnt be better more the marriage side of things lol...
Me and my husband had a big fight this morning... I wont bore you with too many details but to cut a long story short I asked him to stay with the kids while I go to a doc appointment (I asked a week ago, reminded him yest and reminded him again early this morning) anyway he decided to "pop" out with his friend to get something for his car only to ring me 15mins before my app to say he isnt going to be back in time. :mad:
He told me to race round to my friends house leave the kids there then he will pick them up on his way past.... obviously I just phoned to cancel the appointment but was furious!!
I thought he might walk thru the door and at least apologise but no he has a go at me for cancelling and says I could have just turned up 20mins late!!! Grrrrrrr.
Ooops sorry hunni I was trying to give you the short version n still completely vented on you!

Anyway the good news is im so depressed and stressed out that Ive lost my appetite! LMAO....:p

How are you doing today hun.... I see you had another whoopsie and lost weight yet again!! You jammy bugger Lol.

It's ok to vent it out, i do lol. That's what we are here for. Men just seem to think they can do what they like and we should just plod along with them like everyhting is fine.

I had an argument with my bf last night and i ended up sleeping on the sofa. Just don't let him get away with it sweetie. He said he was gonna be there, you then reminded him twice and he still messed up, how dare he have a go at you!!!

Oh men make me so angry, :mad: me and mum were on the phone earlier venting our anger towards our guys lol. Just think one day our sweet innocent lil baby boys will be like that too:(

Our argument was because we had decided together that we would have another baby, so he thought he should get advice from someone he works with and was told 'don't do it!!' apparently this guy and his missus decided to have another to rebuikd their relationship but split almost immediately so now he has changed his mind.

Now if that was me he probably would have walked out and told me to get with my friend seen as i take more notice of them than him.

Oh now i'm going on lol. But damn it feels good to get this of my chest lol:):p:)

MrsMe xXx
Blimey both our men deserve to face a firin squad today!! Lol...

We are still currently giving each other the silent treatment... petty I know but I just know that I'll blow a gasket if I try talking to him again.... he blatantly wont just say sorry! Hmmph!

Anyway Im feeling better now... he is at work again tonight so at least Ill have the house to myself again he can get stuffed! Lol.

Ive just had my tea which was a ww pizza and some salad, Im stuffed!! Gonna have my next cup of green tea then its time to bath the kids which means its also nearly bedtime!!! woohoo!!

By the way it kind of depressed me when you reminded me that my 3 boys are going to turn into selfish, ignorant men!! :cry: Sniff sniff. lol

Hey Hey!!,

Sorry lol, they still have a few years yet,lol, my mum says its when they hit 14, how do you think my mum felt she has 7 boys and 2 girls, and my sister is more like man lol.

We were the same this morning, when he went out to work he didn't say goodbye and i ignored him right back. We sort of made up tho so hopefully things will be ok when he gets in.

I really messed up and had way too much to eat so am gonna have to restart yet again tomorrow:cry:.

So need to get my bum into gear and sort my belly out lol

Good luck and keep me posted

MrsMe xXx
Ah so Ive a few years yet then before it starts!! Lol.
God your mum should know better than any of us then?!!! Hee hee.

Hubby just popped in with one of his seargents.... he acted like all was well and looked at me as if to say "please dont embarrass me!" Being a good girl I played along but what I really should have done is carried on the silent and stubborn cow act! Lol.

Back on the wagon again 2mo then madam.... you need to be careful cause all this yo-yoin cant be doing your body any good... dont wanna mess yourself up hun.

Im contemplating cosmetic surgery you know.... Ive got fat in places that Ive never ever had it before and cant see my tummy ever going back to normal.... hmmm got myself really thinking now. lol ;)
Hey hunni,

Haha i went up my bf dad's the other night and he tried to play the 'we're fine act' and although i didn't outright ignore him or have a go i think his dad got the idea lol. He had a go at me seconds before we went in and then tried to play it all nice!!! 'NO WAY baby, not playing your crap on me tonight' lol.

