Chapter Now Closed :D

This is what i've had to resist all week and will continue to have to resist :mad: I hate the fact my mum goes OTT at xmas!

So we've got;

2 boxes bread sticks
4!!! tins of chocolates
2 big bags of peanuts
2 yule logs
1 box after 8s
4!!! boxes of mince pies
1 box yummy fox's biscuits
2 bags of walkers sensations
1 box twiglets (dont like these anyways!)
1 box jacobs crackers for cheese
1 box stuffing (haha obv for the turkey)
1 box of chocolate fingers

Thats just the 'chrismas' shelf. Down below theres a big box full of crisps (bottom right corner just make it out) and to the bottom left is chocolate for lunches; sticks of twix's, mars bars, nutrigrains, club cake bars.


:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:


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Oh Hun im sorry. I weighted myself on my wii yesterday twice about 2 mins apart and i managed to gain a kg in that time haha dats impossible so dont worry about it. Its not fat not a chance its prob just water retention maybe up your water a bit, you dont have many carbs so i dont think you shud reduce them more coz you will get so hungry you will have a blow out just continue as you are maybe just change little things and see it even out. And with all the swimming maybe you have gained some muscle which will increase your metabolism and therefore increase your chances of losing weight in the future.

I know its easy for me to say these things but I know how you feel and when you take the emotion out of the situation all the logical stuff will come and ring true in your mind.

Stay on track and it will balance out. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

And as you have said no TOTM since Sept your bound to have a little bloating coz of that even if you dont notice. xxxx
I dont think i would have built muscle from 1hours swimming, nice thought though! haha

Ive had time to think over it - weigh in next week will be sunday as i'm working silly hours - maybe this will affect me again but i'll need the weigh in.

Guna have to cut the carbs next week a-m as ive no time for swimming or any other exercise as im doing 12 hour shifts. So it'll be porridge for brekkie & salads, meat & veg for tea and lunch. has to be done! lol

Back to work at 2pm today so that'll stop the picking. I wont venture to the vending machines as i'm taking no money with me! :) Just wondering what to have when i get home before going out? aaaahhhh might cook some pasta & bol sauce :)
Yeah I might take a leaf out of your book i think im having too many carbs. Well you never know why you gained best to just continue the way you are. Im sure cutting out some carbs will do no harm if you do it every now and again. Since you know there is no time for swimming least you wont need extra cals to commensate for the exercise.

I hope your feeling a little better and have that binge well and truly out of your head. xxxx
Oh i duno about the binge being out of my head - just had a mars mini roll and a single stick twix :doh: i think if i wasnt heading off to work in a minute i'd quite happily sit downstairs and munch some more twix's and mars mini rolls. Thankgod for overtime right?! haha
Hey Tanya, been reading your diary for a long time now and it looks like you're doing well. The gain could have been anything, like angie said it could be a muscle build up, swimming really does strengthin the body a lot. Water retention is another thing, you're always drink 1.5L, try maybe 2L for a week and see what happens.

And damn that cupboard!!!!!!! I want to live in there!!!!!!

I know how you feel though, my parents always buy junk and it's usually just sitting there. My parents usually do it to tempt me to stop LT, complaining that I'm getting too skinny again :(

But you are doing so well and that 1lb will come off you, seeing how you've been doing all this time, I'm sure you can do it :hug99:
Ah see no problem with the rents trying to tempt me - theyre always looking over my shoulder to see what im eating etc - a little annoying but i know its cuz they care.

That cupboard really is bad news aint it!!!! lol x
That cupboard is looking a little like mine lol. Today I got a huge tin of McVities Victoria biscuits, reduced from £10 to £4 in Somerfield.

Not opened though.

Well done Tanya for resisting.
ah not to bad with the lovely chocolate i never tried them mars mini rolls. I want jaffa cakes but i know ill eat the whole box so staying well and truly away from them for a while least until ive gotten enough control to stop.

