Step 1 Sole Source + CC's C diary 2013

Thanks plum for the support and advice - it really helps :) . I've had my shake, and am sticking to sipping sparkling water for a bit. I'm cold so I've gone back to bed too - got a nice box set to indulge in later.

Hope you have a good day xx
Hi I'm on week 6 tomorrow. I am on ss and started on 4 a day. My weight was 17.1 and BMi was 43. I'm now on ss 3 a day as my weight is 15.7 and BMi 39. It says in the book I can have a small meal, but my consultant has said no! Any help on this please?
Hi Dawn, sorry but I'm no expert myself so I can't advise. Anyone else?

So I'm feeling a little better this eve, have managed 2 shakes and a ton of water, about to have a hot choc one before bed.

Hope everyone else is ok after this beautiful weekend, and on track.

Stay strong!

Hey CC glad you're feeling better. I've just read in your diary about the food dreams, and I thought I was the only one lol. Seems I'm normal after all :)

Morning all - yet more food dreams last night! Weird and nice at the same time - I do wake in a panic though until I'm sure it was just a dream!

Feeling 100% today, and hope that yesterday's total inactivity has done me no harm. I'm planning a long walk to work today so that should be nice and hopefully not in any rain.

Then it's tea out with family, and I've got to somehow avoid eating with an excuse. My current one at work for the work do's I've got this week is lo- carbing. I have no real idea otherwise how I am going to get around business lunches on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, plus an evening with friends on Weds eve. Grr. Why does so much of life revolve around food? No wonder I'm in the worst shape of my life - I'm a people pleaser and its so easy just to go along with the flow sometimes. But this week is about me and I'm determined to manage, no matter what each situation presents.

Take each day at a time is my plan. I've also got some bars for this week, and I will unwrap then and chop them into a container to nibble on where possible. Plus my sparkling water preference, and my lo carb excuse for when there is actual food. That will have to do for now.

I'm just not ready to go 'public' with this. It is mine. It is my choice. I'm working on myself, quietly, privately, and determinedly. I don't need or want negativity from others! When I am ready, and when I am a lot lot slimmer (!) I will share. And be proud. But not yet.

So, good luck to all, hope you all have a fabby 100% day :) xx
Yay me! 100% all day, despite a family visit to fish and chip shop heaven! Oh the smell, it was the hardest test yet. I'm so tired tonight though, and just want my bed!

So day one of my week from hell complete, with no casualties. I wonder what tomorrow will bring?!


I have a new cunning plan for lunch today - the 5:2 diet :). I'm ( cough) on it and so I'm fasting so not much food can pass my lips ;). I will though take a nicely chopped up bar in a dinky little pot to nibble on and swig the water copiously. That's my plan.

Is anyone else feeling cold? I can't seem to get warm this week. I woke in the night for the loo but had to pop a jumper on too as I was so cold. Think I might be layering up today as it looks like a not so nice day later :(

A real plus I have noticed is my nails seem to be getting longer, and my skin is brighter. And I do feel a little bit of looseness on the trouser front. It's good to notice these changes - the numbers are great but I think the real joy is the way clothes feel and the improvement in appearance.

Here's to a great day! Xx
Well done in getting through all the hurdles! It always amazes me as soon as I start to diet, social stuff pops up? I'm always cold on this diet and console myself with the idea that I'm burning more calories to keep warm!?! You are doing so well - making it sound easy! Keep it up :)
Hi Cupcake,

Just wanted to say 'hello' and to thank you.... I've been reading your posts for a while and find them a real inspiration... I'm on weigh in day of week 4 and from what I can tell, haven't lost anything this it's been tough (will know more in about two hours time when officially weighed) Been really fed up and thinking of quitting, but have loads of porridge and shakes left so will keep going...Your comments and positivity are a real boost...
Hi plum, and hi May - thank you both for the lovely words of encouragement. I really do appreciate it! I hope you both are doing ok and would love to know how weigh in goes for you :) I'm glad my little notes are of use and inspiration - if I can help someone at the same time as helping myself then all is good and I thank you for taking the time to read!

