Morning all - yet more food dreams last night! Weird and nice at the same time - I do wake in a panic though until I'm sure it was just a dream!
Feeling 100% today, and hope that yesterday's total inactivity has done me no harm. I'm planning a long walk to work today so that should be nice and hopefully not in any rain.
Then it's tea out with family, and I've got to somehow avoid eating with an excuse. My current one at work for the work do's I've got this week is lo- carbing. I have no real idea otherwise how I am going to get around business lunches on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, plus an evening with friends on Weds eve. Grr. Why does so much of life revolve around food? No wonder I'm in the worst shape of my life - I'm a people pleaser and its so easy just to go along with the flow sometimes. But this week is about me and I'm determined to manage, no matter what each situation presents.
Take each day at a time is my plan. I've also got some bars for this week, and I will unwrap then and chop them into a container to nibble on where possible. Plus my sparkling water preference, and my lo carb excuse for when there is actual food. That will have to do for now.
I'm just not ready to go 'public' with this. It is mine. It is my choice. I'm working on myself, quietly, privately, and determinedly. I don't need or want negativity from others! When I am ready, and when I am a lot lot slimmer (!) I will share. And be proud. But not yet.
So, good luck to all, hope you all have a fabby 100% day