Charleybarley's last attempt - 90lbs to lose

What are we all like. I can be good for a couple of weeks then bang all falls apart.:(

Why do we do it too ourselves.I think we all need to go and sit in the same room and bang our heads together.:D

This time you will do it. Keep saying it to yourself I am going to do it. Say it over and over again when you feel like giving in.:)
What are the graze boxes like?
Are they worth getting?

I think the binge thing is almost like "Well Ive been bad anyway so I may as well be really bad and enjoy it", be hung for a sheep as a lamb. I am a bit like that with wine, I cant really process alcohol but I love wine. One glass will give me a hangover, so I may as well have 6....the hangover is no worse.

Maybe we need a helpline to call when its starts.
I know I try to distract myself by going for a walk, hard to do though at midnight in bedclothes.
I must realise that I only need to be bad a meal at a time, not for days on end.

You, me and most of the rest of us, love! That's my biggest battle - not guilting out over one off plan meal and then going it "Oh sod it!". I can't tell you how many gazillion times I've done that - what's the old saying? "Throwing the baby out with the bathwater" :oops:. Like Tipp, I love wine - and my capacity to drink loads (and I mean, loads!) is famous on three continents - but the following hangover means really bad choices on food for days. And then I'm surprised that I put weight on! What a genius - not. I finally admitted to myself that it was becoming a problem for me - so knocking it on the head to ensure weight loss is the only way forward :cool:.

Let's be strong for each other - we can do this! BTW "be strong" in Maori is "kia kaha" - maybe we could use that as our mantra :).
Yep great, can you start a new thread called Kia Kaha and we will all call out to it for support when we need it.
Ahh thanks all, everyone is so supportive and understanding on here! I am still not on course today, I am having a bit on an internal crisis, so food is usually my answer, i do need to stop this nonsense though and get cracking on losing some timber!

What are the graze boxes like?
Are they worth getting?

I think the binge thing is almost like "Well Ive been bad anyway so I may as well be really bad and enjoy it", be hung for a sheep as a lamb. I am a bit like that with wine, I cant really process alcohol but I love wine. One glass will give me a hangover, so I may as well have 6....the hangover is no worse.

Maybe we need a helpline to call when its starts.
I know I try to distract myself by going for a walk, hard to do though at midnight in bedclothes.

I really like the Graze boxes - they do a Light Box, which is that everything in there is 150 cals or under. If you have a spare £4 knocking around once, twice or 4 times a month then give it a go. They are great little snacks. When you register on their web you get the chance of going through all that they offer, if there is anything you don't like the look of then you can ask for it not to be part of your boxes, so I don't like the broths they do, I personally don't see them as a snack, or at least an enjoyable one, so I gave them the elbow, also I am not a fan of jerky so that went. I personally get excited when I get in from work on a Monday, to see what I got!

I love that saying "be hung for a sheep as a lamb" I have never heard it before, but yep, that's totally me through and through.


Oooo, I love that Kia Kaha symbol
Oooo, I love that Kia Kaha symbol

Me too! Very cool :). Can you post it in the Kia Kaha thread for me? xx

Sorry to hear you've got some 'stuff' going on, hope it all resolves itself quickly and painlessly. It's so easy to be railroaded by comfort food, but don't stress about it, you'll get back on the wagon soon.
Wednesday 28th June

Hey all

How is everyone today? I am feeling slightly better today. I think in part because I jumped on the scales, expecting another few lbs on and actually I have lost some since last Friday, which is a miracle, but I am in taking and running (or should i say hobbling) with it!

I am feeling upbeat again today generally because Mick and I have been talking about going on holiday - I always get happy when we have a holiday on the horizon. We have the money for it (kind of) but we are trying to justify it to ourselves, seeing as we have also moved homes and should be taking better care of our money. The thing is we moved from a 1 bedroomed flat with a tiny mortgage, to a three bedroomed house with a big mortgage. We had a bit of equity and we have already spent almost £9k on doing up the house, with a further similar amount that we were saving...its the savings that we would be dipping into a little....Do we dare!? We will put it back - but then there is next year when there is a friend holiday / wedding on the cards and the year after when Mick is 50 and wants to go on another cruise!! Also, there is our family and work friends, we will get the p!ss taken out of us...we are both known as "Judith Chalmers" because we are always going away, and we solemnly declared that when we move we will stop it all..... but as Mick says, its our life and our money, we are not getting in debt over it ....although we do have credit card debts that I guess we should be getting rid of.... HMMMMMM what to do what to do.......

So foods today:

B - Marmite thin - 3
L - 2 Thins with Tuna Mayo and Salad - 7
D - Egg and Chips - 15
S - Walkers Poppadums - 2, Graze Carrot Cake - 3, Milk throughout the day - 3

This leaves me with 10 points to play with this evening.
Go on holiday! It's those things that leave you with fabulous memories - and the house will get done up eventually, but there's no hurry is there? So do it, I say :D

Where are you planning to go?
I love holidays. Go I say! I always use all my hols to go away. Love seeing new places.

Don't worry about gains - you will get it off again x
I love holidays. Go I say! I always use all my hols to go away. Love seeing new places.