Your so right about work helping I was off yesterday and i think dats why i wanted a treat. God bless overtime.
Awwwwww Tan! I can't say anything anyone else hasn't said. I know it's bummer kid :eek:
The only thing I'd say is - contrary to what we feel we need to do to keep in control - I find when I ADD carbs to a meal I lose weight! I think it's because it's stops me looking for something in between the meals. Also you will need some energy on those 12 hr shifts ... just a thought.
Try not to get too down about lb though - easy to say I know xxx are doing so well....dont let your guard I minute it is 1lb, and then you say, ah, I will get it off....this little choc wont tip me over the edge...but, it is too easy...I am only saying this cause I am there now!

I have now put on 1st since coming off LT...I cant get to grips, so take a leaf out of my book and try and curb the nibbling...I am sure it is what starts it.

But, you are doing so well and thinking about what you are eating, etc..which is great!
Dont worry Iris - im keeping myself in check ... mind you today is already a bit of a disaster! lol I'm very vey hungover but last night was such a good night!!! loved it loved it loved it! Such an unplanned random night - they are always the best! :)

Anyways today:

Sunday 6th December

B- 2 slices toast, 1 with peanut butter 1 with cheese triangle.
L- I made sausage rolls so i had 2 of these & 2 roasted pots.
D- Sweet & sour chicken with wholemeal rice & extra red peppers. Using a LF sweet & sour sauce.

*1 330ml can pepsi max
*lots lots more pepsi max

*packet worcester sauce walkers crisps
*4 fruit shortcake biscuits
*3 squares dark chocolate
*6 celebrations
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Really good that you had a good night out hun! I'd say it will help you through the week. Ah being hungover; least you didnt get a breakfast roll haha!
Ahem Madam Evans, I thought Mondays were your treat day? ;);)

I know :eek: hangovers are a b***h! lol all i want is carbs, junk, carbs & more junk haha
Stop right there, thank you very much, ................... forget the rest of the song.

Haha.........I remember.

I need somebody with the human touch.

Stop picking TAN.........NOW
Hey you, always on the run gotta slow it down baby gotta have some fuuuunnn!!!! hahaa

Picking stopped :) I've got tea on the go now :)
Horrible horrible day today! Cold. Rain. Wind. YUCK!!!!!!

Todays food:

Monday 7th December

B- 2 slices wholemeal toast with thin spread of i cant believe its not buter.
L- Egg & ex light salad cream sandwich. Packet cheese & onion walkers. 1 stick of twix.
D- Chicken korma bgty meal. 1 mince pie :drool:

*2 300ml cans pepsi max

*2 marmite cheese rounds (like a babybell but marmite cheese) :drool:
*8!!! :doh: celebrations .... bad news figuring out they were actually open!


Guna jot my plan up on here later for you all to see as im still feeling a little lost as to what to do next week so i want some opinions if you all dont mind :) xx
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Food Time Plan

So next week is 12 hour days and planning this so i dont pick.

1:15am up: Banana
6:00am meal break: Porridge with 180ml s.s milk.
9:40am break: satsuma.
11:45am meal break: salad with some kind of meat. Carrot sticks.
2:00pm home: apple if hungry.
3:30pm tea: veg & meat/poultry. Omelette. Pretty much same as usual just alot earlier.

Now, does this sound ok? Do you think i'm eating too much?

Will up my water and will go to atleast 2litres. Guna try and avoid coffee but will take my sweetners with me in my bag just incase i feel i need a wake up.

Tomorrow and saturday are the only day i wont be doing 12 hours so tuesday i will have a sandwich for lunch when home at 12 and saturday probably the same.
Certainly doesn't sound like too much Tan - in fact I'd question whether it was enough. You're going to be very active, you really need some carbs to keep you going imho and to stop you getting hungry. I know you're having the porridge and that's great and I know you're trying to avoid the carbs but try not to overdo it at the expense of your energy levels. Especially when you're doing strenuous work. Just my opinion - feel free to ignore me ;) xx