I would only use cosmetic surgery as a last resort, i have seen all those programmes on tv where it gets messed up. I know back on today again lol. Me and my bf had a chat last night and have sorted things out. I'm coming of depo as i think this may be contributing to the fact that i can't lose weight. But we are going to see how we feel about having another baby closer to the time.

We also ended our chat with a little lovemaking!!:p After that really hit home how unfit we really were so have decided that once he is made redundant we are going to go for a little walk each day. This will also give us chance to actually talk aswell. Who knows we might even build it up to jogging and even running lol:D.

It just seem you need the right message or something to happen to you to really think about why you need to do this, for you and your family.

Ooh we both on restart today then, i weighed myself again and i am still 2lb down!!! Thank god lol.

How are you generally

Goodluck and if you start feeling down or want to munch, I'm here for you just leave a post, i'm on here literally all day lol:)

MrsMe xXx
Hey Mrsme guess what??!! guess what??!! guess what??!!! Ive lost another 2lb!! Thats 4lb this week so far!!! Im well chuffed... obviously all the stressing yest did me some good! Lol.
Im going out drinking tonight and I dont intend to hold back so Ive had my 100 cal snack for lunch and having a light sandwich before I go out (gonna need something to soak up all the alcohol! Lol) then gonna dance the night away and burn at least 500cals! Hee hee.
Ive always wanted my boobs made a bit bigger so thats a definite go ahead as soon as hubby is around to look after me n the kids for a few days.... anything else would be if dieting really isnt shifting it but if this weight loss keeps up I def wont need to!! Woohoo! :p
Aww it sounds likeyou two have really hit a high at last! Well done... I would love to go for nice walks but cant see that ever happening cause he is never home!! Lol.
As you can prob tell hunni Im feeling much better today.... thank you so much for lending me and ear to whine in.... well your eyes anyway! Lol.

Glad to here you are feeling better today. Have a fab time tonight hun. can't wait til i get to go out and have a few beers, maybe a couple sambucas (spelly??)

Things are starting to look up for both of us then

Goodluck and keep me posted

MrsMe xXx
Hi everyone! Feels like forever since I've been on here.. I deliberately stayed off yesterday because I was feeling so guilty about not sticking to the plan lol... I weighed myself this morning and I've put on a pound and a half... its actually amazing that I didn't put on anymore becuase we ate SO SO much.. it felt like I didn't stop eating for the whole two days. So yesterday I just ate as little as possible lol. Beyonce was absolutely AMAZING. She's gorgeous, even prettier than on the TV... it was so exciting because we managed to get really close to her when she moved on to the smaller stage :) best concert ever!

Rachy, thats fantastic, well done on losing another 2lbs. You must be really sticking to the plan.. and the green tea must really be working too! How was your night out? Hope you partied extremely hard, you deserved it hun!

MrsMe - Thats brilliant that you stayed the same despite your little day off :) I think I also need a kick up the backside.. although after the mid week feast I had I'd be quite happy not to see another piece of fudge, chocolate or crisps for an extremely long time ha ha!

Sounds like you've both been having a crappy time with your men at the moment! But glad things are starting to smooth out a bit more for you both! Ach after my last bf I vowed not to get into anything serious until I'm 22 at least! He gave me enough guy hassles to last me till then at least ha ha!

Its good to be back on here :) x x x x
Hey pinkemma! How you doing? Long time no type!! Lol

Ooo Im still well jealous of you!! Id love to see Beyonce.... Im glad you had a good time i bet it was fantastic!!

My night out last night was excellent... got a bit slow towards the end but still enjoyed myself (and got absolutely sloshed! Lol) Havent had a good ole boogey for ages!! My feet were killing me! Def burnt off the alcohol I was drinking!

I weighed myself again this mornin thats everyday this week so far!!! Im def gonna stop and go back to weekly starting monday! Ive lost anther lb!! Thats 5lb in total now! Im even starting to enjoy the green tea!! ha ha.

Im deciding whether to be naughty and have a take away tonight or not..... it would be the first time in over 4 months... im doing so well now tho i dont wanna blow it. Hmmm decisions decisions! Lol.