I agree about the social stuff popping up all over! It's crazy - I'm going to live like a hermit once this week is over ;)

Today was ok. I managed to be super busy and helpful to others so my nibbling on my bar was not noticed. Cutting it into 12 pieces was also fab - it really lasted and was ever so filling. I'm going to do the same for tomorrow in order to manage my lunch meeting. Tomorrow eve is a bit more tricky and I have no idea what I will do.

I'm proper cold tonight though and have had a hot shower and snuck into bed to warm up for a bit. I think my bedtime shake is going to be a warm one ;)

I hope you all have a good eve, xx
Hey Cupcake,

Well done for those socials and brilliant tip about cutting up the bar.

Also telling people who are a bit over interested (and opinionated) that you're doing 5:2 is a genius idea!

Keep up the 100% xx
Okay, I had to laugh! Would you have ever believed that you could have a bar like that and actually say it was filling!? I sure couldn't have. I am doing my 810 week and struggling a tad as I keep overeating on the meal - I only have the stuff I am supposed to have but too much of it ...I mean ...have you ever seen 80gm of veggies!!! Ah well, I only have to do it once every 12 weeks but I look forward to it with equal excitement and trepidation. I'm always afraid I will go totally off the rails once I get the flavours back in. I have had very disappointing weight losses the past two weeks and am not sure what that's about but maybe this food will kick me into gear again. Here' hoping!
Hey Cupcake,

Well done for those socials and brilliant tip about cutting up the bar.

Also telling people who are a bit over interested (and opinionated) that you're doing 5:2 is a genius idea!

Keep up the 100% xx

Hi Red - today's excuse is lo-carb - different set of people! It is so so hard. I'm here cutting up bars and counting shakes. It's going to be a very tough 48 hours!

Hope you're doing well too - have a fab day xx
Okay, I had to laugh! Would you have ever believed that you could have a bar like that and actually say it was filling!? I sure couldn't have. I am doing my 810 week and struggling a tad as I keep overeating on the meal - I only have the stuff I am supposed to have but too much of it ...I mean ...have you ever seen 80gm of veggies!!! Ah well, I only have to do it once every 12 weeks but I look forward to it with equal excitement and trepidation. I'm always afraid I will go totally off the rails once I get the flavours back in. I have had very disappointing weight losses the past two weeks and am not sure what that's about but maybe this food will kick me into gear again. Here' hoping!

Plum - you are so right! In my former days a little bar would have been a snack at best, mindless chomping at worst! And my appetite has so clearly diminished - after only 16 days! Still, it's amazing that a little chopped up bar, chewed properly (I miss chewing so this was a novelty!) can last so long and be so satisfying!

Sorry to hear the 810 week is a struggle - it seems much easier to be driven and committed when food is not part of what you have to weight and measure. You're so right about the veggies too- I did weigh some delicious courgettes - what a joke! I've read though that this weeks break can kick start the losses again, so here's hoping for you. Well done for getting this far! My week 13 will be in August. And I'm dreaming of what that looks/feels like. I guess that is what spurs me on.....

Keep going, and keep your eyes on the prize - I'll be cheering you on!

Morning all!

So my confession today is a sneak on the scales before I hit the next 36 hours of being away from home, in endless meetings of utter food exposure. I'm pleased to not a downward trend of about 3 lbs since sat so I'm pleased. I just hope I can remain steadfast and continue 100%. That's my goal.

I've chopped up my lemon bar agin, and I'm up early getting in a nice long drink of cold water before the day begins. I've got a couple of choccy tetras packed too - if all else fails I will sneak off to sip those in peace. I'm so determined to get my head and behaviour around this one though- I have planned for it, and prepared, but I will take each mealtime as it comes and work out the best solution as I go. It's part of the learning isn't it? I have to be able to manage these situations as a thin person ( and I will be a thin person) so I might as well start learning to do it now. Fingers crossed!

Hope you all have a fabby day, take care xx
Cupcake your amazing Hun!! Your determination has given me a boost and made me feel abit guilty for last night I love your diet excuses :) and it is annoying people have so many opinions on this diet!
I know you can control the next 48 hours u are really strong and in control :)
Hope work goes ok Hun xxx
You have a plan in place and it really helps to be so organised. It's tough to prepare for situations when you are outside your normal routine and situation so I really am impressed by your dedication!! Go CC go!!