Cas's weightloss diary x

My stomach still feels swollen or have I got fatter!!

I actually enjoyed my chicken in tiger bread, didn't fancy the potato so not sure on calories around 700-800 I think! I been really thirsty to say so stuck to water and a small glass of diet coke. I'm going try and stick to about 1000 cals this week, just could do with a little boost but will try and eat more healthy filling foods.
The scales are looking good so far, maybe being ill can help I feel like my body been on a detox, so trying to avoid the fizzy drinks and junk, maybe just have 1 diet coke a day.
Just had my lunch and it was really nice- something different.

Setting myself a new goal as I've lost track of the last one lol- would like to lose 10lbs over the next 6 wi's, just cos it be my birthday weekend and oh wants to treat me to some new clothes and I don't want to be dreading going in the changing rooms!

Please ignore the pro points its only for my own reference but I'm still aiming to eat 1000 cals a day for time being 1200 isn't doing nothing and I don't really want to give up my day treat day :)

So far today:

B- Cuppa 1pp

L- Scrambled egg on 1 slice of wm toast - 6pps

D- Spag bowl 10pps

S- 2 cereal bars 4pps skips 2pps, half banana and handful grapes

Total cals: 898 - got spare 100 cals might have a slice of garlic bread with my spag bowl.

Today I been gutting out my daughters bedrooms I'm shocked with our much junk she keeps so probably burnt of a few cals doing that and then I got my 70 mins walk.
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Hey Ladies,

I'm loads better, thanks for asking! I'm trying to keep my food low but getting my appetite back so might struggle tomorrow but gone off chocolate, cakes and takeaways and enjoying chicken, fruit and veg. Not usually a fruit or veg person at all.

Done well with the water intake but going toilet so much lol.

Tomorrow me and oh are going shopping having lunch out, food court kind of place so thinking of getting subway, anyone tried those new bachelors noodle/pasta pots there about 265 cals and hardly any fat so guessing they would be free on SW.

B-Cuppa and alpen light -3pps

L- Jacket spud n coleslaw
skips- 9pps

D- Roast chicken, coleslaw and jacket. 10pps

S- Banana, grapes, 2 nu cereal bars 4pps

Total- 26 pps /1100 Cals. Exercise 140 mins walking.
I love the BBQ Bachelor noodles pots, I have one for my lunch sometimes when im at work. Not tried the other flavours though.

Glad to hear you are feeling much better xx
Thanks Debs and Erin- hope so! I'm back in the game :) still not booked our holiday yet as everywhere seems so expensive holding out for a good deal but when we do- that give me extra motivation- but got plenty of time as planning to go around end of Aug. Hope everyone's enjoying the sunshine- its a lovely in London today :D

Can't wait for my dinner tonight!

B- cuppa and pink wafer x2

L- Jacket with coleslaw

D- Fresh beef burger in wm bap, salad and jacket.

S- Kitkat chunky, 2 alpen lights and apple.

TOTAL 1296 80 mins walking.
Thanks Saz and I'm so happy for you :)

I just resisted a takeaway tonight oh offered to treat us but I'm willing to cook, I've lost the bloat and starting to feel good again. I can do this got plenty to get slim before we go away, going work hard now. Actually gone off Takeaways hope I stay that way.


B- Turkey rash in wm bap

L- 2 Mini savoury eggs and 2 wafers.

D- Garlic chicken, jacket and coleslaw.

S- 2 nu cereal bars and a banana

Total 1204 cals.
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Hope everyone's enjoying the long weekend, took the girls to park today and then Mc Donald's, came home and had a lovely 2 hours nap I just really needed it! had a peak on the scales and I'm down another 2lbs - it seems too good to be true.

B- Skips 2pps

L- Sweet n sour mug shot -6pps

D-Spag bowl- 10pps

S- 2 nu cereal bars 4pps, banana, cheese curls 2pps, 2 cookies 4pps

Total- 1162 cals.
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Glad things seem to be shifting in the right direction for you now :). Hoping your dislike of takeaways rubs off on me too haha x
Thanks Erin the weight is finally shifting- just got to eat less and move more no takeaways well over a week now :D

I'm so pead off with the oh! basically the last 2 mornings I got up with the kids they don't get up that early about half 8 which isn't bad for a 1 and 3 yr old, this morning the kids were up and Maisie went down stairs so asked him would he mind taking them downstairs so I could have another hour as I let him have a lay in the passed 2 mornings- which I think is more than fair!! so he left Hollie in her cot went downstairs put tv on for Maisie and went back to bed, does he not get it-you can't leave her downstairs on her own god knows what she get up to so in the end I've got up and took them both downstairs fed Hollie her milk and done Maisie a drink.

Then yesterday morning we took them all to the park after the park I took Emily and Maisie to meet my friend at mc donalds for lunch and a bit of shopping, so he went home with Hollie who was due her nap she usually sleeps a good 3 - 4 hours, which she did, he was meant to get on with the diy, that was the idea of keeping Maisie out of the way but he went home and just layed on the sofa watching dvds!! there was loads of house work to do so if he could of at least done something instead of leaving it all to me even if he just done the washing up if he done the some of the diy I wouldn't be complaining but he did nothing- sorry about long rant- feel much better now!
Rant away!! I would be too in your position. I don't have kids of my own but from babysitting my nephew/little cousins I know what a handful they can be - and it is only fair that your oh shares the early morning responsibilities!! :(