Waiting until you're 22???!!! Oh Pinkemma I keep forgetting you're only a wee spring chicken!! Lol. I feel really old now! :sigh: hee hee.

Yep man probs over at last.... well until nxt time anyway... he is out tonight so we shall see what time he drags himself in 2mo mornin.... it was 6am last time. Clubs over here dont close until stupid hours and him and his friends soak up every last second! Lol sad huh?!!

Hey Mrsme- I tried a shot of sambuca last night as never tried it..... me n my mate were breathing fire!! Lol... it was nice but god does it have a hell of a kick!! Woohooo!!!!!!! :eek:
Rachy - Lol go you! Are you feeling a bit worse for wear today or all ok? Thats absolutely fantastic! Well done! I'd be weighing myself everyday if I was losing it like you too!! lol yeah I'm 20! And I'm def making the most of it.. its quite empowering to know I'm not planning anything serious for a little while. Some of my girlfriends have it all scheduled out, searching for mr right.. and they forget to enjoy themselves. Too early for that! Ahh but Rachy, you've got it sorted. A lovely husband and three beautiful boys, what more could you ask for :)

I say go for the takeaway if you really fancy it, because in my experience, if you deprive yourself of a treat every once in a while you'll end up blowing your diet because you're so focused on wanting the treat!

Lol sambucca is awful! I'm off the shots for a long long time.. I did 10 black after shocks on my birthday and was spewing black vomit as I lay on the kerb.. thats all I remember of that night. Never, ever ever again!

Oh its such a gorgeous day today! I skipped the slim fast for lunch today and had my mum's homemade carrot and corriander soup. Its just veg stock, carrots and corriander with a little orange so its almost zero calories! And delicious! Mmmm! How is everyone getting on with your eating today? And hows the exercise going?
Hey pinkemma- do you know considering I went to bed near 3am and was up at 5.55am feeding TJ (who admittedly did go back to bed til 7.45am) Im feeling really good! Lol... Ive been in a good mood all day too it didnt fizzle for one second! :D

Well I did go for the takeaway tonight however it was nothing major i only had vegetable chow mein (shared with hubby) and also treated myself to two scoops of vanilla choc chip ice cream from the ice cream van in a pot no cone with a lil choc sauce squeezed on top. I must admit i did feel quite guilty afterwards and hope it hasnt made any diff to my weight... I still had my shakes for breakfast and lunch so its not like I munched all day. Lol...

Im not suprised you're off shots!!! Lol.... black sick? Now that must have looked well freaky hee hee... I had a similar insident when I was 16 with red wine, white wine and cider.... yeah i kind of didnt understand how alcohol worked back then hence i cant smell any of the above now let alone drink them!! Lol.

Ooo your mums soup sounds delicious!!! And way healthy too! You know I prob would have enjoyed that more than the chow mein I just ate!

Ummmm well ummm ahem well you see now about the exercising thing........... i erm well I havent done any for ages! :copon:i just cant get back into it cause its not really "fun". I enjoyed dancing last night got a stitch twice and today my thigh, stomach and bum muscles are killing me.. lol Im def aiming to get this dance game before the end of next week cause i ust kow its exactly what Im looking for. :D
Rachy - well done you did really well on the takeaway front! And the ice cream too! Well done :) I dont think that will have affected your weight loss at all.. just get on the green tea lol

Ha ha my exercise has been pretty non-existent too! That dance things does sound amazing tho, I'm considering getting an exercise DVD - Davina's one is meant to be absolutely fantastic!

Lol! I did red wine and white wine in one night but not cider too.. you must have been completely out of it! Ahh we all learn :p

So are you going to resist weighing yourself tomorrow? lol I don't think I'll be able to, I've been 100% today!
Sorry to post again but had to share, weighed myself this morning again and I've lost 1lb of my 1.5lbs gain! Woo hoo! Rather pleased :) now to lose some real weight!

Working all day today so should be quite easy today. What are you all up to today? Is it really good weather in Germany too Rachy?