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Ah - glad you felt a bit better by bedtime Tan. We're queer articles aren't we? Men are always complaining they can't understand us .. they don't stand a chance really when we can't understand ourselves do they? LOL!
Re evening meals .. hmmmmm what about some different kinds of fish? Am I right in thinking you tend to stick mainly to salmon? That River Cobbler Mary recommended is nice and very cheap too - I get it in Tescos but they must sell it elsewhere. You could bake it in the oven in a piece of tinfoil and at the same time roast some cherry vine tomatoes and pieces of courgette with maybe some garlic granules and/or some season-all or some oregano or herbes du provences and a spray of fry light. You could add some aubergine to that (I go through phases of liking aubergine and am in a 'not' at the mo) if you felt like it and/or some chunks of red onion.
What about a fritatta? Start it off in a frying pan like an omelette. For 2 of us I use about a 10" frying pan and 4 eggs. Spray with fry light, throw in some chopped spring onions, soften them and then put the beaten eggs in and while they're cooking (not too high a light) throw in some chopped mushrooms, chopped ham or chicken, whatever you've got really, some seasoning if you like and I like to add chopped or dried chives as well. When it seems as if it's pretty well set (shake the pan and it doesn't act like a runny omelette) but still soft on the top, take it off the heat and put some grated cheese on the top. You can put tomato on too if you like but leave spaces between the slices if you do because you're now going to put it under a pre-heated grill to 'set' the top and it's when it all puffs up and goes a light browny colour that you know that it's done. If you've covered the entire top with toms - you can't tell (I did this once .... can you tell??)
This is lovely hot or cold. If we don't have it all I've been known to take some to work. Hot we usually have a bit of stir fried veg or occasionally bbq beans with it.
Hope this helps hon. Have a great weekend xx
Thanks Jan - certainly does help
The way you make a fritatta is exactly how i make an omlette ...... maybe im actually making a fritatta then! lol Im not sure about cheese though - they do make them very tasty but im trying to avoid it really as i could easily eat a whole block!!! :giggle: LOVE courgettes but theyre quite expensive at the minute although i think i might stretch to one on monday when i do my shop and have some roasted courgette and red pepper one evening with something. Never tried aubergiene ... although actually think i have in Turkey but it was deepfried lol
Will have a look at what other fish is on offer at asda but i bought haddock from there when i was last on refeed and when i was eating it it was full of bones and put me off completly which is why ive stuck to salmon .. no bones :giggle:
I feel alot better about things today - i think i just need to stop worrying so much. Bf reassures me i always look slim even though i seem to always think i look fat and bloated. I think maybe my mind hasnt quite caught up with the fact that im no longer a size 22/24.