Evening All
Another week of false starts, reckon I've started to SS everyday but picked at something or other in varying quantities every day
Now TOTM so maybe that accounts for my stupid urges? Anyhow very cross and fed up with myself, don't feel wodgey, I feel downright fat!!!
Having a Halloween party for the kids tomorrow not sure I'll even bother to try to start to SS again until Monday as buffets are my real weakness.....mmmm...that and everything else

DH has bought me a sexy vampire costume to wear, trouble is it's skin tight and I don't think I'm ready to show off my lumps and bumps, don't think the Magic Knickers are up to the challenge!
I have to get back on track, this weight is creeping on and whereas before I'd get to around 11st then maybe gain 1/2 st before shifting it. I now seem to let it go up to 12st before tackling it back down 1/2st. Before I know it an extra 1/2 st will be there then another and another and I'll be back where I started
Think there is no time like the present, after all I've had so many 'Last Suppers' and so many Monday fresh begininings so as of NOW I'm SSing!!!! Wish me luck for tomorrow.