maintaining since June'09
Anyways - ill be back full time here tuesday - sorry ive not been around much but prepare for more tanyaness :giggle: xxx
Look forward to it
Anyways - ill be back full time here tuesday - sorry ive not been around much but prepare for more tanyaness :giggle: xxx
Ok i cant handle this any more - im seriously considering getting back on TFR and getting down to around 6/7stone ..... im just not sure i can handle being any more flat chested ............. i was happy at 11st6 ... and im not weighing untill next sat after 4 days on strict diet but still i feel like such a failure such a fat cow and all i want to do is cry. Stevie (the bf) is getting fed up of me saying 'do i look fat' 'im a fat b**ch aint i' i think sometimes hes at breaking point with me constantly asking do i look fat, am i fat, do i have a double chin etc etc
I duno what to do all i want is to be skinny and happy but sometimes im just not 'happy' :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:![]()
Has something significant happened..have you had a row/fall out with your b/f or a friend?? Or is it just life in general, with your job, etc????? Try and find out what it is that is making you feel this way, cause it just doesnt sound like you.
Still huggin' ya kiddoxxx
It's like being dealt a 10 and a 6 in blackjack .... limbo - what the hell do you do?!!!!!!!!!:sigh:
It is how we deal with things..us foody people.......gorge and try and forget what we really need to deal with....just one of those things we have lived with probably most of our lives.
You will get to that point of where you can face what you need to face. I have been there many a time, and dont delay is all I will say, as much as it will be painful! I put off doing something for 7 years!! What a waste of my life...just not worth it.......
Like Jan said, BIG HUGS to you....