Don't worry about gains - you will get it off again x

:D - Thanks Buffy - we love our holidays too, we always thought it was because we were stuck in a flat and that when we moved to a bigger place, we wouldn't feel the need any longer...but we do!

I am hoping that if we agree to this (I still haven't said yes yet!) that it will kickstart me into knuckling down with WW and losing some weight. We worked out if we go it will be 26 weeks away - I could get some weight shifted in that time, even if its just a pound a week....

Go on holiday! It's those things that leave you with fabulous memories - and the house will get done up eventually, but there's no hurry is there? So do it, I say :D

Where are you planning to go?

He heee - I figured that would be your response, I never thought of it like that though, we do have such a wonderful time away and yes, the house will get done in good time.

Soooooo - we want to go on ANOTHER cruise - same place, the Caribbean. It will be from 29th December for two weeks. You fly over to Barbados, which is great because Mick's parents live there so we get to see them. As I mentioned before, we are addicted to cruising, always on P&O and always in the Caribbean (except for our mini one in August!) - some would think it boring going to the same places, but we absolutely love it!

I am 95% sure that its going to get booked!!!!

Well done on the loss...and I agree take the holiday. Its good for the soul and if you can afford it then why not. And yes, a great motivator to.
Oooh the Caribbean - sounds wonderful! I've never been - but am hoping to go to the Greek Islands next year with a group of madcap old Aussie mates :D - so that's my "weight loss aim for" date!
Thanks ladies, we love love love the Caribbean and I would heartily encourage you to go one day, Barbados especially, its such a lovely friendly island...and totally safe too.

I have never done the Greek islands, that is something I would like to do too one day. We do try to deviate from Caribbean, but it just pulls us in!
Thursday 29th June

Hi all

So I read your comments about the holidays to Mick last night and he said "if your mini mates think its a good idea, then we need to do this!" So we are going to go - yeeeee haaaa!!!! We will have to budget a little. We are visiting 9 different islands I think - we have already been to all but 2 of them before, so it will be nice to explore two new places.

Food - well I am feeling spurred on by the cruise news so i am being mega good and keeping within WW points. My food has been a little lacking on veg / salad the last couple of days as our fridge is pretty bare, but I have stayed within points and I plan on upping the veggie goodness tomorrow night when I go food shopping. We are paring everything back, money wise, I can easily spend £5 a day on lunch, or breakfast or silly things, the other week I bought a punnet of strawberries everyday at £3 a punnet - that's £15 for breakfast for the week - I need to stop that and be wiser. I am a strawberry fiend, but i can buy other cheaper fruit in the weekly shop and eat that instead. We usually have a takeaway once a week - our Nandos always comes to £20, over a month that's £80!!!! And I wonder why I am skint 2 weeks before pay day!

I told Mick that we need to tighten our belts, stop wasting money and eat the food that's in our store cupboards and freezer and things - so thats the plan for the next few months....really that should be our life plan, but we will see how we get on.


B - Marmite Thin - 3
L - 2x thins with egg tomato and onion - 12
D - Pork Loin and Rice - 20
S - Space Raiders - 3

This leaves me with 4 points left - a small hurdle, there are leaving drinks at work tonight, usually I would sink a fair few and position myself near the nibbles station - tonight I am going to TRY very hard to stick to water or diet drink and steer clear of the nibbles!

He is a wise man to listen to us. I've been to Guadalupe and loved it.

Move away from the nibbles......
Woohoo to the holiday! And how very wise and clever your OH is to listen to us :D

The savings plan sounds good - amazing how much can be used up at home before you need to buy more.

He is a wise old owl listening to you ladies....that and the fact he is desperate to go!

Our food cupboard are pack...mainly my stuff, i will buy pulses and things and never use them - I need to eat my way through the cupboards like the hungry hungry caterpillar!

He is a wise man to listen to us. I've been to Guadalupe and loved it.

Move away from the nibbles......

I nibbled :1461: ....but not too much...but I did nibble :1461:
Friday 30th June and :scale: so..... I lost the 6lbs I gained last week!

I do not know how or why that happened, but I am totally owning it right now, I can't believe it. I don't deserve it... it has spurred me to be a better person to my body this week, we are out tonight but it will be a controlled event - WW friendly dinner and a few rums, and I have my work's summer party next Thursday, which won't be as controlled, but in between all that I have a good run of empty days.

I figured I can get to my "when I met Mick" weight by 29th December (although I am brutally aware that Christmas is coming and this goose sure does get fat!). I have 44lbs to lose in 26 weeks, that works out an average of 1.5 - 2lbs per week, or 7lbs a month. I think its totally doable... If I can get a few good weight loss chunks in the first couple of weeks, then it should be easier to lose a 1-2lbs a week.

Food today:

B - Marmite Thin - its becoming a work staple, so easy and light on points - 3
L - SW meal - Chicken Saag, it was really really nice, I had it with some couscous - 12
D - Lightly Dusted Fish, Rice and Salad - not sure how many points as I am not cooking, but I know the fish is low.
S - Walkers Poppadums - 4

Have a lovely weekend all.