♥3 Years Maintaining♥
This is what i've had to resist all week and will continue to have to resist
I hate the fact my mum goes OTT at xmas!
So we've got;
2 boxes bread sticks
4!!! tins of chocolates
2 big bags of peanuts
2 yule logs
1 box after 8s
4!!! boxes of mince pies
1 box yummy fox's biscuits
2 bags of walkers sensations
1 box twiglets (dont like these anyways!)
1 box jacobs crackers for cheese
1 box stuffing (haha obv for the turkey)
1 box of chocolate fingers
Thats just the 'chrismas' shelf. Down below theres a big box full of crisps (bottom right corner just make it out) and to the bottom left is chocolate for lunches; sticks of twix's, mars bars, nutrigrains, club cake bars.

So we've got;
2 boxes bread sticks
4!!! tins of chocolates
2 big bags of peanuts
2 yule logs
1 box after 8s
4!!! boxes of mince pies
1 box yummy fox's biscuits
2 bags of walkers sensations
1 box twiglets (dont like these anyways!)
1 box jacobs crackers for cheese
1 box stuffing (haha obv for the turkey)
1 box of chocolate fingers
Thats just the 'chrismas' shelf. Down below theres a big box full of crisps (bottom right corner just make it out) and to the bottom left is chocolate for lunches; sticks of twix's, mars bars, nutrigrains, club cake bars.